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Thread: [RESOLVED] How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

  1. #1

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    Resolved [RESOLVED] How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    should anyone show me a demo...
    i have been confused for long time.

    in post 14, dilettante kindly provided a demo of Load emf byte to a PictureBox and then save to jpeg file from the PictureBox

    that is a good demo, thanks dilettante, really.

    But i m a little puzzled, is there any more method of this converting

    like create a memory device context and then play emf bytes on it

    and then save as other types of picture.

    like Lavolpe said at this link:

    1. Create blank EMF using desktop DC: GdipRecordMetafileStream
    2. Get EMF graphics: GdipGetImageGraphicsContext
    3. [added] Get previously created Region object & apply to graphics: GdipSetClipRegion
    4. Draw 24bpp source to EMF: GdipDrawImageRectRect
    5. Convert EMF to windows EMF: GdipGetHemfFromMetafile
    6. Convert EMF bits to WMF: GdipEmfToWmfBits
    7. Write bits to file & clean up
    maybe i will do some work at the base of dilettante's demo...

    question resolved.
    Last edited by loquat; Nov 20th, 2016 at 05:45 AM. Reason: Resolved by dilettante

  2. #2
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    Do some searches on Google and this forum.

    LaVolpe has something about WMF pictures:

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    There are (at least) three kinds of "EMF" images: plain EMF (GDI), EMF+ Only (GDI+), and EMF+ Dual (GDI and GDI+). Use GDI+ if you want to handle all of those.

    EMF images are really drawing macros. Some have fixed dimensions while others do not. You have to render them onto a bitmap canvas, so you must decide what to draw them onto (a specific solid color fill, pattern fill, background image, etc.) unless they draw a solid filled result.

    After rendering you can convert the bitmap to JPEG format using GDI+ or a 3rd party library.

    There should be examples in the CodeBank for dealing with most of this.

  4. #4

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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    Quote Originally Posted by Arnoutdv View Post
    Do some searches on Google and this forum.

    LaVolpe has something about WMF pictures:
    thank you for indicate the URL for me.

  5. #5

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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    Quote Originally Posted by dilettante View Post
    There are (at least) three kinds of "EMF" images: plain EMF (GDI), EMF+ Only (GDI+), and EMF+ Dual (GDI and GDI+). Use GDI+ if you want to handle all of those.

    EMF images are really drawing macros. Some have fixed dimensions while others do not. You have to render them onto a bitmap canvas, so you must decide what to draw them onto (a specific solid color fill, pattern fill, background image, etc.) unless they draw a solid filled result.

    After rendering you can convert the bitmap to JPEG format using GDI+ or a 3rd party library.

    There should be examples in the CodeBank for dealing with most of this.
    Thank you for sharing information.
    I do not know there are three kind of EMF images before.

    My original problem is:
    I can get a byte array of a ms word page by using vba method
    I wanna change this array to jpeg stream.

    Long time ago, I have tried drawing this array to memoryDC for converting to jpeg, but failed then.

    I had searching in google for many times, using key words like "vb6 emf to jpg" "vb6 emf convert" and so on
    and I can hardly find useful examples for me in google as well as in CodeBank.
    maybe I will try much more efforts in searching CodeBank later.
    Thanks again.

    --loquat tang
    Last edited by loquat; Nov 17th, 2016 at 11:47 PM. Reason: fix some expression

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    If you have the byte array you can load it into an IStream:

    Public Function pvStreamFromArray(ArrayPtr As Long, Length As Long) As IUnknown 'stdole.IUnknown
        ' Purpose: Create an IStream-compatible IUnknown interface containing the
        ' passed byte aray. This IUnknown interface can be passed to GDI+ functions
        ' that expect an IStream interface -- neat hack
        Dim o_hMem As Long
        Dim o_lpMem  As Long
    On Error GoTo e0
        If ArrayPtr = 0& Then
            CreateStreamOnHGlobal ByVal 0&, 1&, pvStreamFromArray
        ElseIf Length <> 0& Then
            o_hMem = GlobalAlloc(&H2&, Length)
            If o_hMem <> 0 Then
                o_lpMem = GlobalLock(o_hMem)
                If o_lpMem <> 0 Then
                    CopyMemory ByVal o_lpMem, ByVal ArrayPtr, Length
                    Call GlobalUnlock(o_hMem)
                    Call CreateStreamOnHGlobal(ByVal o_hMem, 1&, pvStreamFromArray)
                End If
            End If
        End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Function
    Debug.Print "GDIP.pvStreamFromArray.Error->" & Err.Description & " (" & Err.Number & ")"
    End Function
    Which is called like
    Dim IStream As IUnknown
    Set IStream = pvStreamFromArray(VarPtr(stream(0)), UBound(stream) + 1&)
    If Not IStream Is Nothing Then
       If GdipLoadImageFromStream(IStream, hBitmap) = 0& Then
    where stream() is your byte array.

