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Thread: Parse arduino Serial data

  1. #1

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    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Parse arduino Serial data

    Dear all.

    I am working with arduino Uno, I have tracker application running on arduino Uno board. I am sending data in comma seprated value. Now i want to view data into Visual basic. I have code as below. The below code is working with fake values but as soon it live stream data split functions gives out error.

    outout data serial look like this.
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:1,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:2,tracker_des_angle:0.00,tracker_actual_pos:57.22,Wind Speed :0.00,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:1,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:4,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:69.20,Wind Speed :0.95,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:6,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:16.34,Wind Speed :1.85,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:8,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:11.89,Wind Speed :2.77,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:10,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:14.11,Wind Speed :3.77,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:12,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:13.77,Wind Speed :4.75,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:14,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:13.77,Wind Speed :5.67,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:16,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:9.67,Wind Speed :6.57,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:18,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:9.67,Wind Speed :7.58,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:20,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:13.43,Wind Speed :8.59,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:22,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:15.82,Wind Speed :9.57,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:24,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:12.23,Wind Speed :9.57,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:26,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:12.40,Wind Speed :9.68,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:28,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:13.26,Wind Speed :9.74,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:30,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:16.34,Wind Speed :9.70,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:32,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:12.06,Wind Speed :9.72,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:34,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:12.23,Wind Speed :9.76,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:36,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:15.14,Wind Speed :9.75,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:38,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:15.99,Wind Speed :9.77,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:40,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:12.40,Wind Speed :9.69,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:42,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:9.49,Wind Speed :9.63,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:44,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:11.55,Wind Speed :9.58,END
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:46,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:9.32,Wind Speed :9.52,END

    visual basic code:

    Option Explicit On
    Imports System
    Imports System.IO.Ports
    Imports System.Text
    Public Class Solar_Track
        Dim comPORT As String
        Dim receivedData As String = ""
        Dim strArray() As String
        Dim Data As String
        Dim latitude() As String
        Dim longitude() As String
        Dim Local_date() As String
        Dim Local_Time() As String
        Dim Mode_oper() As String
        Dim Dir_motor() As String
        Dim Act_pos() As String
        Dim Dis_pos() As String
        Dim wind_pos() As String
        Sub Parse_receivedata(ByVal msg As String)
            Data = msg
            strArray = Split(Data, ",")
            ''  latitude = Split(strArray(1), ":")
            strArray = Split(Data, ",")
            latitude = Split(strArray(1), ":")
            Text_Latitude.Text = latitude(1)
            longitude = Split(strArray(2), ":")
            Text_Longitude.Text = longitude(1)
            Mode_oper = Split(strArray(3), ":")
            Text_Mode.Text = Mode_oper(1)
            Dir_motor = Split(strArray(4), ":")
            Text_MotorDir.Text = Dir_motor(1)
            Local_date = Split(strArray(5), ":")
            Text_LocalDate.Text = Local_date(1)
            Local_Time = Split(strArray(6), ":")
            Label_hour.Text = Local_Time(1)
            Label_min.Text = Local_Time(2)
            Label_Sec.Text = Local_Time(3)
            Dis_pos = Split(strArray(7), ":")
            Text_TrackerDesire.Text = Dis_pos(1)
            Act_pos = Split(strArray(8), ":")
            Text_TrackerActual.Text = Act_pos(1)
            wind_pos = Split(strArray(9), ":")
            Text_Windspeed.Text = wind_pos(1)
        End Sub
        Sub data_parse()
            Data = "Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:1,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:2,tracker_des_angle:0.00,tracker_actual_pos:54.48,Wind Speed :0.00,END"
            strArray = Split(Data, ",")
            latitude = Split(strArray(1), ":")
            Text_Latitude.Text = latitude(1)
            longitude = Split(strArray(2), ":")
            Text_Longitude.Text = longitude(1)
            Mode_oper = Split(strArray(3), ":")
            Text_Mode.Text = Mode_oper(1)
            Dir_motor = Split(strArray(4), ":")
            Text_MotorDir.Text = Dir_motor(1)
            Local_date = Split(strArray(5), ":")
            Text_LocalDate.Text = Local_date(1)
            Local_Time = Split(strArray(6), ":")
            Label_hour.Text = Local_Time(1)
            Label_min.Text = Local_Time(2)
            Label_Sec.Text = Local_Time(3)
            Dis_pos = Split(strArray(7), ":")
            Text_TrackerDesire.Text = Dis_pos(1)
            Act_pos = Split(strArray(8), ":")
            Text_TrackerActual.Text = Act_pos(1)
            wind_pos = Split(strArray(9), ":")
            Text_Windspeed.Text = wind_pos(1)
        End Sub
        Private Sub Solar_Track_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            Timer1.Enabled = False
            comPORT = ""
            For Each sp As String In My.Computer.Ports.SerialPortNames
        End Sub
        Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles comPort_ComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged
            If (comPort_ComboBox.SelectedItem <> "") Then
                comPORT = comPort_ComboBox.SelectedItem
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub BtConnect_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles connect_BTN.Click
            If (connect_BTN.Text = "Connect") Then
                If (comPORT <> "") Then
                    SerialPort1.PortName = comPORT
                    SerialPort1.BaudRate = 9600
                    SerialPort1.DataBits = 8
                    SerialPort1.Parity = Parity.None
                    SerialPort1.StopBits = StopBits.One
                    SerialPort1.Handshake = Handshake.None
                    SerialPort1.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default
                    SerialPort1.ReadTimeout = 10000
                    connect_BTN.Text = "Dis-connect"
                    Timer1.Enabled = True
                    Timer_LBL.Text = "Timer: ON"
                    MsgBox("Select a COM port first")
                End If
                connect_BTN.Text = "Connect"
                Timer1.Enabled = False
                Timer_LBL.Text = "Timer: OFF"
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
            receivedData = ReceiveSerialData()
            RichTextBox1.Text &= receivedData
            '' data_parse()
        End Sub
        Function ReceiveSerialData() As String
            Dim Incoming As String
                Incoming = SerialPort1.ReadExisting()
                If Incoming Is Nothing Then
                    Return "nothing" & vbCrLf
                    Return Incoming
                End If
            Catch ex As TimeoutException
                Return "Error: Serial Port read timed out."
            End Try
        End Function
        Private Sub BtClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtClear.Click
            RichTextBox1.Text = ""
        End Sub
    End Class
    Fake value function which is working fine.
    Sub data_parse()
            Data = "Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:1,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:2,tracker_des_angle:0.00,tracker_actual_pos:54.48,Wind Speed :0.00,END"
            strArray = Split(Data, ",")
            latitude = Split(strArray(1), ":")
            Text_Latitude.Text = latitude(1)
            longitude = Split(strArray(2), ":")
            Text_Longitude.Text = longitude(1)
            Mode_oper = Split(strArray(3), ":")
            Text_Mode.Text = Mode_oper(1)
            Dir_motor = Split(strArray(4), ":")
            Text_MotorDir.Text = Dir_motor(1)
            Local_date = Split(strArray(5), ":")
            Text_LocalDate.Text = Local_date(1)
            Local_Time = Split(strArray(6), ":")
            Label_hour.Text = Local_Time(1)
            Label_min.Text = Local_Time(2)
            Label_Sec.Text = Local_Time(3)
            Dis_pos = Split(strArray(7), ":")
            Text_TrackerDesire.Text = Dis_pos(1)
            Act_pos = Split(strArray(8), ":")
            Text_TrackerActual.Text = Act_pos(1)
            wind_pos = Split(strArray(9), ":")
            Text_Windspeed.Text = wind_pos(1)
        End Sub
    The function which is not working with live data

