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Thread: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

  1. #1

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    VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    As the Title says, three Threading-Examples which make use of the vbRichClient5-cThreadHandler-Class.
    (as requested in this thread here:

    Make sure (in addition to downloading the SourceCode), that you download and install a new RC5-version (>= 5.0.40)
    first before running the second, more advanced example (since it requires SQLites support for "FileURIs",
    which were not yet recognized in the cConnection.CreateNewDB-method in RC5-versions below 5.0.40).

    Here's the SourceCode for the three examples:

    The Zip contains three Project-Folders (_Hello World, ThreadedDirScan and AsyncFolderCopy) -
    please make sure, before running the Main-VB-Projects in those Folders,
    to compile the appropriate ThreadLib-Dlls from their own LibProject-SubFolders - then
    placing the compiled Thread-Dll-Files in the ParentFolder (where the Main-Projects reside).

    Ok, how does it work - best we start with the simpler Example, the one in the _Hello World-Folder:

    VB6-Threading works best and most stable (since it was designed for that), when the
    "threaded Routines" reside in a compiled ActiveX-Dll(Class) - that's the one thing which
    is a bit of a "hurdle" for those who never used or compiled ActiveX-Dll-Projects so far.

    But it's really quite simple... When you start out fresh - and plan to use threading
    (because you have a routine which is a long-runner, blocking your UI) - then the
    first step should be, to move that critical Function (and its Sub-Helper-Routines) into:
    1) a Private Class in your Main-Project first
    - test it there, so that you're sure everything works Ok
    - also check that this Class gets everything over Function-Parameters and doesn't rely on "global Variables" outside of it

    if you already have such a Class in your Main-Project - all the better - you can now move this Class:
    2) as a Public Class into a new ActiveX-Dll-Project (setting its Class-Instancing-Property to 5 - MultiUse)

    In case of the _Hello World-Demo, this ThreadClass' is named cThread and its Code-Content looks entirely normal:
    Option Explicit
    Public Function GetThreadID() As Long
      GetThreadID = App.ThreadID
    End Function
    Public Function StringReflection(S As String) As String
      StringReflection = StrReverse(S)
    End Function
    Just two simple Routines, you plan to execute on the new Thread, which
    your compiled SimpleThreadLib.dll is later instantiated on (by the Main-Thread).

    As already mentioned, you can now compile this ActiveX-Dll Project, placing the Dll-Binary
    in its ParentFolder (_Hello World), where the Main-StdExe-Project resides.

    This StdExe-Project (ThreadCall.vbp in _Hello World) contains only a single Form, which in turn has this code:

    For instantiation of the above ThreadDll-ThreadClass (cThread)
    Option Explicit
    Private WithEvents TH As cThreadHandler 'the RC5-ThreadHandler will ensure the communication with the thread-STA
    Private Sub Form_Load() 'first let's instantiate the ThreadClass (regfree) on its own thread, returning "a Handler" (TH)
      Set TH = New_c.RegFree.ThreadObjectCreate("MyThreadKey", App.Path & "\SimpleThreadLib.dll", "cThread")
    End Sub
    And for Execution of the two Thread-Functions (from within Form_Click) it contains:
    Private Sub Form_Click()
    Dim StrResult As String, ThreadID As Long
      Print Now; " (ThreadID of the Main-Thread: " & App.ThreadID & ")"; vbLf
      Print "Let's perform a few calls against the ThreadClass which now runs on its own STA "; vbLf
      'first we demonstrate synchronous Calls against the Thread-Instance, which was created regfree in Form_Load
      StrResult = TH.CallSynchronous("StringReflection", "ABC")
      Print "Direct (synchronous) StringReflection-Call with result: "; StrResult
      ThreadID = TH.CallSynchronous("GetThreadID")
      Print "Direct (synchronous) GetThreadID-Call with result: "; ThreadID; vbLf
      'now the calls, which are more common in threading-scenarios - the asynchronous ones, which don't
      'make the caller wait for the result (instead the results will be received in the Event-Handler below)
      TH.CallAsync "StringReflection", "ABC"
      TH.CallAsync "GetThreadID"
      Print "The two async calls were send (now exiting the Form_Click-routine)..."; vbLf
    End Sub
    'Our TH-Object is the clientside ThreadHandler, who's able to communicate with the Thread
    'raising appropriate Events here, when results come back (in case of the async-calls)
    Private Sub TH_MethodFinished(MethodName As String, Result As Variant, ErrString As String, ErrSource As String, ByVal ErrNumber As Long)
      If ErrNumber Then Print "TH-Err:"; MethodName, ErrString, ErrSource, ErrNumber: Exit Sub
      Print "MethodFinished-Event of TH for: "; MethodName; " with Result: "; Result
    End Sub
    That's all - I hope the above code-comments are sufficient - feel free to ask, when something is not clear.

    Forgot to attach a ScreenShot of the Output produced by the Form_Click-Event above:

    Will describe the second, more advanced example in a follow-up post in this thread.

    Edit: The Demo-Zip now contains a third example (in SubFolder \AsyncFolderCopy),
    to show how a low-level copying of an entire Folder-structure (with full control at the File-Level) can be implemented.

    Last edited by Schmidt; May 24th, 2016 at 02:09 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    The second, more advanced Example resides in the Folder: ThreadedDirScan,
    and covers a "useful real-world-scenario" which fullfills the following requirements:

    - start a (deep, recursive) scanning for Files on the worker-thread, but ensure that:
    - the Main-Thread reflects the current Scan-Results in a List, updating and prolonging it
    - but this List shall in addition remain usable (scrollable, clickable) over the threaded scan-run...
    - this way the Main-Thread can already make use of the (so far) found files from the threaded scan,
    - which will happily proceed undisturbed, without blocking the GUI - until all Files were found

    To make it even a bit harder, the scan shall be used (although usable on all FileTypes)
    primarily to scan for Image-Files, which shall be visualized with a little ThumbNail in
    the List-Control.

    Here is a ScreenShot, how the GUI will look (showing the results of a completed scan,
    but wouldn't look much different whilst a scan is still in progress):

    To accomplish that conveniently, I've made use of primarily three things:
    1) the Event-Support which is available with the RC5-Threading-Helpers
    2) SQLites (InMemoryDB-) FileURIs, which allow working against a shared InMemory-DB across Threads
    3) a Virtual-ListControl, which will render only its currently visible Rows - and has the Data sitting "outside" (in the MemDB)

