I have a tab delimited file. One record contains double quotes.

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I'm reading the text TSV file using ADODB and writing the results to MS Access. That double quote is really screwing things up. It appears to end the recordset!

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The only answer I see from Google is to read the TSV file using VBA, not ADODB. But this really isn't an answer -- it avoids the problem. I want to use ADODB. It's hard to believe there's no way to read TSV files with a double quote in them. Any ideas?

This is the code that opens the ADODB connection and recordset:

Public Sub openADODBConnection()
    Set c_cn = New ADODB.Connection

    c_cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
        "Data Source=""" & c_crFolder.path & """;" & _
        "Extended Properties=""Text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited"""

    If c_cn.State <> adStateOpen Then
        Call Me.closeDBConnection(exit_failure, "DB Connection Failed.")
        Call MsgBox("ADO Connection failed with: " & c_crFolder.path, , "Connection Err")
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub openADODBRecordset(table As Tables)
    Dim file As String, sql As String
    Set c_rs = New ADODB.Recordset

    If table = Tables.bulkpor Then
        file = "FFIEC CDR Call Bulk POR " & Me.dateString & ".txt"
    ElseIf table = Tables.rc Then
        file = "FFIEC CDR Call Schedule RC " & Me.dateString & ".txt"
    End If

    sql = "SELECT * FROM [" & file & "]"
    c_rs.Open sql, Me.dbConnection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
    If c_rs.State <> adStateOpen Then Call Me.closeDBRecordSet(exit_failure, "Recordset Err")
End Sub
Additionally, I use a schema.init file to force Access to read the file using tab delimiters.

[FFIEC CDR Call Schedule RCRII 06302014(1 of 2).txt]

There surely has to be a way to handle this, right? If I had to use a ham-fisted approach, I'd probably pre-process the files to remove the double quotes physically rather than switch to reading the TSV files with a VBA file read/split operation.