    Then you can call the normal save-to-jpg routine for a gdi+ hbitmap.
    Last edited by fafalone; Nov 18th, 2016 at 07:07 AM.

  7. #7

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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    Quote Originally Posted by fafalone View Post
    If you have the byte array you can load it into an IStream:

    Public Function pvStreamFromArray(ArrayPtr As Long, Length As Long) As IUnknown 'stdole.IUnknown
        ' Purpose: Create an IStream-compatible IUnknown interface containing the
        ' passed byte aray. This IUnknown interface can be passed to GDI+ functions
        ' that expect an IStream interface -- neat hack
        Dim o_hMem As Long
        Dim o_lpMem  As Long
    On Error GoTo e0
        If ArrayPtr = 0& Then
            CreateStreamOnHGlobal ByVal 0&, 1&, pvStreamFromArray
        ElseIf Length <> 0& Then
            o_hMem = GlobalAlloc(&H2&, Length)
            If o_hMem <> 0 Then
                o_lpMem = GlobalLock(o_hMem)
                If o_lpMem <> 0 Then
                    CopyMemory ByVal o_lpMem, ByVal ArrayPtr, Length
                    Call GlobalUnlock(o_hMem)
                    Call CreateStreamOnHGlobal(ByVal o_hMem, 1&, pvStreamFromArray)
                End If
            End If
        End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Function
    Debug.Print "GDIP.pvStreamFromArray.Error->" & Err.Description & " (" & Err.Number & ")"
    End Function
    Which is called like
    Dim IStream As IUnknown
    Set IStream = pvStreamFromArray(VarPtr(stream(0)), UBound(stream) + 1&)
    If Not IStream Is Nothing Then
       If GdipLoadImageFromStream(IStream, hBitmap) = 0& Then
    where stream() is your byte array.

    Then you can call the normal save-to-jpg routine for a gdi+ hbitmap.

    I Change hBitmap to StdPicture like below
            Dim tPictDesc As PICTDESC
            Dim IID_IPicture As IID
            Dim oPicture As IPicture
            With tPictDesc
                .cbSizeOfStruct = Len(tPictDesc)
                .picType = 1        'vbPicTypeBitmap
                .hgdiObj = hBitmap
                .hPalOrXYExt = 0
            End With
            ' 初始化IPicture
            With IID_IPicture
                .Data1 = &H7BF80981
                .Data2 = &HBF32
                .Data3 = &H101A
                .Data4(0) = &H8B
                .Data4(1) = &HBB
                .Data4(3) = &HAA
                .Data4(5) = &H30
                .Data4(6) = &HC
                .Data4(7) = &HAB
            End With
            Call OleCreatePictureIndirect(tPictDesc, IID_IPicture, True, oPicture)
            Dim StreamToPicture As StdPicture
    it succeed, then i convert StdPicture to JPG File
    I used one module from laviewpbt that has a function SaveStdPicToFile
    Public Function SaveStdPicToFile(Stdpic As StdPicture, ByVal FileName As String, _
                                  Optional ByVal FileFormat As ImageFileFormat = Jpg, _
                                  Optional ByVal JpgQuality As Long = 80, _
                                  Optional Resolution As Single) As Boolean
    until when i find it cannot create bitmap object
    GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP Stdpic.Handle, Stdpic.hPal, Bitmap 'After this line, Bitmap is 0.
    i do not know where is the problem.

    i upload my demo here, hope for your further help.

  8. #8

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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    by the way, the function pvStreamFromArray is from Lavolpe's GDIPlus Class, it's wonderfull
    for me, i can not use it well just now

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    Why would you go through StdPicture?