    The code which is related to 1) is sitting in the cThread-Class of the DirScanThreadLib-ActiveX-Dll-Project
    Option Explicit
    'two Event-Naming-Conventions, for communication with the vbRichClients hidden cThreadProxy-Class (not reaching the clients, when raised)
    Event CancelCheck(Cancel As Boolean)  'ask the hosting cThreadProxy, whether a client demanded Job-Cancelling
    Event GetFactory(Factory As cFactory) 'ask the cThreadProxy, to deliver a RichClient-Factory-Instance regfree (not used here in this Demo)
    'but this is a true User-receivable Event (just define and raise it normally, as any other VB-Event)
    Event ScanProgress(ByVal FilesCount As Long)
    In the Main-Project, the above User-Event (ScanProgress) is received and handled this way:
    'and here's the place, where User-Events will be received (when Raised from the Thread-Class)
    Private Sub TH_ThreadEvent(MethodName As String, EventName As String, ByVal ParamCount As Long, P1 As Variant, P2 As Variant, P3 As Variant, P4 As Variant, P5 As Variant, P6 As Variant, P7 As Variant, P8 As Variant)
      If EventName = "ScanProgress" Then FilesCount = P1
    End Sub
    As for Code, related to 2) and 3), I will only show the code-snippet from the Main-Project, which
    is responsible for the refresh of the (Rs-)Data beneath the "sliding-Window" of the virtual ListControl
    (in the appropriate VList_OwnerDrawItem Event):
      If Rs Is Nothing Or CurTopIndex <> VList.TopIndex Or CurVisibleRows <> VList.VisibleRows Then
         CurTopIndex = VList.TopIndex
         CurVisibleRows = VList.VisibleRows
         'the Rs is retrieved with only as many Records as needed, to fill the currently "VisibleRows" of the VList (takes only 1 msec or so)
         Set Rs = Cnn.OpenRecordset("Select * From Scan Where ID > " & CurTopIndex & " Limit " & CurVisibleRows + 1)
      End If
    Because that's the part which is perhaps surprising (to consider and undertake at all), since normally
    one wouldn't perform an SQL-request on every single needed "List-Refresh" (as e.g. whilst Scrolling),
    due to "performance considerations"... But an InMemory-DB is a different animal - very responsive
    and "calculatable" in its response-times, because no "potentially blocking or slow HD-Device-IO" will
    interfer when performing Selects against it.

    Just ask, when there are more questions with regards to this example...

    Edit: Here's an additional comment about the ucVList.ctl which is included in the Main-Project...
    It will behave entirely flicker-free only, when the compiled Main-Application was "manifested"
    (with a CommonControls-entry - that's why I've included an appropriate 'manifest.res' in the Project).

    For flickerfree usage in the VB6-IDE itself, VB6.exe could be "manifested" as well... (I'm using
    my VB6-IDE this way since Win7, without larger problems - aside from the "ColorDialogue-issue").

    Last edited by Schmidt; Feb 10th, 2016 at 03:55 AM. Reason: Some additional comments about the ucVList.ctl

  3. #3
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    This is an exciting demo - I wasn't aware of the new URI feature of SQLite, so that opens up some interesting possibilities for fast, query-able, and easily shared structured data.

    Small comment, not a big deal - in the Dir scan demo, there's an unused form called frmThreadCall.frm. I first looked at the code in a text editor rather than open the demo i nVB6, and it threw me off temporarily because the URI filename is different compared to the one in the DLL. I was unsure as to how the data would be shared with a different filename. Figured it all out after actually opening the VBP though.

    Thanks for the demo!

  4. #4

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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    I wasn't aware of the new URI feature of SQLite, so that opens up some interesting possibilities for fast, query-able, and easily shared structured data.
    Yep - although the feature is available for quite some time now, I only stumbled about
    it's relevance for cross-thread MemDB-usage in a discussion on the SQLite-Mailinglist
    (a few weeks ago). It'll allow some interesting things also among the worker-threads
    of the RichClients RPC-Server (without using any "RPC-Singletons").

    Too bad I discovered it so late (just read, that it's in there since version 3.7.7 already).

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    Small comment, not a big deal - in the Dir scan demo, there's an unused form called frmThreadCall.frm. I first looked at the code in a text editor rather than open the demo i nVB6, and it threw me off temporarily because the URI filename is different compared to the one in the DLL. I was unsure as to how the data would be shared with a different filename. Figured it all out after actually opening the VBP though.
    Will clean-up the Zip-archive and re-upload - thanks for pointing it out.


  5. #5
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    The demo is very helpful, especially the first one; the second is a bit tricky for me, but I will take my time to digest.

    Thanks again, for the contribution you made for our community.

  6. #6
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Supposing there is a method implementation like this:

    Public Function Adding(x As Long, y as Long) as Long
    End Function
    And method calls like these:

    dim x as long, y as long
    TH.CallAsync "Adding", x, y
    TH.CallAsync "Adding", clng(2), clng(3)
    TH.CallAsync "Adding", 2, 3
    The first two will work fine; However the third one will cause a type mismatch.

  7. #7
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Maybe VB is assuming 2 and 3 are Integers since they fit in the Integer range? Try 2& and 3& to force Longs and see if that works.

  8. #8
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    Maybe VB is assuming 2 and 3 are Integers since they fit in the Integer range? Try 2& and 3& to force Longs and see if that works.
    I tried your method. Works.

  9. #9
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Oh yes, there might be another problem but it's not fully tested.

    Supposing you have this in your method implementation:

        dim cancel as boolean
        RaiseEvent BeforeExecuting(cancel)
        If cancel Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
    Well, if even I set the cancel to true, in my event handler, it never goes to Exit Sub

  10. #10
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Are you handling the event in the CThreadHandler ThreadEvent method? If so, make sure you don't have a typo when testing the EventName parameter value.

  11. #11
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    Are you handling the event in the CThreadHandler ThreadEvent method? If so, make sure you don't have a typo when testing the EventName parameter value.
    OK, I tested again today. The problem still remains.

    The class implementation:

    Option Explicit
    Public Event BeforeExecuting(cancel As Boolean)
    Function Adding(x As Long, y As Long) As Long
    Dim cancel As Boolean
    RaiseEvent BeforeExecuting(cancel)
    If cancel Then
        Adding = 0
        Adding = x + y
    End If
    End Function
    The method call

    Private WithEvents th As cThreadHandler
    Private Sub Test()
        Set th = New_c.RegFree.ThreadObjectCreate("Key1", RegFree_mXlObjectsDllPath, RegFree_cAsyncTesting)
        th.CallAsync "Adding", 9&, 11&
    End Sub
    Private Sub th_MethodFinished(MethodName As String, Result As Variant, ErrString As String, ErrSource As String, ByVal ErrNumber As Long)
        Debug.Print MethodName, Result, ErrString, ErrSource, ErrNumber
    End Sub
    Private Sub th_ThreadEvent(MethodName As String, EventName As String, ByVal ParamCount As Long, P1 As Variant, P2 As Variant, P3 As Variant, P4 As Variant, P5 As Variant, P6 As Variant, P7 As Variant, P8 As Variant)
        Debug.Print MethodName, EventName, ParamCount, P1
        P1 = True
        Debug.Print MethodName, EventName, ParamCount, P1
    End Sub
    Immediate Window:

    Adding        BeforeExecuting              1            False
    Adding        BeforeExecuting              1            True
    Adding         20                                        0
    As I know, there is a .CancelExecuting Method already provided by cThreadHandler, so I don't, perhaps, have to implement a cancel mechanism in my own class implementation. I can just shut the whole thing down. But this demo is only to show the problem that comes with parameter passing in ThreadEvent.
    Last edited by bPrice; Apr 1st, 2016 at 09:23 PM.

  12. #12
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    I've tried your code here and I am getting the same results - not sure if the RC5 thread handler is designed to reflect ByRef values in events back to the thread that raised the event. I'm sure Olaf has the answer though.

    That said, there is a special event called CancelCheck(Cancel As Boolean) that you can use and it will let you do exactly what you are trying to do with your BeforeExecuting event. I've tried substituting BeforeExecuting for CancelCheck and it works for me.

  13. #13
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    I've tried your code here and I am getting the same results - not sure if the RC5 thread handler is designed to reflect ByRef values in events back to the thread that raised the event. I'm sure Olaf has the answer though.

    That said, there is a special event called CancelCheck(Cancel As Boolean) that you can use and it will let you do exactly what you are trying to do with your BeforeExecuting event. I've tried substituting BeforeExecuting for CancelCheck and it works for me.
    Well ... Why there is not a CancelCheck Event for my cThreadHandler. Perhaps we don't have the same version of RC5? Anyway, to find a bypass around this problem is not why I am here. In real application, I might just drop throwing values back to the event firing thread.

