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Thread: Calculate Holidays

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  1. #1

    Thread Starter
    Powered By Medtronic dbasnett's Avatar
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    Dec 2007
    Jefferson City, MO

    Calculate Holidays

    A way to generate Holidays. Several are defined in the Class:

        Public Class MyHolidays
            Private Class DefHolidays
                Property Name As String
                Property HolidayMonth As Integer = -1
                Property HolidayDayOfMonth As Integer = -1
                Property HolidayDate As DateTime
                Property Nth As Integer = -1 '-1 last NthDayOfWeek <<<<<<<<<<
                Property NthDayOfWeek As DayOfWeek
                Property EasterCalc As Boolean = False
                Property enabled As Boolean = True
            End Class
            Private holidays As New Dictionary(Of String, DefHolidays)
            Private whYear As Integer
            Public Easter As DateTime = DateTime.MinValue
            ''' <summary>
            ''' creates holidays for the given year
            ''' </summary>
            ''' <param name="year"></param>
            ''' <remarks></remarks>
            Public Sub New(year As Integer)
                Me.whYear = year
                Dim holiday As DefHolidays
                'what follows are the holidays
                'add / remove / disable per your requirement
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "New Year's Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 1
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 1
                    '.enabled = False 'how to disable a holiday
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Martin Luther King Jr. Day" 'third monday january
                    .Nth = 3
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday
                    .HolidayMonth = 1
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Groundhog Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 2
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 2
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Valentine's Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 2
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 14
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Presidents Day" 'second monday of Feb.
                    .Nth = 3
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday
                    .HolidayMonth = 2
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "St. Patrick's Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 3
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 17
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "April Fools' Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 4
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 1
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                'easter defined before holidays based on easter
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Easter Sunday"
                    .EasterCalc = True
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Palm Sunday"
                    .EasterCalc = True
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Good Friday"
                    .EasterCalc = True
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Patriot's Day"
                    .Nth = 3
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday
                    .HolidayMonth = 4
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Earth Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 4
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 22
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Arbor Day" 'last fri in apr ,  .Nth = -1 (the default)
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Friday
                    .HolidayMonth = 4
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Mother's Day"
                    .Nth = 2
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday
                    .HolidayMonth = 5
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Memorial Day"
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday
                    .HolidayMonth = 5
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Flag Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 6
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 14
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Father's Day"
                    .Nth = 3
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday
                    .HolidayMonth = 6
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Independence Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 7
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 4
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Labor Day"
                    .Nth = 1
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday
                    .HolidayMonth = 9
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Columbus Day"
                    .Nth = 2
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday
                    .HolidayMonth = 10
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Halloween"
                    .HolidayMonth = 10
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 31
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Veterans Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 11
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 11
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Thanksgiving"
                    .Nth = 4