    Public Sub EmfStreamToJpg(bEMF() As Byte, sSaveTo As String)
    'this doesn't have to be EMF by the way, you could load any image type
    'that GDI+ supports into the byte array without any other changes
    Dim pStrm As IUnknown
    Dim hEMF As Long
    Set pStrm = pvStreamFromArray(VarPtr(bEMF(0)), UBound(bEMF) + 1)
    Call GdipLoadImageFromStream(pStrm, hEMF)
    If hEMF Then
       Call gdipImgToFileJPG(hEMF, sSaveTo)
       GdipDisposeImage hEMF
    End If
    End Sub
    Public Function gdipImgToFileJPG(hImg As Long, sOut As String) As Long
    Dim encoderCLSID As CLSIDG
    Call GetEncoderClsid("image/jpeg", encoderCLSID) 'can also substitute any other supported codec, like image/png or image/bmp
    GdipSaveImageToFile hImg, StrConv(sOut, vbUnicode), encoderCLSID, ByVal 0&
    End Function
    'generic support declares/funcs:
    Public Type CLSIDG
       Data1 As Long
       Data2 As Integer
       Data3 As Integer
       Data4(0 To 7) As Byte
    End Type
    Public Type ImageCodecInfo
       ClassID As CLSIDG
       FormatID As CLSIDG
       CodecName As Long      ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       DllName As Long        ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       FormatDescription As Long ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       FilenameExtension As Long ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       MimeType As Long       ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       Flags As Long 'ImageCodecFlags   ' Should be a Long equivalent
       Version As Long
       SigCount As Long
       SigSize As Long
       SigPattern As Long      ' Byte Array Pointer; BYTE*
       SigMask As Long         ' Byte Array Pointer; BYTE*
    End Type
    Public Function GetEncoderClsid(strMimeType As String, ClassID As CLSIDG)
       Dim num As Long, SIZE As Long, i As Long
       Dim ICI() As ImageCodecInfo
       Dim Buffer() As Byte
       On Error GoTo e0
       GetEncoderClsid = -1 'Failure flag
       ' Get the encoder array size
       Call GdipGetImageEncodersSize(num, SIZE)
       If SIZE = 0 Then Exit Function ' Failed!
       ' Allocate room for the arrays dynamically
       ReDim ICI(1 To num) As ImageCodecInfo
       ReDim Buffer(1 To SIZE) As Byte
       ' Get the array and string data
       Call GdipGetImageEncoders(num, SIZE, Buffer(1))
       ' Copy the class headers
       Call CopyMemory(ICI(1), Buffer(1), (Len(ICI(1)) * num))
       ' Loop through all the codecs
       For i = 1 To num
          ' Must convert the pointer into a usable string
          If StrComp(PtrToStrW(ICI(i).MimeType), strMimeType, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
             ClassID = ICI(i).ClassID   ' Save the class id
             GetEncoderClsid = i        ' return the index number for success
             Exit For
          End If
       ' Free the memory
       Erase ICI
       Erase Buffer
       Exit Function
       Debug.Print "GetEncoderCLSID.Error->" & Err.Description
    End Function
    Private Function PtrToStrW(ByVal lpsz As Long) As String
        Dim sOut As String
        Dim lLen As Long
        lLen = lstrlenW(lpsz)
        If (lLen > 0) Then
            sOut = StrConv(String$(lLen, vbNullChar), vbUnicode)
            Call CopyMemory(ByVal sOut, ByVal lpsz, lLen * 2)
            PtrToStrW = StrConv(sOut, vbFromUnicode)
        End If
    End Function
    Note: If you're a fan of my typelib and/or want to do more advanced stuff with the IStream, you can simply replace IUnknown in EmfStreamToJpg and pvStreamFromArray with oleexp3.IStream to get a real IStream object.

    PS- I can't find much in the way of sample files or programs that can convert; but doesn't EMF+ store the image as PNG or JPEG? Wouldn't that then support transparency, which would be lost with a normal StdPicture object?
    Last edited by fafalone; Nov 18th, 2016 at 12:48 PM.

  10. #10

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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    Quote Originally Posted by fafalone View Post
    Why would you go through StdPicture?