    But here, I try to get to the bottom of the issue

  14. #14

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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    I've tried your code here and I am getting the same results - not sure if the RC5 thread handler is designed to reflect ByRef values in events back to the thread that raised the event.
    For the sake of more speed in the (currently PipeBased) Thread-Communication,
    I refrained from "reflecting "ByRef-Params back into the caller" (in both directions).

    The RPC-Classes of the RC5 (which work over sockets, and don't need to save
    every last micro-sec) *do* support ByRef - Reflection (for simple Types and Arrays) though...

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    That said, there is a special event called CancelCheck(Cancel As Boolean) that you can use and it will let you do exactly what you are trying to do with your BeforeExecuting event. I've tried substituting BeforeExecuting for CancelCheck and it works for me.
    Yep, the CancelCheck-mechanism is there, to be able to detect (from within the Thread),
    whether the "TH-hosting-Class or -Form on the other end" (in the Main-Thread) wants to
    "get rid of the Thread as soon as possible" (to be able to close the thread gracefully, instead
    of calling ThreadTerminate as the "last measure" in case the Thread is "plowing on without noticing").

    Though note, that sharing Data (behind a Variable or an UDT-Array) is quite easily
    possible between the TH-hosting Class and the Thread-Class...

    The easiest way (if it's only a few Bits you need) is by passing a Pointer to a
    (Privately declared) LongFlag to the ThreadClass at Initialization-Time of the 'TH'
    (using a synchronous call, to make sure it's there).

    In the HostClass or -Form (in the Main-Thread):
    Private Flag As Long
    Private Sub InitThreadHandler()
      Set TH = ...' regfree-createthread etc.
      If Not TH.CallSynchronous("InitSharedMemory", VarPtr(Flag)) Then MsgBox "Shared Flag-Creation failed"
    End Sub
    And in the ThreadClass one can then just use 'Flag' this way (over a Private Property)
    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Sub GetMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal Addr As Long, RetVal As Long)
    Private Declare Sub PutMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal Addr As Long, ByVal NewVal As Long)
    Private pFlag As Long
    'one can call that Init-Function synchronously at TH-Creation-Time in the Host-Class
    Public Function InitSharedMemory(VarPtrOfFlag As Long) As Boolean
      pFlag = VarPtrOfFlag
      If pFlag Then InitSharedMemory = True 'indicate success back to the caller
    End Function
    Private Property Get Flag() As Long
      If pFlag Then GetMem4 pFlag, Flag
    End Property
    Private Property Let Flag(ByVal RHS As Long)
      If pFlag Then PutMem4 pFlag, RHS
    End Property
    Last edited by Schmidt; Apr 2nd, 2016 at 01:12 AM.

  15. #15

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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by bPrice View Post
    Supposing there is a method implementation like this:

    Public Function Adding(x As Long, y as Long) as Long
    End Function
    And method calls like these:

    dim x as long, y as long
    TH.CallAsync "Adding", x, y
    TH.CallAsync "Adding", clng(2), clng(3)
    TH.CallAsync "Adding", 2, 3
    The first two will work fine; However the third one will cause a type mismatch.
    You don't need a Cross-Thread-Call to test the behaviour in this case...

    E.g. when you put that into a simple Form...
    Function DoAdd(x As Long, y as Long) as Long
      DoAdd = x + y
    End Function
    ... and then test it (e.g. in Form_Click)
    Private Sub Form_Click() 
       Debug.Print DoAdd(1, 2)
    End Sub
    You will get the same error.

    Edit: (and sorry) with regards to the above example...
    There will be no error in the above call (because the compiler
    will see that the "target-params" are of type Long - and then
    is passing the correctly typed ("promoted") Literals into the Method.

    To reproduce the error, you will have to do basically as I do in my
    deserializing+calling-mechanism - where I detect the Types which
    were contained in the serialized content - and then I pass those
    Typed-Params (in this case the detected Integers) per IDispatch.Invoke
    to the Thread-Method (somewhat comparable to VBs CallByName-call).

    Private Sub Form_Click()
      'the deserializer will detect the Integers which were passed instead of Long
      Dim x As Integer: x = 1
      Dim y As Integer: y = 2
      'and then calls IDispatch.Invoke with them, basically as shown below
      Caption = CallByName(Me, "DoAdd", VbMethod, x, y)
    End Sub
    Public Function DoAdd(x As Long, y As Long) As Long
      DoAdd = x + y
    End Function
    Typewise Unspecified Integer-Literals (in the low range below -32768 to 32767),
    are always treated by the VB-Compiler as being of type Integer (not Long).

    You can check this yourself in the DirectWindow:
    ?TypeName(1) ... will print out Integer
    ?TypeName(32767) ... will print out Integer
    ?TypeName(32768) ... will print out Long

    Last edited by Schmidt; Apr 2nd, 2016 at 02:56 AM.

  16. #16
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    hello Olaf
    Can vbRichClient used in office vba IDE? do u have any demo?

  17. #17

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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    You will have to check-in the reference to it in your VBA-Project -
    then nearly all of the RC5-Classses should work in VBA as they do in VB6
    (it's still COM after all).


  18. #18
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by loquat View Post
    hello Olaf
    Can vbRichClient used in office vba IDE? do u have any demo?
    I *usually* use RC5 in my VBA projects. So far as it seems, it works great. As Olaf has pointed out that RC5 is COM, so basically you can utilize those classes in any other languages that has COM support. I even tested it in .Net once I don't use Java, or Python but I guess they all support COM to some degree.

    It should be ideally used with VB6, though. And it's written in VB6, so perhaps registration of msvbvm60.dll is also required?
    Last edited by bPrice; Apr 3rd, 2016 at 08:29 PM.

  19. #19
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    A small example for VBA usage.

    1, First write your code for your class implementation in an ActiveX DLL Project in VB6. i.e. Inside class module cAsyncTesting, put the following code:

    Option Explicit
    Public Event BeforeSplit()
    Public Event AfterSplit()
    Public Function StringSplit(StrSource As String, Delimiter As String) As String()
        RaiseEvent BeforeSplit
        StringSplit = Split(StrSource, Delimiter)
        RaiseEvent AfterSplit
    End Function
    Name:  4.jpg
Views: 4714
Size:  27.4 KB

    2, Give a Name to your ActiveX project, i.e. mXlObjects. Then compile it, so you get the DLL like below:

    Name:  3.jpg
Views: 4601
Size:  34.2 KB

    3, Reference the RC5 for your VBA project:

    Name:  1.jpg
Views: 4654
Size:  39.0 KB

    4, Make sure you put your method calling code in a "Class module", so the cThreadHandler is able to receive events. That said, in VBA, it should be the worksheet objects, or the workbook object.

    Name:  2.jpg
Views: 4533
Size:  25.5 KB

    Important Note: Unlike VB6, the VBA project will retain the instances(module level) that are created by a previous subroutine. So you might need to reset the project before running another test. Or you might run into errors.

