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Thread: [VB6, Vista+] Code snippet: KnownFolders made easy with IKnownFolderManager

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    [VB6, Vista+] Code snippet: KnownFolders made easy with IKnownFolderManager

    Using the KnownFolderManager Object

    oleexp includes the IKnownFolderManager and IKnownFolder interfaces.

    If plan on doing any work with the Known Folders that replaced CSIDL Special Locations and you're working exclusively with Vista and higher, there's now the IKnownFolderManager interface, for which Windows provides a default instance of, which makes your job much easier.

    Dim pKFM as KnownFolderManager
    Set pKFM = New KnownFolderManager
    Now you have a ready-to-use manager that gives you the following:

    .FindFolderFromPath /IDList - Have the path of a special folder and want to get its IKnownFolder interface to find out information about it? You can specify a full or partial path. If you work with PIDLs, e.g. the result from a folder browser that you could use here directly without converting back and forth to a string path, there's a function to get a known folder directly from that as well.

    .FolderIdFromCsidl - Still working with CSIDLs? This will ease the transition into support Known Folders.

    .GetFolder / .GetFolderByName - You can use either the GUID or canonical name to return a Known Folder object.

    Dim pikf As IKnownFolder
    pKFM.FindFolderFromPath StrPtr("C:\Users\Jon\Downloads"), FFFP_EXACTMATCH, pikf
    Once you have a Known Folder, in the form of a IKnownFolder object, you can get tons of information about it:

    From the main IKnownFolder object, you can get all its file system information, like its PROPERTYKEY, path, pidl, or even an IShellItem interface for it (you can also change the path with SetPath), then there's a significant subset of information in the description:
    pikf.GetFolderDefinition desc
    pikf.GetId pid
    PrintGUID pid
    Debug.Print "Icon=" & BStrFromLPWStr(desc.pszIcon, False)
    Debug.Print "Name=" & BStrFromLPWStr(desc.pszName, False)
    Debug.Print "Description=" & BStrFromLPWStr(desc.pszDescription, False)
    Debug.Print "LocalizedName=" & BStrFromLPWStr(desc.pszLocalizedName, False)
    Debug.Print "ToolTip=" & BStrFromLPWStr(desc.pszToolTip, False)
    Debug.Print "Category=" & desc.category 'peruser, common, etc
    Debug.Print "Attributes=" & desc.dwAttributes
    FreeKnownFolderDefinitionFields desc
    This is by far the easiest way to work with these special folders on newer versions of Windows.

    Most of the oleexp projects use this, but again:
    Public Declare Function SysReAllocString Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByVal pBSTR As Long, Optional ByVal pszStrPtr As Long) As Long
    Public Declare Sub CoTaskMemFree Lib "ole32.dll" (ByVal pv As Long) ' Frees memory allocated by the shell
    Public Function BStrFromLPWStr(lpWStr As Long, Optional ByVal CleanupLPWStr As Boolean = True) As String
    SysReAllocString VarPtr(BStrFromLPWStr), lpWStr
    If CleanupLPWStr Then CoTaskMemFree lpWStr
    End Function
    Public Sub FreeKnownFolderDefinitionFields(pKFD As KNOWNFOLDER_DEFINITION)
    Call CoTaskMemFree(pKFD.pszName)
    Call CoTaskMemFree(pKFD.pszDescription)
    Call CoTaskMemFree(pKFD.pszRelativePath)
    Call CoTaskMemFree(pKFD.pszParsingName)
    Call CoTaskMemFree(pKFD.pszToolTip)
    Call CoTaskMemFree(pKFD.pszLocalizedName)
    Call CoTaskMemFree(pKFD.pszIcon)
    Call CoTaskMemFree(pKFD.pszSecurity)
    End Sub
    'also handy,
    Public Declare Function StringFromGUID2 Lib "ole32.dll" (ByRef rguid As Any, ByVal lpsz As String, ByVal cchMax As Long) As Long
    Public Sub PrintGUID(TempGUID As UUID)
    Dim GuidStr As String
    Dim lLen As Long
    GuidStr = Space(80)
    lLen = StringFromGUID2(TempGUID, GuidStr, 80)
    If (lLen) Then
        GuidStr = StrConv(Left$(GuidStr, (lLen - 1) * 2), vbFromUnicode)
        Debug.Print GuidStr
    End If
    End Sub
    Last edited by fafalone; Sep 4th, 2017 at 02:49 AM.

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