      Sub Parse_receivedata(ByVal msg As String)
            Data = msg
            strArray = Split(Data, ",")
            ''  latitude = Split(strArray(1), ":")
            strArray = Split(Data, ",")
            latitude = Split(strArray(1), ":")
            Text_Latitude.Text = latitude(1)
            longitude = Split(strArray(2), ":")
            Text_Longitude.Text = longitude(1)
            Mode_oper = Split(strArray(3), ":")
            Text_Mode.Text = Mode_oper(1)
            Dir_motor = Split(strArray(4), ":")
            Text_MotorDir.Text = Dir_motor(1)
            Local_date = Split(strArray(5), ":")
            Text_LocalDate.Text = Local_date(1)
            Local_Time = Split(strArray(6), ":")
            Label_hour.Text = Local_Time(1)
            Label_min.Text = Local_Time(2)
            Label_Sec.Text = Local_Time(3)
            Dis_pos = Split(strArray(7), ":")
            Text_TrackerDesire.Text = Dis_pos(1)
            Act_pos = Split(strArray(8), ":")
            Text_TrackerActual.Text = Act_pos(1)
            wind_pos = Split(strArray(9), ":")
            Text_Windspeed.Text = wind_pos(1)
        End Sub
    error message

    Name:  error.jpg
Views: 1241
Size:  30.0 KB

  2. #2
    Frenzied Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    VB6 dinosaur land

    Re: Parse arduino Serial data

    Too small to read on my screen but looks like index out of bounds. So what is the value of data? I suspect you are not sending the full line when you switched to using a COM port event to supply the Parse_receivedata routine. Make sure you have a full line (and probably drop any CR/LF characters) before trying to parse.

  3. #3
    PowerPoster Jenner's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Mentor, OH

    Re: Parse arduino Serial data

    Ok... this is a common, common problem for first-time SerialPort users to run into.

    The problem is you're reading the Serial Port using a timer. How on earth is it supposed to knows when there's data in the serial buffer? How on earth is it supposed to know there's one COMPLETE row of data being read off the buffer? For all you know, it could be grabbing this:
    "me:5:30:2,tracker_des_angle:0.00,tracker_actual_pos:57.22,Wind Speed :0.00,END
    ...and sending it to your routine.

    You need an IRONCLAD way to read streaming, non-stop serial data from something like a weigh scale (where I learned this), GPS, Weather station (which looks like your problem) or other streaming device.

    The trick is, all these devices usually send data in "frames". One "frame" of your data would be:
    Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:20,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:13.43,Wind Speed :8.59,END
    Now, normally, "frames" are the same length in terms of number of bytes always, but yours are a little different because you'll notice it's not putting leading zeros on some of those values.

    So, you need something on the serial port that can figure out where each frame starts and ends and computes this for each frame of data.

    Here's a serial handler object that I use for my work. I tweaked it for your particular problem, so in theory it should work, but since the computer I'm on has neither a serial port, nor the thing your arduino is hooked to, I can't test it.