    5, The actual calling code, and the immediate window messages:

    Option Explicit
    Private Const RegFree_mXlObjectsDllPath As String = "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Objects\mXlObjects.dll"
    Private Const RegFree_mXlTestClassName As String = "cAsyncTesting"
    Private Const RegFree_mXlTestMethodName As String = "StringSplit"
    Private WithEvents th As cThreadHandler
    Private Sub Test()
        Dim strSourceArr() As String, strSource As String
        Dim i As Long
        'Starting a counter. Once you have referenced RC5 in your project. 
        'You will have a globally available "constructor" New_c, similar meaning to New keyword
        New_c.Timing True
        Debug.Print New_c.Timing, "Constructing a string for demo purposes"
        ReDim strSourceArr(0 To 9)
        For i = LBound(strSourceArr) To UBound(strSourceArr)
            strSourceArr(i) = CStr(i)
        strSource = Join(strSourceArr, "|")
        Debug.Print New_c.Timing, "Creating a cThreadHandler and making an asynchronous call"
        Set th = New_c.RegFree.ThreadObjectCreate("AnyUniqueKey", RegFree_mXlObjectsDllPath, RegFree_mXlTestClassName)
        th.CallAsync RegFree_mXlTestMethodName, strSource, "|"
        Debug.Print New_c.Timing, "End of the calling subroutine"
    End Sub
    Private Sub th_MethodFinished(MethodName As String, Result As Variant, ErrString As String, ErrSource As String, ByVal ErrNumber As Long)
        Debug.Print New_c.Timing, MethodName, "Result: " & Join(Result, "|")
    End Sub
    Private Sub th_ThreadEvent(MethodName As String, EventName As String, ByVal ParamCount As Long, P1 As Variant, P2 As Variant, P3 As Variant, P4 As Variant, P5 As Variant, P6 As Variant, P7 As Variant, P8 As Variant)
        Debug.Print New_c.Timing, MethodName, "EventName: " & EventName
    End Sub

     0.01msec     Constructing a string for demo purposes
     2.79msec     Creating a cThreadHandler and making an asynchronous call
     25.22msec    End of the calling subroutine
     30.52msec    StringSplit   EventName: BeforeSplit
     35.98msec    StringSplit   EventName: AfterSplit
     40.72msec    StringSplit   Result: 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
    6, Note that the calling subroutine had ended before the method call finished. So it's asynchronous. Usually if you put your class in the same project, create an instance, and call its method, the end of subroutine will only be reached after everything is done for that method call.
    Last edited by bPrice; Apr 3rd, 2016 at 10:34 PM.

  20. #20
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Hello Olaf,

    there is another problem with async method call:

        Debug.Print New_c.Timing, " PREPARE DB ", th.CallAsync("CreateNewRequests", SA, "YJ")
    SA here is an object of a user defined class. The error message shows this:

    Name:  QQ截图20160409170631.jpg
Views: 4585
Size:  42.6 KB

    I am not sure what it means. Could you please explain a little about the situation. Thanks in advance.


    I know in the class property panel, I can set the item "persistable" to 1 - Persistable. However I never met the problem until applying Regfree method per RC5. So I just want to know more here.
    Last edited by bPrice; Apr 9th, 2016 at 04:15 AM.

  21. #21
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Things aren't going so well. After changing the properties to "Persistable", it's successful to make the async method call, but I keep getting unexpected errors. The whole thing is tested before porting to Regfree handling, though.

    It seems that the object passed to the ThreadHandler is losing its values.

  22. #22

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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by bPrice View Post
    Things aren't going so well. After changing the properties to "Persistable", it's successful to make the async method call, but I keep getting unexpected errors. The whole thing is tested before porting to Regfree handling, though.

    It seems that the object passed to the ThreadHandler is losing its values.
    Why do you want to pass an Object in this case - and not e.g. a VB(A)-String- or VariantArray directly?

    For Objects to be allowed to be passed into the ThreadHandlers Param-Serializer,
    those have to be (I)Persistable-support, but will also have to be "known"
    (Interface-wise) on both ends of the ThreadCall - and this Interface-Knowledge
    is drawn from the registry - meaning, when you want to write your own persistable
    Objects, you will have to hos these Classes in (and then registering) an ActiveX-Dll.

    Already "known" Objects are those which are registered in the System (e.g. ADO-Recordsets),
    or are interface-wise accessible because they are part of the vbRichClient5.dll (e.g. cRecordsets,

    But as said, since in your Err-Message I saw, that you apparently want to pass an
    XL-Array, why not use e.g. a (two-dimensional) VariantArray for that, which you can
    derive (directly within Excel) from e.g. a complete Cell-Range with one line of code.


  23. #23
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidt View Post
    But as said, since in your Err-Message I saw, that you apparently want to pass an
    XL-Array, why not use e.g. a (two-dimensional) VariantArray for that, which you can
    derive (directly within Excel) from e.g. a complete Cell-Range with one line of code.
    Well, I can do that. The reason why the problem even occurred is that I took things for granted, "thought" it would work, and ran into an unexpected error. Obviously "things" turned out to be more than they looked. The object passing is not mandatory in my situation, and therefore I might just avoid doing it.

    For Objects to be allowed to be passed into the ThreadHandlers Param-Serializer,
    those have to be (I)Persistable-support, but will also have to be "known"
    (Interface-wise) on both ends of the ThreadCall - and this Interface-Knowledge
    is drawn from the registry - meaning, when you want to write your own persistable
    Objects, you will have to hos these Classes in (and then registering) an ActiveX-Dll.

    Already "known" Objects are those which are registered in the System (e.g. ADO-Recordsets),
    or are interface-wise accessible because they are part of the vbRichClient5.dll (e.g. cRecordsets,
    Thanks again, for the explanation, though I am not so sure if you meant that if both the Atx-Dlls were registered on the system, there would be no errors, so here are some additions to the error:


    Name:  QQ???????.jpg
Views: 4470
Size:  24.5 KB

    The mXlStringArray class is hosted, yes, in an ActiveX-Dll. I have set the class property to "Persistable" and recompiled, so it is registered to the system and is then referenced in my VB6 test project. The error message is gone and I CAN MAKE a call, but the object will lose its contained data, thus generating other errors, i.e. Subscript out of range.
    Last edited by bPrice; Apr 9th, 2016 at 06:40 AM.

  24. #24

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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by bPrice View Post
    The mXlStringArray class is hosted, yes, in an ActiveX-Dll. I have set the class property to "Persistable" and recompiled, so it is registered to the system and is then referenced in my VB6 test project. The error message is gone and I CAN MAKE a call, but the object will lose its contained data, thus generating other errors, i.e. Subscript out of range.
    Not having seen any code - I'm not sure where the error creeps in.

    Here's an easy example you can use, that shows that VB6' persistable Class-Objects will work,
    when passed as Parameters (or returned as Function-Results)... It is done as an extension
    of the [_Hello World]-Example (as contained in the Source-Zip in the Opener-Posting of this thread).