    Public Sub EmfStreamToJpg(bEMF() As Byte, sSaveTo As String)
    'this doesn't have to be EMF by the way, you could load any image type
    'that GDI+ supports into the byte array without any other changes
    Dim pStrm As IUnknown
    Dim hEMF As Long
    Set pStrm = pvStreamFromArray(VarPtr(bEMF(0)), UBound(bEMF) + 1)
    Call GdipLoadImageFromStream(pStrm, hEMF)
    If hEMF Then
       Call gdipImgToFileJPG(hEMF, sSaveTo)
       GdipDisposeImage hEMF
    End If
    End Sub
    Public Function gdipImgToFileJPG(hImg As Long, sOut As String) As Long
    Dim encoderCLSID As CLSIDG
    Call GetEncoderClsid("image/jpeg", encoderCLSID) 'can also substitute any other supported codec, like image/png or image/bmp
    GdipSaveImageToFile hImg, StrConv(sOut, vbUnicode), encoderCLSID, ByVal 0&
    End Function
    'generic support declares/funcs:
    Public Type CLSIDG
       Data1 As Long
       Data2 As Integer
       Data3 As Integer
       Data4(0 To 7) As Byte
    End Type
    Public Type ImageCodecInfo
       ClassID As CLSIDG
       FormatID As CLSIDG
       CodecName As Long      ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       DllName As Long        ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       FormatDescription As Long ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       FilenameExtension As Long ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       MimeType As Long       ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       Flags As Long 'ImageCodecFlags   ' Should be a Long equivalent
       Version As Long
       SigCount As Long
       SigSize As Long
       SigPattern As Long      ' Byte Array Pointer; BYTE*
       SigMask As Long         ' Byte Array Pointer; BYTE*
    End Type
    Public Function GetEncoderClsid(strMimeType As String, ClassID As CLSIDG)
       Dim num As Long, SIZE As Long, i As Long
       Dim ICI() As ImageCodecInfo
       Dim Buffer() As Byte
       On Error GoTo e0
       GetEncoderClsid = -1 'Failure flag
       ' Get the encoder array size
       Call GdipGetImageEncodersSize(num, SIZE)
       If SIZE = 0 Then Exit Function ' Failed!
       ' Allocate room for the arrays dynamically
       ReDim ICI(1 To num) As ImageCodecInfo
       ReDim Buffer(1 To SIZE) As Byte
       ' Get the array and string data
       Call GdipGetImageEncoders(num, SIZE, Buffer(1))
       ' Copy the class headers
       Call CopyMemory(ICI(1), Buffer(1), (Len(ICI(1)) * num))
       ' Loop through all the codecs
       For i = 1 To num
          ' Must convert the pointer into a usable string
          If StrComp(PtrToStrW(ICI(i).MimeType), strMimeType, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
             ClassID = ICI(i).ClassID   ' Save the class id
             GetEncoderClsid = i        ' return the index number for success
             Exit For
          End If
       ' Free the memory
       Erase ICI
       Erase Buffer
       Exit Function
       Debug.Print "GetEncoderCLSID.Error->" & Err.Description
    End Function
    Private Function PtrToStrW(ByVal lpsz As Long) As String
        Dim sOut As String
        Dim lLen As Long
        lLen = lstrlenW(lpsz)
        If (lLen > 0) Then
            sOut = StrConv(String$(lLen, vbNullChar), vbUnicode)
            Call CopyMemory(ByVal sOut, ByVal lpsz, lLen * 2)
            PtrToStrW = StrConv(sOut, vbFromUnicode)
        End If
    End Function
    Note: If you're a fan of my typelib and/or want to do more advanced stuff with the IStream, you can simply replace IUnknown in EmfStreamToJpg and pvStreamFromArray with oleexp3.IStream to get a real IStream object.

