Our software targets Windows 7 and Fearless Leader wants Windows to boot directly into our software. Not a problem so far...

Fearless Leader also wants to skip the "Loading Windows" splash screen, but doesn't want the end user doing it through MSConfig. It can be done through bcdedit.exe using the command line.

So I added code to our installer's program.cs to run bcdedit.exe and set the boot option "QUIETBOOT = 1" which corresponds to checking the "No GUI Boot" setting in MSConfig.

But it doesn't seem to work. At least not through the installer. I built a quick & dirty little program to do it and it works fine from there - as long as I have admin rights.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Is it an admin rights issue? Is there a better way to do it? Or are we stuck with instructing our end users to do it through MSConfig?