    The Dll you place your serializable class in, should be registered on the system.
    To avoid more Dlls than necessary, I'm going to place a new Class cSerializable
    within the SimpleThreadLib.dll-Project of above mentioned [_Hello World]-example:

    Option Explicit 'ClassName: cSerializable - switch its properties to MultiUse and Persistable
    Public L As Long, S As String, D As Date 'define 3 Public Properties
    Private Sub Class_Initialize() 'init Default-Values
      L = 1
      S = "Some String 1"
      D = Now
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag) 'implement Read-Props
      L = PropBag.ReadProperty("L", L)
      S = PropBag.ReadProperty("S", S)
      D = PropBag.ReadProperty("D", D)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag) 'implement Write-Props
      PropBag.WriteProperty "L", L
      PropBag.WriteProperty "S", S
      PropBag.WriteProperty "D", D
    End Sub
    Then, in the same SimpleThreadLib.dll-Project - extend the already existing cThread-Class with a new method:
    Option Explicit 'ClassName: cThread - (should already be at MultiUse)
    Public Function GetThreadID() As Long
      GetThreadID = App.ThreadID
    End Function
    Public Function StringReflection(S As String) As String
      StringReflection = StrReverse(S)
    End Function
    Public Function PassSerializableObjectAndReturnIt(SO As cSerializable) As cSerializable
      SO.L = SO.L + 1 'increment the Long-Property
      SO.S = Left$(SO.S, Len(SO.S) - 1) & SO.L 'change the last Char of the String-Property
      SO.D = SO.D + 1 'add one day to the Date-Property
      Set PassSerializableObjectAndReturnIt = SO 'return the changed SO-object
    End Function
    Now re-compile the SimpleThreadLib.dll-Project into the Folder, where the Main-Project is placed -
    and then start up the Main-Project (ThreadCall.vbp):

    In the Form, extend it to now this code:
    Option Explicit
    Private WithEvents TH As cThreadHandler
    Private Sub Form_Load() 'first let's instantiate the ThreadClass (regfree) on its own thread, returning "a Handler"
      Set TH = New_c.RegFree.ThreadObjectCreate("MyThreadKey", App.Path & "\SimpleThreadLib.dll", "cThread")
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Click()
    Dim StrResult As String, ThreadID As Long
      Print Now; " (ThreadID of the Main-Thread: " & App.ThreadID & ")"; vbLf
      Print "Let's perform a few calls against the ThreadClass which now runs on its own STA "; vbLf
      'first we do synchronous Calls against the Thread-Instance, which was created regfree in Form_Load
      StrResult = TH.CallSynchronous("StringReflection", "ABC")
      Print "Direct (synchronous) StringReflection-Call with result: "; StrResult
      ThreadID = TH.CallSynchronous("GetThreadID")
      Print "Direct (synchronous) GetThreadID-Call with result: "; ThreadID; vbLf
      'now the calls, which are more common in threading-scenarios - the asynchronous ones, which don't
      'make the caller wait for the result (instead the results will be received in the Event-Handler below)
      TH.CallAsync "StringReflection", "ABC"
      TH.CallAsync "GetThreadID"
      Dim SO As Object: Set SO = CreateObject("SimpleThreadLib.cSerializable")
      Print "-> SO-content before the 3. call: "; SO.L; ", "; SO.S; ", "; SO.D
      TH.CallAsync "PassSerializableObjectAndReturnIt", SO
      Print "The three async calls were send (now exiting the Form_Click-routine)..."; vbLf
    End Sub
    'Our TH-Object is the clientside ThreadHandler, who's able to communicate with the Thread
    'raising appropriate Events here, when results come back (in case of the async-calls)
    Private Sub TH_MethodFinished(MethodName As String, Result As Variant, ErrString As String, ErrSource As String, ByVal ErrNumber As Long)
      If ErrNumber Then Print "TH-Err:"; MethodName, ErrString, ErrSource, ErrNumber: Exit Sub
      If IsObject(Result) Then
        Print "MethodFinished-Event of TH for: "; MethodName; " with Result: "
        Print "-> SO-content, returned from the call: "; Result.L; ", "; Result.S; ", "; Result.D
        Print "MethodFinished-Event of TH for: "; MethodName; " with Result: "; Result
      End If
    End Sub
    It should print out this:

    That said (and demonstrated) - I wouldn't use this kind of VB6-serializing -
    since it is error-prone (due to requiring registered typelibs/dlls) - and
    there's easier methods to transport larger datablobs between threads
    (e.g. JSON, a shareable SQLite-InMemory-DB, or simply Variant-Arrays).

    Last edited by Schmidt; Apr 9th, 2016 at 06:33 PM.

  25. #25
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Tested and worked:

    Name:  QQ??20160410105113.jpg
Views: 4660
Size:  33.3 KB

    I see that to use a persistable object, one has to implement property read/write via a PropertyBag class, which is unknown to me by the way until this post. So basically to make my own objects persistable, I probably need a rewrite of them...

    a shareable SQLite-InMemory-DB, or simply Variant-Arrays
    Guess this is where I am heading now.

  26. #26
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Hi Olaf,

    I've done a few tests, and I suspect I know the answer, but I just wanted to confirm - the Sqlite file: URI spec is only good for cross-thread communication, not cross-process communication, correct?


  27. #27

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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    I've done a few tests, and I suspect I know the answer, but I just wanted to confirm - the Sqlite file: URI spec is only good for cross-thread communication, not cross-process communication, correct?
    Yes, the feature relies on SQLites "Shared Cache"-allocation - and this is
    only available "InProcess" (so, only cross-thread inside a given hosting-process).



  28. #28
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Thanks for the confirmation

  29. #29
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Having another question here:

    Private Sub th_ThreadEvent(MethodName As String, EventName As String, ByVal ParamCount As Long, P1 As Variant, P2 As Variant, P3 As Variant, P4 As Variant, P5 As Variant, P6 As Variant, P7 As Variant, P8 As Variant)
    The passed in MethodName is called "BroadCastedEvent", not exactly the method name that I am expecting, i.e. "NameOfTheMethodThatRaisedTheEvent". I guess this is not important but it's just a question.

  30. #30
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    Thanks for the confirmation
    Right, and this is what I got from SQLite documentation before using the URI spec:

    In version 3.5.0, shared-cache mode was modified so that the same cache can be shared across an entire process rather than just within a single thread.
    Enabling shared-cache for an in-memory database allows two or more database connections in the same process to have access to the same in-memory database.
    Shared-cache mode is enabled on a per-process basis.

  31. #31

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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by bPrice View Post
    Having another question here:

    Private Sub th_ThreadEvent(MethodName As String, EventName As String, ByVal ParamCount As Long, P1 As Variant, P2 As Variant, P3 As Variant, P4 As Variant, P5 As Variant, P6 As Variant, P7 As Variant, P8 As Variant)
    The passed in MethodName is called "BroadCastedEvent", not exactly the method name that I am expecting, i.e. "NameOfTheMethodThatRaisedTheEvent". I guess this is not important but it's just a question.
    I can only give the Name of the "MethodThatRaisedTheEvent", when it was triggered by a
    synchronous or asynchronous request "from the outside" (because in this case the
    MethodName came in as a Parameter from the TH of the MainThread).

    For Methods which are jumped-to from the inside of the ThreadClass (e.g. by a Class-internal Timer),
    I use the generic MethodName "BroadCastedEvent".


  32. #32

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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Added a third example (AsyncFolderCopy) into the Demo-Zip of the Opener-Posting.

    The Demo-GUI is relatively simple (sporting only Progress-Event-Handling in the Form.Caption and Start/Cancel-Buttons):

    The implementation-code that's needed in the cCopyThread-Class of the ThreadLib-ActiveX-Dll can be considered requiring "average skills",
    and thus sitting somewhere between the other two example-Folders of the Demo-Zip which can be labelled:
    - "easy" (_Hello World) -
    - and "advanced" (ThreadedDirScan)
    Note, that as with all other examples - the ThreadLib-ActiveX-Dll-Project needs to be compiled first into the Folder where the GUI-VB6-Project resides.