    PS- I can't find much in the way of sample files or programs that can convert; but doesn't EMF+ store the image as PNG or JPEG? Wouldn't that then support transparency, which would be lost with a normal StdPicture object?
    of course, i m a fan of your typelib oleexp, it s wonderful as well as respecting work of u.

    for this time, i change your code a little, and it can execute successfully.
    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Function GdipLoadImageFromStream Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal Stream As IUnknown, Image As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GdipGetImageEncodersSize Lib "gdiplus" (numEncoders As Long, SIZE As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GdipDisposeImage Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal Image As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GdipSaveImageToFile Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal hImage As Long, ByVal sFilename As Long, clsidEncoder As Any, encoderParams As Any) As Long
    Private Declare Sub CreateStreamOnHGlobal Lib "ole32.dll" (ByVal hGlobal As Long, ByVal fDeleteOnRelease As Long, ByRef ppstm As Any)
    Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
    Public Type CLSIDG
       Data1 As Long
       Data2 As Integer
       Data3 As Integer
       Data4(0 To 7) As Byte
    End Type
    Public Type ImageCodecInfo
       ClassID As CLSIDG
       FormatID As CLSIDG
       CodecName As Long      ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       DllName As Long        ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       FormatDescription As Long ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       FilenameExtension As Long ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       MimeType As Long       ' String Pointer; const WCHAR*
       Flags As Long 'ImageCodecFlags   ' Should be a Long equivalent
       Version As Long
       SigCount As Long
       SigSize As Long
       SigPattern As Long      ' Byte Array Pointer; BYTE*
       SigMask As Long         ' Byte Array Pointer; BYTE*
    End Type
    Public Function GetEncoderClsid(strMimeType As String, ClassID As CLSIDG)
       Dim num As Long, SIZE As Long, i As Long
       Dim ICI() As ImageCodecInfo
       Dim Buffer() As Byte
       On Error GoTo e0
       GetEncoderClsid = -1 'Failure flag
       ' Get the encoder array size
       Call GdipGetImageEncodersSize(num, SIZE)
       If SIZE = 0 Then Exit Function ' Failed!
       ' Allocate room for the arrays dynamically
       ReDim ICI(1 To num) As ImageCodecInfo
       ReDim Buffer(1 To SIZE) As Byte
       ' Get the array and string data
       Call GdipGetImageEncoders(num, SIZE, Buffer(1))
       ' Copy the class headers
       Call CopyMemory(ICI(1), Buffer(1), (Len(ICI(1)) * num))
       ' Loop through all the codecs
       For i = 1 To num
          ' Must convert the pointer into a usable string
          If StrComp(PtrToStrW(ICI(i).MimeType), strMimeType, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
             ClassID = ICI(i).ClassID   ' Save the class id
             GetEncoderClsid = i        ' return the index number for success
             Exit For
          End If
       ' Free the memory
       Erase ICI
       Erase Buffer
       Exit Function
       Debug.Print "GetEncoderCLSID.Error->" & Err.Description
    End Function
    Private Function PtrToStrW(ByVal lpsz As Long) As String
        Dim sOut As String
        Dim lLen As Long
        lLen = lstrlenW(lpsz)
        If (lLen > 0) Then
            sOut = StrConv(String$(lLen, vbNullChar), vbUnicode)
            Call CopyMemory(ByVal sOut, ByVal lpsz, lLen * 2)
            PtrToStrW = StrConv(sOut, vbFromUnicode)
        End If
    End Function
    Public Function pvStreamFromArray(ArrayPtr As Long, Length As Long) As IUnknown 'stdole.IUnknown
        ' Purpose: Create an IStream-compatible IUnknown interface containing the
        ' passed byte aray. This IUnknown interface can be passed to GDI+ functions
        ' that expect an IStream interface -- neat hack
        Dim o_hMem As Long
        Dim o_lpMem  As Long
    On Error GoTo e0
        If ArrayPtr = 0& Then
            CreateStreamOnHGlobal ByVal 0&, 1&, pvStreamFromArray
        ElseIf Length <> 0& Then
            o_hMem = GlobalAlloc(&H2&, Length)
            If o_hMem <> 0 Then
                o_lpMem = GlobalLock(o_hMem)
                If o_lpMem <> 0 Then
                    CopyMemory ByVal o_lpMem, ByVal ArrayPtr, Length
                    Call GlobalUnlock(o_hMem)
                    Call CreateStreamOnHGlobal(ByVal o_hMem, 1&, pvStreamFromArray)
                End If
            End If
        End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Function
    Debug.Print "GDIP.pvStreamFromArray.Error->" & Err.Description & " (" & Err.Number & ")"
    End Function
    Public Sub EmfStreamToJpg(bEMF() As Byte, sSaveTo As String)
    'this doesn't have to be EMF by the way, you could load any image type
    'that GDI+ supports into the byte array without any other changes
    Dim pStrm As IUnknown
    Dim hEMF As Long
    Set pStrm = pvStreamFromArray(VarPtr(bEMF(0)), UBound(bEMF) + 1)
    Call GdipLoadImageFromStream(pStrm, hEMF)
    If hEMF Then
       Call gdipImgToFileJPG(hEMF, sSaveTo)
       GdipDisposeImage hEMF
    End If
    End Sub
    Public Function gdipImgToFileJPG(hImg As Long, sOut As String) As Long
    Dim encoderCLSID As CLSIDG
    Call GetEncoderClsid("image/jpeg", encoderCLSID) 'can also substitute any other supported codec, like image/png or image/bmp
    GdipSaveImageToFile hImg, sOut, encoderCLSID, ByVal 0&
    End Function
    Sub Main()
    Dim arrStream() As Byte
    'Read Word File Page
    Dim wdApp As Object
    Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    Dim wdDoc As Object
    Set wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Add
    wdDoc.Content.Text = "MY TEST"
    arrStream = wdDoc.Windows(1).Panes(1).Pages(1).EnhMetaFileBits
    wdDoc.Close False
    wdApp.Quit False
    Set wdDoc = Nothing
    Set wdApp = Nothing
    EmfStreamToJpg arrStream, "c:\demo.jpg"
    End Sub
    the previous problem is demo.jpg but totally black
    any mistaking of my using?