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Thursday
                    .HolidayMonth = 11
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 12
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 7
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Christmas Eve"
                    .HolidayMonth = 12
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 24
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Christmas Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 12
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 25
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "New Year's Eve"
                    .HolidayMonth = 12
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 31
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
            End Sub
            Private Function CalcDate(holiday As DefHolidays) As DateTime
                If holiday.EasterCalc Then
                    If holiday.Name.StartsWith("Easter") Then
                        'VB .Net implementation of:
                        Dim y As Integer = Me.whYear
                        Dim c, d, i, j, k, l, m, n As Integer
                        c = y \ 100
                        n = y Mod 19
                        k = (c - 17) \ 25
                        i = c - c \ 4 - (c - k) \ 3 + 19 * n + 15
                        i = i Mod 30
                        i = i - (i \ 28) * (1 - (i \ 28) * (29 \ (i + 1)) * ((21 - n) \ 11))
                        j = y + y \ 4 + i + 2 - c + c \ 4
                        j = j Mod 7
                        l = i - j
                        m = 3 + (l + 40) \ 44
                        d = l + 28 - 31 * (m \ 4)
                        holiday.HolidayMonth = m
                        holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth = d
                        Me.Easter = New DateTime(y, m, d)
                    ElseIf holiday.Name.Contains(DayOfWeek.Friday.ToString) Then
                        'good friday - friday before easter sunday
                        holiday.HolidayMonth = Me.Easter.AddDays(-2).Month
                        holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth = Me.Easter.AddDays(-2).Day
                    ElseIf holiday.Name.Contains(DayOfWeek.Sunday.ToString) Then
                        'palm sunday - sunday before easter
                        holiday.HolidayMonth = Me.Easter.AddDays(-7).Month
                        holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth = Me.Easter.AddDays(-7).Day
                    End If
                ElseIf holiday.HolidayMonth = -1 OrElse holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth = -1 Then
                    If holiday.Nth < 1 Then
                        'last NthDayOfWeek
                        Dim dt As DateTime = New DateTime(Me.whYear, holiday.HolidayMonth, DateTime.DaysInMonth(Me.whYear, holiday.HolidayMonth))
                        Do While dt.DayOfWeek <> holiday.NthDayOfWeek
                            dt = dt.AddDays(-1)
                        holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth = dt.Day
                        Dim dt As DateTime = New DateTime(Me.whYear, holiday.HolidayMonth, 1)
                        For x As Integer = 1 To holiday.Nth
                            Do While dt.DayOfWeek <> holiday.NthDayOfWeek
                                dt = dt.AddDays(1)
                            dt = dt.AddDays(1)
                        dt = dt.AddDays(-1)
                        holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth = dt.Day
                    End If
                End If
                holiday.HolidayDate = New DateTime(Me.whYear, holiday.HolidayMonth, holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth)
                Return holiday.HolidayDate
            End Function
            ''' <summary>
            ''' returns a list of Holidays
            ''' </summary>
            ''' <returns></returns>
            ''' <remarks></remarks>
            Public Function HolidayList() As List(Of String)
                Dim rv As New List(Of String)
                For Each h As DefHolidays In Me.holidays.Values.OrderBy(Function(d) d.HolidayDate)
                    If h.enabled Then
                        rv.Add(String.Format("{0},  {1},  {2}", h.Name, h.HolidayDate.DayOfWeek, h.HolidayDate.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy")))
                    End If
                Return rv
            End Function
            ''' <summary>
            ''' check if date is a holiday
            ''' </summary>
            ''' <param name="SomeDateInYear">a date.  year must match year for list of holidays</param>
            ''' <returns>true if is a holiday, otherwise false</returns>
            ''' <remarks></remarks>
            Public Function isHoliday(SomeDateInYear As DateTime) As Boolean
                If SomeDateInYear.Year <> Me.whYear Then
                    Throw New ArgumentException("These holidays are for " & Me.whYear.ToString)
                    Dim ct As Integer = (From d In Me.holidays.Values
                                        Where d.HolidayDate.Date = SomeDateInYear.Date AndAlso d.enabled
                                        Select d Take 1).Count
                    Return ct > 0
                End If
            End Function
        End Class
    Last edited by dbasnett; Nov 18th, 2014 at 05:46 AM.
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  2. #2
    PowerPoster Nightwalker83's Avatar
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    Re: Holidays - USA