    Option Explicit
    'two Event-Naming-Conventions, for communication with the vbRichClients hidden cThreadProxy-Class (not reaching the clients, when raised)
    Event CancelCheck(Cancel As Boolean)  'ask the hosting cThreadProxy, whether a client demanded Job-Cancelling
    Event GetFactory(Factory As cFactory) 'ask the cThreadProxy, to deliver a RichClient-Factory-Instance regfree (not used here in this Demo)
    Event Progress(ByVal Percent As Double, ByVal ProgrFileSizeInSrc As Currency, ByVal TotalFileSizeInSrc As Currency)
    Private F As cFactory, New_c As cConstructor 'RC5-lib-related Constructor-Variables
    Private mProgrFileSizeInSrc As Currency, mTotalFileSizeInSrc As Currency, mCancelled As Boolean 'Class-internal Helper-variables
    Public Function CopyFolderTo(ByVal DstFolder As String, ByVal SrcFolder As String, Optional ByVal ApplyFileAttributesToDst As Boolean, Optional ByVal Filter As String, Optional ByVal Level As Long) As String
      On Error Resume Next 'we use "in-place-errorhandling" here, and accumulate the Errors in the return-value of this function (if there are any)
      If Level = 0 Then 'init (reset) the Private Variables, when we start a new "deep-copy" (at root-recursion-level Zero)
        If New_c Is Nothing Then 'when the New_c-constructor is not yet initialized,
          RaiseEvent GetFactory(F) 'retrieve a Factory over the built-in Event (to avoid specifying paths for regfree RC5-inits)
          Set New_c = F.C 'init the New_c-constructor-variable from the Factory-Property
        End If
        mCancelled = False 'reset the Cancel-Flag
        mProgrFileSizeInSrc = 0 'reset the Progress-FileSize
        mTotalFileSizeInSrc = GetTotalFileSize(SrcFolder, Filter) 'get the Total-Size of all Files (over a recursive-scan)
      End If
      Dim DL As cDirList, i As Long
      Set DL = New_c.FSO.GetDirList(SrcFolder, dlSortNone, Filter, True)
      If Err Then CopyFolderTo = CopyFolderTo & Err.Description & vbCrLf: Err.Clear: Exit Function
      New_c.FSO.EnsurePathEndSep DstFolder
      If Not New_c.FSO.FolderExists(DstFolder) Then New_c.FSO.CreateDirectory DstFolder
      If Err Then CopyFolderTo = CopyFolderTo & Err.Description & vbCrLf: Err.Clear: Exit Function
      For i = 0 To DL.FilesCount - 1 'copy the files from the current directory chunkwise
        CopyFileChunkWiseTo DstFolder & DL.FileName(i), DL.Path & DL.FileName(i)
        If Err Then CopyFolderTo = CopyFolderTo & "Error copying: " & DL.Path & DL.FileName(i) & " " & Err.Description & vbCrLf: Err.Clear
        If Cancelled Then Exit Function
        If ApplyFileAttributesToDst Then New_c.FSO.SetFileAttributesEx DstFolder & DL.FileName(i), DL.FileAttributes(i) And Not (FA_READONLY Or FA_HIDDEN), _
                                                  DL.FileLastAccessTime(i), DL.FileLastWriteTime(i), DL.FileCreationTime(i)
        If Err Then CopyFolderTo = CopyFolderTo & Err.Description & vbCrLf: Err.Clear
      For i = 0 To DL.SubDirsCount - 1 'recursions into Sub-Directories
        CopyFolderTo = CopyFolderTo & CopyFolderTo(DstFolder & DL.SubDirName(i), DL.Path & DL.SubDirName(i), ApplyFileAttributesToDst, Filter, Level + 1)
        If Cancelled Then Exit Function
        If ApplyFileAttributesToDst Then New_c.FSO.SetFileAttributesEx DstFolder & DL.SubDirName(i), DL.SubDirAttributes(i) And Not (FA_READONLY Or FA_HIDDEN), _
                                                DL.SubDirLastAccessTime(i), DL.SubDirLastWriteTime(i), DL.SubDirCreationTime(i)
        If Err Then CopyFolderTo = CopyFolderTo & Err.Description & vbCrLf: Err.Clear
      If Level = 0 Then RaiseEvent Progress(1, mProgrFileSizeInSrc, mTotalFileSizeInSrc)
    End Function
    'Helper-Function, to determine the TotalSize (Sum of all Files in Bytes) of a given Directory (using a recursive scan)
    Private Function GetTotalFileSize(ByVal SrcFolder As String, Optional ByVal Filter As String) As Currency
      On Error Resume Next
        Dim DL As cDirList
        Set DL = New_c.FSO.GetDirList(SrcFolder, dlSortNone, Filter, True)
        If Err = 0 Then GetTotalFileSize = GetTotalFileSize + DL.TotalFileSizeInDir
      On Error GoTo 0
      If Cancelled Then Exit Function
      Dim i As Long
      For i = 0 To DL.SubDirsCount - 1
        GetTotalFileSize = GetTotalFileSize + GetTotalFileSize(DL.Path & DL.SubDirName(i))
        If Cancelled Then Exit Function
    End Function
    'Helper-Function, which performs a low-level, chunk-wise copying of a file (to be able to cancel early, even when larger files >2GB are copied)
    Private Function CopyFileChunkWiseTo(DstFile As String, SrcFile As String) As String
      Dim Src As cStream, Dst As cStream, BytesRead As Long
      Set Src = New_c.FSO.OpenFileStream(SrcFile, STRM_READ Or STRM_SHARE_DENY_NONE)
      Set Dst = New_c.FSO.CreateFileStream(DstFile, STRM_WRITE Or STRM_SHARE_DENY_NONE)
      Const BufSize As Long = 4194304: Static Buf(0 To BufSize - 1) As Byte
      Do Until Src.GetPosition = Src.GetSize
        BytesRead = Src.ReadToPtr(VarPtr(Buf(0)), BufSize)
        Dst.WriteFromPtr VarPtr(Buf(0)), BytesRead
        mProgrFileSizeInSrc = mProgrFileSizeInSrc + BytesRead
        Static T As Double, LastT As Double
        T = New_c.HPTimer
        If T - LastT > 0.2 Then 'ensure, that we don't raise ThreadEvents more than about 5 times per second
          If Cancelled Then Exit Function
          RaiseEvent Progress(mProgrFileSizeInSrc / mTotalFileSizeInSrc, mProgrFileSizeInSrc, mTotalFileSizeInSrc)
          LastT = T
        End If
    End Function
    Private Function Cancelled() As Boolean 'helper-function to signalize early exits in the Job-Procedures...
      If Not mCancelled Then RaiseEvent CancelCheck(mCancelled) ' raising the appropriate Helper-Event
      Cancelled = mCancelled
    End Function

  33. #33
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Have a problem:

    In the old times when I work with elements of a large array, the only way is to loop through the entire array and work on each element sequentially. Now with the advent of multi-threading, I came up with an idea that I might be able to split the array into parts each of which gets dealt with by a separate thread. Therefore, I thought, the performance could be boosted.

    I experimented on it and it proved to be not the case. Due to the fact, I guess, that all data transfered between threads, over the cThreadHandler, is copied back and forth, the time cost for copying data well exceeds the time saved by using separate threads. Imagine copy arrays of millions of elements again, again, and again across threads...

    I wish I could make all threads work on a same block data, is it possible? Otherwise all the copying & joining data are not going to get me what I want.

  34. #34

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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Quote Originally Posted by Resurrected View Post
    ...I might be able to split the array into parts each of which gets dealt with by a separate thread. Therefore, I thought, the performance could be boosted.

    I experimented on it and it proved to be not the case. Due to the fact, I guess, that all data transfered between threads, over the cThreadHandler, is copied back and forth, the time cost for copying data well exceeds the time saved by using separate threads. Imagine copy arrays of millions of elements again, again, and again across threads...