  11. #11
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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    If it's all black my best guess would be an issue with source of byte array. I'm not really familiar with Office automation- how is the emf image getting on the page, or is that supposed to be an image of the page itself? Can you dump it to a .emf file and view it in a normal image viewer?

    Dim hFile As Long
    hFile = FreeFile
    Open "C:\temp\image.emf" For Binary As #hFile
    Put #hFile, 1, bytEMF
    Close #hFile
    I've tested the code I posted with actual .emf images as the source and it worked right.

    Update: GDI+ can't seem to read the image produced by Word. It produced a .emf file I could read in other image viewers, but converting this file had the same results. Maybe it has to be drawn onto a graphics object first? I'll keep playing with it. LaVolpe would probably know.
    Last edited by fafalone; Nov 19th, 2016 at 03:06 AM.

  12. #12
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    Jun 2013

    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    For those who prefer using Cairo instead of GDI+ ... here's the appropriate RC5-version:

    Private Sub Form_Load()
      Dim Srf As cCairoSurface, B() As Byte
      With CreateObject("Word.Application").Documents.Open("c:\temp\dok1.docx")
        Set Srf = WPemfToSrf(.Windows(1).Panes(1).Pages(1), 512, vbWhite)
        .Application.Quit 'close Word
      End With
      Srf.WriteContentToJpgByteArray B
    '  Srf.WriteContentToPngByteArray B
      Set Picture = Srf.Picture 'visualize the retrieved Surface on the form
    End Sub
    Private Function WPemfToSrf(WP As Object, PxlWidth, Optional ByVal BGColor& = -1) As cCairoSurface
       Set WPemfToSrf = Cairo.CreateWin32Surface(PxlWidth, PxlWidth * WP.Height / WP.Width)
       If BGColor <> -1 Then WPemfToSrf.CreateContext.Paint , Cairo.CreateSolidPatternLng(BGColor)
       With New_c.ReportPage
          .EMFContent = WP.EnhMetaFileBits
          .RenderTo WPemfToSrf.GetDC, 0, 0, WPemfToSrf.Width, WPemfToSrf.Height
       End With
    End Function
    Private Sub Form_Terminate()
      If Forms.Count = 0 Then New_c.CleanupRichClientDll
    End Sub

  13. #13

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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    I have the same test just like you did
    Dim bStream() As Byte
    bStream = ActiveDocument.Windows(1).Panes(1).Pages(1).EnhMetaFileBits
    Dim aFileNum&: aFileNum = FreeFile()
    Open "c:\demo.emf" For Binary As #aFileNum
        Put aFileNum, 1, bStream
    Close #aFileNum
    demo.emf can be view normally in mspaint.exe but cannot view by system image viewer.
    I do not know why either

  14. #14
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    Feb 2006

    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    Without going into the nightmare that is Word Automation and its funky object model too much...