    If you have any questions, give a shout!
    Imports System.Text
    Public Class clsSerialPort
        Implements IDisposable
        'Lots of global variables.   Why?  Speed.  It takes time allocating and deallocating variables.  It's not efficient use of your processing.  These routines
        'need to run FAST, in the low millisecond ranges as data is streaming in as fast as the serial port will allow.
        Private WithEvents myPort As New System.IO.Ports.SerialPort
        Private t As Threading.Thread                       'A secondary thread which will periodically check to see if we're still receiving data.
        Private rcvQLock As New Object                      'An object to serve as a thread-safe lock
        Private rcvQ As New StringBuilder                   'My raw receiving queue.  May contain multiple frames of data, not necessarilly starting at the top of a frame
        Private booDetected As Boolean = False              'Checks if the computer detects something transmitting on the serial port
        Private booShutDown As Boolean = False              'Set if I'm shutting down the system, alerts everything to close and cleanup
        Private strData As String = String.Empty            'Final result, a string with 1 line of data            
        Private bytesToRead As Integer                      'How many bytes of data to read off the serial port
        Private booLockedFrame As Boolean                   'Tells me if I know my receiving queue is sitting at the top of a data frame
        Private i As Integer                                'Just a counter
        Private intRoughFrameLength = 160                   'Roughly how big my data frame is, error on the side of larger than smaller.  
        Private eolChar As Byte = 13                        'End of Line character in ASCII
        Public Property ComPort As String                   'Set my serial port name (COM1 for example)
        Public ReadOnly Property PortOpen() As Boolean      'True or false if the serial port is open
                Return myPort.IsOpen
            End Get
        End Property
        'Initialization routine.  Call this to start the port reading.
        Public Sub Initialize_SerialPort()
            t = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf CheckDevice) 'Start the monitor thread.  
            'It makes sure what's attached to the serial port is active, still connected and still reading data
            t.Name = "Check Disconnected Device"
            t.IsBackground = True
        End Sub
        'Shutdown routine.  Call this to stop everything and close out the port.
        Public Sub Shutdown_SerialPort()
            booShutDown = True 'Flag that the port is shutting down
            t.Join(250) 'Wait for the monitor thread to stop, should stop in 100ms, but use 250ms just in case.  After 250, it'll kill it forcefully.
        End Sub
        Private Function Open_SerialPort() As Boolean
                booShutDown = False
                With myPort
                    'Example port settings
                    .BaudRate = 9600
                    .PortName = ComPort
                    .DataBits = 8
                    .Parity = IO.Ports.Parity.None
                    .StopBits = IO.Ports.StopBits.One
                    .Handshake = IO.Ports.Handshake.None
                    .Encoding = Encoding.Default
                    .ReadTimeout = 500
                    .WriteTimeout = 500
                    .DiscardNull = False
                    .ReadBufferSize = 16384
                End With
                If Not myPort.IsOpen Then
                End If
                Return True
            Catch ex As Exception
                'Do something
                Return False
            End Try
        End Function
        Private Sub Close_SerialPort()
                If myPort.IsOpen Then
                    myPort.Close() 'Close the port
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                'Do sonething
            End Try
        End Sub
        Private Sub CheckDevice()
            'The monitor thread runs this loop which cycles every 5 seconds checking to see if the port is still streaming in data.
            Dim i As Integer = 0
            While Not booShutDown
                For i = 0 To 50  'Pause every 5 seconds... but check every 100 ms if we're shutting down. 
                    If booShutDown Then Exit While  'If we're shutting down, ditch out of this loop and end this thread.
                'So... 5 seconds have passed...
                    If Not booDetected Then  'If the device is reading data, then this will get set to "true" every couple milliseconds. 
                        'Do something, like raise an event that screams HEY!  I'm NO LONGER detecting the device!
                    End If
                Catch ex As Exception
                    'Do something
                End Try
                booDetected = False  'I'm going to set this to false here.   If 5 more seconds pass, and this is STILL false, then the port isn't receiving any data and it'll get triggered as such on the next pass.
            End While
        End Sub
        Private Sub myPort_DataReceived(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles myPort.DataReceived
            'The "DataReceived" event.  This happens every time the port receives a new chunk of data.  It may happen sporadically.  Lots of checks need to be in place.