    I wish I could make all threads work on a same block data, is it possible?
    Of course...

    To avoid unnecessary allocations (or copying) there's several approaches:

    1) allocate (ReDim) the large Array once (in the Main-Thread)
    1.1) pass only the Pointer to that Array (and its dimensions) into your ThreadClass
    1.2) span a virtual Array over that pointer (using SafeArray-techniques)
    1.3) important is, that from within the thread, you "unbind" the virtually spanned Array again at the end of processing

    2) allocate (ReDim) a separate part of the large Array only once in the ThreadClass (in a useful WorkBuf-Size)
    2.1) instruct the Threads, to each fill their "WorkBuf-Array-Part" (on their own, isolated Thread-Allocation)
    2.1) when a Thread is finished with its part, it passes a Pointer to its WorkBufArray-area back to the MainThread
    2.2) The MainThread then being able (along with additional Infos, where this part belongs) to copy over this part very fast (per CopyMemory) into the large MainArray-Allocation.

    The latter approach is a bit safer to handle, because one wouldn't have to take care of proper "SafeArray-Unbinding" within the threads.

    E.g. I was using something like that (as described in 2) in a Multithreaded MandelBrot-Rendering,
    where the (ScreenPixel) size of the total MandelBrot-area was known - each thread then performing
    MandelBrot-calculations on only a "stripe" of the total area - and then reporting back only
    the pointer of such a "thread-internally filled stripe-buffer" to the MainThread.

    The Mainthread then being able, to do a "Blit to a hDC in the MainThread" directly from that
    passed Pointer (that's possible per StretchDIBits for example).

    So, approach #1 (Spanning of Virtual-Arrays) is the least resource- and communication intensive - but approach #2
    is also useful in some cases (where a kind of copying is involved anyways, as e.g. in a Screen-Blit-Operation).

    To give a clear recommendation for one or the other, I'd need to know what your scenario is...

    Last edited by Schmidt; Aug 21st, 2016 at 03:37 AM.

  35. #35
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    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Hello Olaf

    For the time being, I think I will go for approach 1).

    And sorry I didn't reply sooner because I was trying really hard to wrap my head around SAFEARRAY, VARIANT, BSTR, and related memory manipulation APIs like CopyMemory.

    Before posting in this thread, I had no experience with them. So I studied them for a whole week. This site proved to be VERY helpful.

    So far I have something like this (not perfect at all, but I will try to build upon the idea)

    In the ActiveX DLL project, I have a modMemoryFuncs and cAccelerator:

    'Standard Module
    Option Explicit
    Public Const PTR_LENGTH_32BIT As Long = 4
    Public Declare Function VarPtr Lib "msvbvm60.dll" (Var As Any) As Long
    Public Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "VarPtr" (Var() As Any) As Long
    Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
    Public Declare Sub FillMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlFillMemory" (Destination As Any, ByVal Length As Long, ByVal Fill As Byte)
        cElements As Long
        lLbound As Long
    End Type
        cDims As Integer
        fFeatures As Integer
        cbElements As Long
        cLocks As Long
        pvData As Long
        rgsabound(0) As SAFEARRAYBOUND
    End Type
    'Class Module
    Private vDataHolder As Variant
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        FillMemory ByVal VarPtr(vDataHolder), PTR_LENGTH_32BIT, 0
    End Sub
    Public Sub InStrAccelerated(pData As Long, _
                                RangeStart As Long, _
                                RangeEnd As Long, _
                                Find As String, _
                                CompareMethod As Long)
        Dim i As Long
        On Error Resume Next
        CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(vDataHolder), ByVal pData, VARIANT_STRUCTURE_LENGTH
        For i = RangeStart To RangeEnd
            vDataHolder(i, 2) = InStr(1, vDataHolder(i, 1), Find, CompareMethod)
    End Sub
    In the VBA Project, I have a cAccelelator(same name), which is a wrapper for multiple threadhandlers, and a modMain:

    'Standard Module
    Sub Test()
    Dim ac As cAccelerator
    Set ac = New cAccelerator
    Dim v As Variant
    v = Selection.Cells.Value
    'get a variant array with several millions of rows and 2 columns
    ac.InStrAccelerated v, "man", vbTextCompare
    Selection.Cells.Value = v
    'show results
    End Sub

    'Class Module
    Private ThreadPool As cCollection
    Private ThreadOperateRanges() As tpOperateRange
    Private ThreadHandlerInstance As cThreadHandler
    Private Type tpOperateRange
        Start As Long
        End As Long
    End Type
    Private Const DLL_FILE_PATH As String = "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\cThread\cThread3.dll"
    Private Const DLL_CLASS_NAME As String = "cAccelerator"
    Public Sub InStrAccelerated(Data As Variant, Find As String, CompareMethod As VbCompareMethod)
        Dim RLB As Long, RUB As Long, I As Long
        New_c.Timing True
        RLB = LBound(Data, 1)
        RUB = UBound(Data, 1)
        GetOperateRange RLB, RUB
        For I = 0 To ThreadPool.Count - 1
            Set ThreadHandlerInstance = ThreadPool.ItemByIndex(I)
            ThreadHandlerInstance.CallAsync "InStrAccelerated", _
                                            VarPtr(Data), _
                                            ThreadOperateRanges(I).Start, _
                                            ThreadOperateRanges(I).End, _
                                            Find, _
        Debug.Print "Thread Calling Finished", New_c.Timing
        For I = 0 To ThreadPool.Count - 1
            Set ThreadHandlerInstance = ThreadPool.ItemByIndex(I)
            Debug.Print "Thread " & I & " Ended", New_c.Timing
    End Sub
    Private Sub GetOperateRange(RangeStart As Long, RangeEnd As Long)
        Dim RangeTotalLength As Long, RangeAverageLength As Long, RangeCurStart As Long, I As Long
        RangeTotalLength = RangeEnd - RangeStart
        RangeAverageLength = CLng(RangeTotalLength / ThreadPool.Count)
        RangeCurStart = RangeStart
        For I = LBound(ThreadOperateRanges) To UBound(ThreadOperateRanges)
            ThreadOperateRanges(I).Start = RangeCurStart
            ThreadOperateRanges(I).End = RangeCurStart + RangeAverageLength
            RangeCurStart = RangeCurStart + RangeAverageLength + 1
        ThreadOperateRanges(UBound(ThreadOperateRanges)).End = RangeEnd
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        Dim cores As Long, I As Long
        cores = New_c.GetCPUCoresCount
        Set ThreadPool = New_c.Collection(False, BinaryCompare, True)
        If cores < 4 Then
            Err.Raise 999, , "Supported only for system with at least 4 CPU cores"
            For I = 0 To cores - 2
                ThreadPool.Add New_c.RegFree.ThreadObjectCreate(CStr(I), DLL_FILE_PATH, DLL_CLASS_NAME, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)
            ReDim ThreadOperateRanges(0 To cores - 2)
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        Set ThreadPool = Nothing
    End Sub
    Thread Calling Finished      22.26msec
    Thread 0 Ended               820.89msec
    Thread 1 Ended               821.60msec
    Thread 2 Ended               822.10msec
    Name:  QQ??20160828210647.jpg
Views: 4047
Size:  27.2 KB

    I am trying to simulate a quicker synchrounous calling by using multi-thread technique provided by RichClient.

  36. #36
    Lively Member
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    Aug 2016

    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Finally. Not new. Edit this post away.
    Last edited by Resurrected; Aug 31st, 2016 at 05:47 AM.