    Here is a simple demo that will Automate a reasonably recent version of Word (2000 or newer?) and extract the "page 1" EMF and save it as a disk file in JPEG format after rendering it on top of a white backdrop.

    You need Word installed, but there is no other external dependency aside from GDI+ which should already be installed as part of Windows unless you are still running Win9x or something. Sample document included.

    I chose to ignore margins, which is another factor that results in a somewhat distorted result.

    As far as I could tell from trying a few things there can be many complications such as Sections, Headers and Footers, and probably even more if the document contains tables. Ack, ptui! Word is quite a minefield.
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  15. #15

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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    Quote Originally Posted by dilettante View Post
    Without going into the nightmare that is Word Automation and its funky object model too much...

    Here is a simple demo that will Automate a reasonably recent version of Word (2000 or newer?) and extract the "page 1" EMF and save it as a disk file in JPEG format after rendering it on top of a white backdrop.

    You need Word installed, but there is no other external dependency aside from GDI+ which should already be installed as part of Windows unless you are still running Win9x or something. Sample document included.

    I chose to ignore margins, which is another factor that results in a somewhat distorted result.

    As far as I could tell from trying a few things there can be many complications such as Sections, Headers and Footers, and probably even more if the document contains tables. Ack, ptui! Word is quite a minefield.
    thank you very much, it is really kind of you

    i m a little puzzled if we can do it as Lavolpe has been done. I will try it future.

  16. #16

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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    i have find Karl E. Peterson's demo may help me in the future.

  17. #17
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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    The invisible PictureBox is easy to use in VB6, and just a couple of GDI+ calls are needed to encode into the lossy JPEG format. I can't think of any reason why you can't do the entire thing using a series of GDI+ calls.

    See GDI+ Flat API.

  18. #18
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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    Well the code I posted earlier with the flat api works for every EMF file I've found except for those produced by Word. Any idea why it would output all black from a .emf source that other apps view fine? (and all black in the correct dimensions too)

  19. #19
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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    I suspect that all of them you tried contain a filled backdrop, which most do not. The Word EMF, like most, is some drawing against a background. If you draw black text on a black background you get... black. If you leave the result transparent then what you see depends on the backdrop used by your viewer. If the viewer backdrop is black, black text on black gives... black. But you probably effectively rendered it on black because a JPEG has no transparency.

    As I said you can use the GDI+ flat API but it will take a number of calls to get the desired result. You need to create an image filled with a desired "paper" color such as white and then render the EMF onto that.

  20. #20
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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    For all emf's except Word's, it was only a few lines:
    Public Function gdipImgToFileJPG(hImg As Long, sOut As String) As Long
    Dim encoderCLSID As CLSIDG
    Call GetEncoderClsid("image/jpeg", encoderCLSID)
    Debug.Print "encoder clsid data1=" & Hex$(encoderCLSID.Data1)
    GdipSaveImageToFile hImg, StrConv(sOut, vbUnicode), encoderCLSID, ByVal 0&
    End Function
    Public Sub EmfStreamToJpg(bEMF() As Byte, sSaveTo As String)
    Dim pStrm As oleexp3.IStream
    Dim hemf As Long
    Set pStrm = pvStreamFromArrayB(VarPtr(bEMF(0)), UBound(bEMF) + 1)
    Call GdipLoadImageFromStream(pStrm, hemf)
    If hemf Then
       Call gdipImgToFileJPG(hemf, sSaveTo)
       GdipDisposeImage hemf
    End If
    End Sub
    That's it. How would I set what color it draws to?

  21. #21
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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    Quote Originally Posted by fafalone View Post
    How would I set what color it draws to?
    EMF/WMF images are drawing macros. They package up a series of GDI and/or GDI+ drawing operations that can be "played back" into a bitmap. If they don't contain an operation that creates a filled backdrop then you have no filled backdrop, which means they will draw "transparently" against whatever backdrop you have.

    The text of a Word document page is normally black. If you leave the backdrop black you are painting black text on a black "canvas," and the result is a black bitmap.