                Dim c As Char = Convert.ToChar(eolChar) 'This is the character that my string ENDS with... in this case, carriage return
                If myPort.BytesToRead = 0 Then Exit Sub  'Nothing to read... exit now, why was it triggered?  Gremlins.  They happen.
                bytesToRead = myPort.BytesToRead
                Dim buf(bytesToRead - 1) As Byte
                bytesToRead = myPort.Read(buf, 0, bytesToRead) 'Read in the buffer
                Threading.Monitor.Enter(rcvQLock) 'This is to prevent this from triggering again before the first one is done.  Important!
                    rcvQ.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buf))  'Append what I've received onto my string builder.
                    Threading.Monitor.Exit(rcvQLock)  'Release the lock
                End Try
                If rcvQ.Length > (intRoughFrameLength * 2) Then
                    booDetected = True   'This is just a signal that my device is still connected and activly streaming data in! 
                    If Not booLockedFrame Then   'Starting out, I don't know where the beginning of a line is.  
                        'This is roughly one frame of data:
                        'Start,Latitude:13.00,longitude:60.00,MODE:1,DIR:0,Local Date:0/0/0,Local Time:5:30:26,tracker_des_angle:43.00,tracker_actual_pos:12.40,Wind Speed :9.68,END
                        'About 160 characters, since this isn't being kind about leading zeros
                        'so I've set intRoughFrameLength = 160.  I need to wait until there's enough data for at least 2 frames before I can start safely processing it.
                        i = 0
                        Threading.Monitor.Enter(rcvQLock)  'Locking the queue again from other processes...
                            Do Until rcvQ.ToString.StartsWith(c)
                                rcvQ.Remove(0, 1)  'I'm removing all leading characters one at a time until I get to the END of a line
                            booLockedFrame = True 'I'm sitting on the end of a line now.  I know what comes after is a frame of data.
                            Threading.Monitor.Exit(rcvQLock) 'Release the lock
                        End Try
                    End If
                    'Ok, so I'm sitting on the top of a frame of data...
                    Threading.Monitor.Enter(rcvQLock)  'Locking the queue again from other processes...
                        i = 1  'start my count on the second character
                        Do Until rcvQ.Chars(i) = c
                            i += 1               'I'm counting how many characters before I reach the end of the frame
                        rcvQ.Remove(0, 1) 'Remove the End of Line character at the start of the buffer. I'm at the beginning of the line
                        Dim charArray(i - 1) As Char 'Prepare where I'm copying it to, I want 1 less because I don't want the new End of Line character.
                        rcvQ.CopyTo(0, charArray, 0, i - 1)  'Copy my frame off.  
                        rcvQ.Remove(0, i - 1)     'Remove the frame's data from my queue, but leave the End of Line character.  This way, the NEXT time it runs, it 'll grab the next frame of data.
                        strData = New String(charArray)  'This is ONE LINE OF TEXT, FINALLY!
                    Catch ex As Exception
                        'If something is messed up, maybe we really don't know if we're at the top of the frame
                        booLockedFrame = False
                        Threading.Monitor.Exit(rcvQLock)  'Release the lock
                    End Try
                    'Do something with that text here... like send it to my parse function:
                End If
                'If for some reason processing falls WAY behind...  just blow away the queue and start over.
                If rcvQ.Length > (10 * intRoughFrameLength) AndAlso rcvQ.Length > 500 Then
                    Threading.Monitor.Enter(rcvQLock)  'Always lock the receive queue when working with it.  You never know when this is getting called again on another thread.
                        rcvQ = New StringBuilder
                        booLockedFrame = False
                    End Try
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                'Do something - something really messed up
            End Try
        End Sub
    #Region "IDisposable Support"
        Private disposedValue As Boolean ' To detect redundant calls
        ' IDisposable
        Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
            If Not disposedValue Then
                If disposing Then
                End If
            End If
            disposedValue = True
        End Sub
        Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
            ' Do not change this code.  Put cleanup code in Dispose(disposing As Boolean) above.
        End Sub
    #End Region
    End Class
    My CodeBank Submissions: TETRIS using VB.NET2010 and XNA4.0, Strong Encryption Class, Hardware ID Information Class, Generic .NET Data Provider Class, Lambda Function Example, Lat/Long to UTM Conversion Class, Audio Class using BASS.DLL

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    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. "
    - Albert Einstein

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