  37. #37
    Lively Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Sorry there is a format error and I can't correct it since I am "new" and not allowed for editting.

    Compare results. It's not working.

    Thread Calling Finished 119.73msec
    Thread 0 Ended 3,659.41msec
    Thread 1 Ended 4,491.96msec
    Thread 2 Ended 4,780.21msec
    Synchrounous Start 0.00msec
    Synchrounous End 4,602.77msec
    Thread Calling Finished 0.14msec
    Thread 0 Ended 3,048.75msec
    Thread 1 Ended 6,056.63msec
    Thread 2 Ended 6,058.44msec
    Synchrounous Start 0.00msec
    Synchrounous End 4,754.38msec

  38. #38
    Lively Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    Olaf, I have tried a different way, still there is no performance gain at all.

    Same stuff in the ActiveX DLL Project, but VBA project this time is different:

    In the Workbook module:
    Private WithEvents p As cThreadPool
    Sub Test2()
        Set p = New cThreadPool
        Dim v As Variant
        v = Selection.Cells.Value
        'get a variant array with several millions of rows and 2 columns
        New_c.Timing True
        Dim i As Long, k As Long
        Debug.Print "Synchrounous Start", New_c.Timing
        For k = 1 To 5
            For i = LBound(v, 1) To UBound(v, 1)
                v(i, 2) = InStr(1, v(i, 1), "manuf", vbTextCompare)
        Debug.Print "Synchrounous End", New_c.Timing
        New_c.Timing True
        Debug.Print "Asynchrounous Start", New_c.Timing
        p.InstrAccelerated v, "manuf", vbTextCompare
    End Sub
    Private Sub p_MethodFinished(ResultData As Variant)
        Debug.Print "Asynchrounous End", New_c.Timing
        'Selection.Cells.Value = ResultData
    End Sub
    In the cThreadPool Module:
    Option Explicit
    Private Const DLL_FILE_PATH As String = "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\cThread\cThread3.dll"
    Private Const DLL_CLASS_NAME As String = "cAccelerator"
    Public Event MethodFinished(ResultData As Variant)
    Private ThreadInstances As cCollection
    Private ThreadOperateRanges() As tpOperateRange
    Private Type tpOperateRange
        Start As Long
        End As Long
    End Type
    Private ThreadFinishedMethods() As Boolean
    Private Data As Variant
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        Dim cores As Long, i As Long, NewThreadInstance As cThreadWrapper
        cores = New_c.GetCPUCoresCount
        Set ThreadInstances = New_c.Collection(False, BinaryCompare, True)
        If cores < 4 Then
            Err.Raise 999, , "Supported only for system with at least 4 CPU cores"
            For i = 0 To cores - 2
                Set NewThreadInstance = New cThreadWrapper
                NewThreadInstance.CreateThread Me, i, DLL_FILE_PATH, DLL_CLASS_NAME
                ThreadInstances.Add NewThreadInstance
                Set NewThreadInstance = Nothing
            ReDim ThreadOperateRanges(0 To cores - 2)
            ReDim ThreadFinishedMethods(0 To cores - 2)
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        Set ThreadInstances = Nothing
    End Sub
    Friend Sub ThreadWrapperCallback(Idx As Long)
        Dim i As Long
        ThreadFinishedMethods(Idx) = True
        For i = LBound(ThreadFinishedMethods) To UBound(ThreadFinishedMethods)
            If Not ThreadFinishedMethods(i) Then Exit Sub
        RaiseEvent MethodFinished(Data)
    End Sub
    Private Sub GetOperateRange(RangeStart As Long, RangeEnd As Long)
        Dim RangeTotalLength As Long, RangeAverageLength As Long, RangeCurStart As Long, i As Long
        RangeTotalLength = RangeEnd - RangeStart
        RangeAverageLength = CLng(RangeTotalLength / ThreadInstances.Count)
        RangeCurStart = RangeStart
        For i = LBound(ThreadOperateRanges) To UBound(ThreadOperateRanges)
            ThreadOperateRanges(i).Start = RangeCurStart
            ThreadOperateRanges(i).End = RangeCurStart + RangeAverageLength
            RangeCurStart = RangeCurStart + RangeAverageLength + 1
        ThreadOperateRanges(UBound(ThreadOperateRanges)).End = RangeEnd
    End Sub
    Public Sub InstrAccelerated(SourceData As Variant, Find As String, CompareMethod As VbCompareMethod)
        Dim ThreadWrapper As cThreadWrapper, i As Long
        Data = SourceData
        GetOperateRange LBound(Data, 1), UBound(Data, 1)
        For i = 0 To ThreadInstances.Count - 1
            Set ThreadWrapper = ThreadInstances.ItemByIndex(i)
            ThreadWrapper.AccelerateInStr _
                        VarPtr(Data), _
                        ThreadOperateRanges(i).Start, _
                        ThreadOperateRanges(i).End, _
                        Find, CompareMethod
    End Sub
    In the cThreadWrapper Module:
    Option Explicit
    Public WithEvents TH As cThreadHandler
    Private ThreadPool As cThreadPool, ThreadIdx As Long
    Public Sub CreateThread(ByThreadPool As cThreadPool, ByVal ThreadIdxZeroBased As Long, _
                            ByVal ThreadLibPath As String, ByVal ThreadClass As String)
        ThreadIdx = ThreadIdxZeroBased
        Set ThreadPool = ByThreadPool
        Set TH = New_c.RegFree.ThreadObjectCreate(ObjPtr(Me), ThreadLibPath, ThreadClass)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        If Not TH Is Nothing Then TH.WaitForEmptyJobQueue
        Set TH = Nothing
    End Sub
    Public Sub AccelerateInStr(pData As Long, _
                                RangeStart As Long, _
                                RangeEnd As Long, _
                                Find As String, _
                                CompareMethod As Long)
        If Not TH Is Nothing Then TH.CallAsync "AccelerateInStr", _
           pData, _
           RangeStart, _
           RangeEnd, _
           Find, _
    End Sub
    Private Sub TH_MethodFinished(MethodName As String, Result As Variant, ErrString As String, ErrSource As String, ByVal ErrNumber As Long)
        ThreadPool.ThreadWrapperCallback ThreadIdx
    End Sub
    No performance gain at all.. Maybe a little but I really think it's because I tested Synchorounous method first...

    Synchrounous Start           0.00msec
    Synchrounous End             3,247.98msec
    Asynchrounous Start          0.00msec
    Asynchrounous End            3,022.75msec
    Last edited by Resurrected; Aug 31st, 2016 at 05:48 AM.

  39. #39
    Lively Member
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    Aug 2016

    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    I start to think that the VARIANT can only be accessed by a single thread at a time.

  40. #40
    Lively Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: VB6 Threading-Examples using the vbRichClient5 ThreadHandler

    I have tried yet another testing. This time, there is no passing Variant pointer. Just trying to generate some data:

    Public Sub GenerateData()
        Dim i As Long, str As String
        For i = 1 To 9999999
            str = i
    End Sub
    I run GenerateData synchrounously for 3 times, and record time. Then I use 3 threads each of which runs GenerateData for 1 time simultaneously. The result is still not satisfying, but there is some improvements:

    Synchrounous Start           0.00msec
    Synchrounous End             4,929.96msec
    Asynchrounous Start          0.00msec
    Asynchrounous End            3,388.14msec
    I thought that running 3 threads to generate the same amount of data would only take approximately 1/3 time. But it turned out to be only slightly faster.

    To process same variant array, there is no time saved, however.

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