    So if you want the "page" EMF painted on a white paper backdrop you must first create a white backdrop of the desired dimensions and then "play back" (render) the EMF onto this backdrop bitmap.

  22. #22
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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    And if everything else it opened in also showed black, there'd be no confusion here. But in every image viewer application, it shows the correct black text on white background. GDI+ doesn't.

    Forgive my ignorance, but my issue isn't that I don't understand that it needs to be manually instructed to not do what it's doing, it's that I don't know how to accomplish that, especially in a way that wouldn't override the currently correct rendering of all .emf files not originating from MS Office.

  23. #23
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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    This shows drawing commands.

    It shows commands for file exported from Word 2013 but preview is a mess.
    Other emf what I tested works OK.

  24. #24
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    Re: How can I change by EMF byte array to jpeg file?

    Quote Originally Posted by fafalone View Post
    And if everything else it opened in also showed black, there'd be no confusion here. But in every image viewer application, it shows the correct black text on white background. GDI+ doesn't.
    GDI+ does it "right" IMO, because it's an API, which leaves you with the freedom to
    render a (potentially transparent) content onto any background you choose (be that
    an image/bitmap-Background or one filled with only a solid color.
    You (as the developer) are under the obligation to ensure one, on the thingy you render the emf-content to.

    The reason that "it works on several image-viewers" is, that their developers did exactly that (they ensured a background).
    And the reason "a few other emfs work" (without ensuring a background on the target-area) is, that the emf itself then
    already contains a recorded GDI-call to FillRect or something (those are "non-transparent emfs" if you want to label them).

    It is the same with GIFs or PNGs - some don't contain transparent areas - but most do
    (with the same effects, when you render them onto a non-initialized, usually black surface).

    Quote Originally Posted by fafalone View Post
    Forgive my ignorance, but my issue isn't that I don't understand that it needs to be manually instructed to not do what it's doing, it's that I don't know how to accomplish that, especially in a way that wouldn't override the currently correct rendering of all .emf files not originating from MS Office.
    Well, seems that "documentation per code-example" *does* hold value (over reading a "formal one"). ( SCNR, )

    Ok - the following doesn't bother with GDI+, since the GDI is simple enough for
    "Visualizing transparent EMF in a VB-PictureBox" - and saving from there over a StdPicture
    (from Picture1.Image) to a PNG or JPG is well-covered in the meantime:

    The example needs a Picture1 on Form1, nothing else otherwise... note the optional
    BGColor-Param in WPemfToPBox - if you leave it out, you can render a transparent
    EMF even over a BackGround-Picture of a PictureBox, in case you applied one over Picture1.Picture
    Private Declare Function SetEnhMetaFileBits& Lib "gdi32" (ByVal DLen&, pData As Any)
    Private Declare Function PlayEnhMetaFile& Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC&, ByVal hEMF&, pRect As Any)
    Private Declare Function DeleteEnhMetaFile& Lib "gdi32" (ByVal Hdl&)
    Private Sub Form_Load()
      With CreateObject("Word.Application").Documents.Open("c:\temp\dok1.docx")
        WPemfToPBox .Windows(1).Panes(1).Pages(1), Picture1 ', vbWhite
        .Application.Quit 'close Word
      End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub WPemfToPBox(WP As Object, PBox As PictureBox, Optional ByVal BGColor& = -1)
       PBox.Cls: PBox.AutoRedraw = True: PBox.ScaleMode = vbPixels
       PBox.Move PBox.Left, PBox.Top, ScaleX(WP.Width, vbPoints), ScaleY(WP.Height, vbPoints)
       If BGColor <> -1 Then PBox.Line (0, 0)-(ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight), BGColor, BF
       Dim Rct(0 To 3) As Long, B() As Byte, hEMF As Long
           Rct(2) = PBox.ScaleWidth: Rct(3) = PBox.ScaleHeight
           B = WP.EnhMetaFileBits
           hEMF = SetEnhMetaFileBits(UBound(B) + 1, B(0))
           If hEMF Then PlayEnhMetaFile PBox.hDC, hEMF, Rct(0)
           If hEMF Then DeleteEnhMetaFile hEMF
    End Sub

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