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Thread: Read XML with a loop

  1. #1

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    Read XML with a loop

    I have a simple XML file, and I'd like to loop through it, rather than using the IF ElseIf iteration to read it, is this possible. My code works but if I add items to the XML file I will have to modify the code to read it correctly, my code is below, please offer help if you can, Thanks in advance...

       Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
            Dim ConfigStrings As String = vbNullString
            ''check if file Config.xml exists
            If (File.Exists(AppPath() & "\Data\Config.xml")) Then
                'create a new xmltextreader object
                'this is the object that we will loop and will be used to read the xml file
                Dim document As XmlReader = New XmlTextReader(AppPath() & "\Data\Config.xml")
                'loop through the xml file
                While (document.Read())
                    Dim type = document.NodeType
                    'if node type was element
                    If (type = XmlNodeType.Element) Then
                        'if the loop found a <FirstWarning> tag
                        If (document.Name = "FirstWarning") Then
                            ConfigStrings = document.ReadInnerXml.ToString()
                            'if the loop found a <SecondWarning tag
                        ElseIf (document.Name = "SecondWarning") Then
                            ConfigStrings = ConfigStrings & "," & document.ReadInnerXml.ToString()
                            'if the loop found a <ThirdWarning tag
                        ElseIf (document.Name = "ThirdWarning") Then
                            ConfigStrings = ConfigStrings & "," & document.ReadInnerXml.ToString()
                            'if the loop found a <FourthWarning tag
                        ElseIf (document.Name = "FourthWarning") Then
                            ConfigStrings = ConfigStrings & "," & document.ReadInnerXml.ToString()
                        End If
                    End If
                End While
            End If
            SearchName = Split(ConfigStrings, ",")
            Me.Text = "Visual Studio 2008 File Cleaner ©    " & My.Application.Info.Version.ToString
        End Sub

  2. #2
    Powered By Medtronic dbasnett's Avatar
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    Re: Read XML with a loop

    Can you post the file or part of it? Using some sample data
            Dim xe As XElement
            'to load from a file
            '  xe = XElement.Load("Your Path Here")
             ' for testing
            xe = <root>
                     <FirstWarning id="1">Lorem</FirstWarning>
                     <SecondWarning id="1">ipsum</SecondWarning>
                     <ThirdWarning id="1">dolor</ThirdWarning>
                     <FirstWarning id="2">consectetur</FirstWarning>
                     <SecondWarning id="2">adipisicing</SecondWarning>
                     <ThirdWarning id="2">incididunt</ThirdWarning>
    you could get each warning and process it using LINQ. Here is firstwarning

            Dim ie1 As IEnumerable(Of XElement) = xe...<FirstWarning>
            Dim s As String = String.Join(", ", ie1.Select(Function(w) w.Value).ToArray, 0, ie1.Count)
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  3. #3

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    Re: Read XML with a loop

    Yes thanks for the response, here is the file very simple...

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!--Remove Upgrade Warnings-->

    <!--Enter Items to search for, and remove-->



  4. #4
    Powered By Medtronic dbasnett's Avatar
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    Re: Read XML with a loop

    Quote Originally Posted by supercrewed View Post
    Yes thanks for the response, here is the file very simple...

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!--Remove Upgrade Warnings-->

    <!--Enter Items to search for, and remove-->


    Gives this a try. Note that I added two optional items that 1) clears the node values, 2) removes the warnings entirely.

            xe = XElement.Load("Your Path Here")
            'get all of the warnings
            Dim ie1 As IEnumerable(Of XElement) = xe...<FirstWarning>
            ie1 = ie1.Concat(xe...<SecondWarning>)
            ie1 = ie1.Concat(xe...<ThirdWarning>)
            ie1 = ie1.Concat(xe...<FourthWarning>)
            'make a string
            Dim s As String = String.Join(", ", ie1.Select(Function(w) w.Value).ToArray, 0, ie1.Count)
            '---------------------  OPTIONAL ----------------------------
            'this clears all of the elements values
                                   w.Value = ""
                               End Sub)
            'this removes the elements
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  5. #5

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    Re: Read XML with a loop

    Nice Thanks, I played with it a bit, and noticed I could add a fifth, through seventh warning and run the code, and it's still good, AWESOME...
    I have another program I made be able to incorporate this into, whereas I read in defaults for machine code,

    Thanks so much, still playing with it...

  6. #6

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    Re: Read XML with a loop

    Is it possible to modify this code, along with the XML file and use a for next loop, to iterate the through the nodes of the XML file... Something like this, I tried it but so far it hasn't worked.

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            Dim xe As XElement
            Dim appPath As String = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath
            Dim n As String = "Warning_"
            Dim i As Integer
            xe = XElement.Load(appPath & "\test.xml")
            'get all of the warnings
            For i = 1 To xe.IsEmpty
                Dim ie1 As IEnumerable(Of XElement) = xe...<n & i >
            'make a string
            Dim s As String = String.Join(vbCrLf, ie1.Select(Function(w) w.Value).ToArray, 0, ie1.Count)
            TextBox1.Text = (s)
            '---------------------  OPTIONAL ----------------------------
            'this clears all of the elements values
                                   w.Value = ""
                               End Sub)
            'this removes the elements
        End Sub
    End Class

  7. #7
    Powered By Medtronic dbasnett's Avatar
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    Re: Read XML with a loop

    When you originally posted I should have asked, are you the author of the XML? If you are creating the file then what you might do is use an attribute to identify the warnings. The attribute would have 1 for first, 2 for second, three for third, etc. Here is a way to create your data

            Dim xe As XElement
            'to load from a file
            '  xe = XElement.Load("Your Path Here")
            ' for testing
            xe = <Data>
            Dim warningProto As XElement = <warning id=""></warning> 'warnings have this basic format
            'create some warnings
            For i As Integer = 1 To 10
                Dim w As XElement = New XElement(warningProto) 'note the use of New
                w.@id = i.ToString
                w.Value = "e.g. " & i.ToString 'used for example purposes
    The following examples assume the code above.

    Then to create a string of all warnings

            'make string
            Dim ie1 As IEnumerable(Of XElement) = xe...<warning>
            Dim s As String = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, ie1.Select(Function(w) w.Value).ToArray, 0, ie1.Count)
    If you want a particular warning you can do this where I am looking for 7's

            Dim ie1 As IEnumerable(Of XElement)
            Dim idnum As Integer
            ie1 = From el In xe...<warning>
                  Where Integer.TryParse(el.@id, idnum) AndAlso idnum = 7
                  Select el
            Dim s As String = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, ie1.Select(Function(w) w.Value).ToArray, 0, ie1.Count)
    Here is a range of warnings (2 - 5),

            Dim ie1 As IEnumerable(Of XElement)
            Dim idnum As Integer
            ie1 = From el In xe...<warning>
                  Where Integer.TryParse(el.@id, idnum) AndAlso
                    idnum > 1 AndAlso idnum < 6
                  Select el
            Dim s As String = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, ie1.Select(Function(w) w.Value).ToArray, 0, ie1.Count)
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