
I am working on an APP in VB 2010 Express I am new to this so I am looking for assistance in getting the App to work. The App is a currency converter. I convers dollars to yen = 14, and pesos = .74 and euros = 76.9.

Public Class CurrencyConverterForm
' handles the convert Button's Click event
Private Sub convertButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles convertButton.Click

' declare variables
Dim amount As Decimal
Dim dollars As Double = 0
Dim PESOS As Decimal = 14
Dim YEN As Decimal = 76.9
Dim EUROS As Decimal = 0.74
Dim convertedLabelResultsLabel As Decimal = 0

' assign variables
amount = dollars / 76.9
dollars = Val(dollarsTextBox.Text)
convertedLabelResultsLabel = amount

' perform currency conversion
If currencyTextBox.Text = "Euros" Then
amount *= EUROS
'If currencyTextBox.Text = "pesos" Then
amount *= PESOS
' If currencyTextBox.Text = "yen" Then
amount *= YEN
End If

' display the results
convertedLabelResultsLabel.Text [/B]=[/U] String.Format("{0:C}", convertedLabel)

End Sub ' CurrencyConverForm_Click
End Class ' CurrencyConverterForm

Any thoughts on making it work. I get an error for line 30 saying Text is not a member of Decimal.