    Nice code however, you might want to add comments to the code to say what the variables represent c, n, k, etc me nothing to me and I am sure some others feel the same way. Also, you might want to change the thread title to something such as "How to find US holidays through code". After all, I don't want anybody confusing it for a chit chat thread.
    when you quote a post could you please do it via the "Reply With Quote" button or if it multiple post click the "''+" button then "Reply With Quote" button.
    If this thread is finished with please mark it "Resolved" by selecting "Mark thread resolved" from the "Thread tools" drop-down menu.

  3. #3

    Thread Starter
    Powered By Medtronic dbasnett's Avatar
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    Dec 2007
    Jefferson City, MO

    Re: Holidays - USA

    The Easter calculation was from the location specified. Sadly, other than y,m,d, I haven't a clue what the other variables are or what each line of code does. I do know that the whole calculates Easter accurately.
    My First Computer -- Documentation Link (RT?M) -- Using the Debugger -- Prime Number Sieve
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    "Those who use Application.DoEvents have no idea what it does and those who know what it does never use it." John Wein

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Re: Calculate Holidays

    Quote Originally Posted by dbasnett View Post
    A way to generate Holidays. Several are defined in the Class:

        Public Class MyHolidays
            Private Class DefHolidays
                Property Name As String
                Property HolidayMonth As Integer = -1
                Property HolidayDayOfMonth As Integer = -1
                Property HolidayDate As DateTime
                Property Nth As Integer = -1 '-1 last NthDayOfWeek <<<<<<<<<<
                Property NthDayOfWeek As DayOfWeek
                Property EasterCalc As Boolean = False
                Property enabled As Boolean = True
            End Class
            Private holidays As New Dictionary(Of String, DefHolidays)
            Private whYear As Integer
            Public Easter As DateTime = DateTime.MinValue
            ''' <summary>
            ''' creates holidays for the given year
            ''' </summary>
            ''' <param name="year"></param>
            ''' <remarks></remarks>
            Public Sub New(year As Integer)
                Me.whYear = year
                Dim holiday As DefHolidays
                'what follows are the holidays
                'add / remove / disable per your requirement
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "New Year's Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 1
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 1
                    '.enabled = False 'how to disable a holiday
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Martin Luther King Jr. Day" 'third monday january
                    .Nth = 3
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday
                    .HolidayMonth = 1
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Groundhog Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 2
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 2
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Valentine's Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 2
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 14
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Presidents Day" 'second monday of Feb.
                    .Nth = 3
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday
                    .HolidayMonth = 2
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "St. Patrick's Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 3
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 17
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "April Fools' Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 4
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 1
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                'easter defined before holidays based on easter
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Easter Sunday"
                    .EasterCalc = True
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Palm Sunday"
                    .EasterCalc = True
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Good Friday"
                    .EasterCalc = True
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Patriot's Day"
                    .Nth = 3
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday
                    .HolidayMonth = 4
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Earth Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 4
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 22
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Arbor Day" 'last fri in apr ,  .Nth = -1 (the default)
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Friday
                    .HolidayMonth = 4
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Mother's Day"
                    .Nth = 2
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday
                    .HolidayMonth = 5
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Memorial Day"
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday
                    .HolidayMonth = 5
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Flag Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 6
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 14
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Father's Day"
                    .Nth = 3
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday
                    .HolidayMonth = 6
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Independence Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 7
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 4
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Labor Day"
                    .Nth = 1
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday
                    .HolidayMonth = 9
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Columbus Day"
                    .Nth = 2
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday
                    .HolidayMonth = 10
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Halloween"
                    .HolidayMonth = 10
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 31
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Veterans Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 11
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 11
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Thanksgiving"
                    .Nth = 4
                    .NthDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Thursday
                    .HolidayMonth = 11
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 12
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 7
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Christmas Eve"
                    .HolidayMonth = 12
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 24
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "Christmas Day"
                    .HolidayMonth = 12
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 25
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
                holiday = New DefHolidays
                With holiday
                    .Name = "New Year's Eve"
                    .HolidayMonth = 12
                    .HolidayDayOfMonth = 31
                End With
                Me.holidays.Add(holiday.Name, holiday)
            End Sub
            Private Function CalcDate(holiday As DefHolidays) As DateTime
                If holiday.EasterCalc Then
                    If holiday.Name.StartsWith("Easter") Then
                        'VB .Net implementation of:
                        Dim y As Integer = Me.whYear
                        Dim c, d, i, j, k, l, m, n As Integer
                        c = y \ 100
                        n = y Mod 19
                        k = (c - 17) \ 25
                        i = c - c \ 4 - (c - k) \ 3 + 19 * n + 15
                        i = i Mod 30
                        i = i - (i \ 28) * (1 - (i \ 28) * (29 \ (i + 1)) * ((21 - n) \ 11))
                        j = y + y \ 4 + i + 2 - c + c \ 4
                        j = j Mod 7
                        l = i - j
                        m = 3 + (l + 40) \ 44
                        d = l + 28 - 31 * (m \ 4)
                        holiday.HolidayMonth = m
                        holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth = d
                        Me.Easter = New DateTime(y, m, d)
                    ElseIf holiday.Name.Contains(DayOfWeek.Friday.ToString) Then
                        'good friday - friday before easter sunday
                        holiday.HolidayMonth = Me.Easter.AddDays(-2).Month
                        holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth = Me.Easter.AddDays(-2).Day
                    ElseIf holiday.Name.Contains(DayOfWeek.Sunday.ToString) Then
                        'palm sunday - sunday before easter
                        holiday.HolidayMonth = Me.Easter.AddDays(-7).Month
                        holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth = Me.Easter.AddDays(-7).Day
                    End If
                ElseIf holiday.HolidayMonth = -1 OrElse holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth = -1 Then
                    If holiday.Nth < 1 Then
                        'last NthDayOfWeek
                        Dim dt As DateTime = New DateTime(Me.whYear, holiday.HolidayMonth, DateTime.DaysInMonth(Me.whYear, holiday.HolidayMonth))
                        Do While dt.DayOfWeek <> holiday.NthDayOfWeek
                            dt = dt.AddDays(-1)
                        holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth = dt.Day
                        Dim dt As DateTime = New DateTime(Me.whYear, holiday.HolidayMonth, 1)
                        For x As Integer = 1 To holiday.Nth
                            Do While dt.DayOfWeek <> holiday.NthDayOfWeek
                                dt = dt.AddDays(1)
                            dt = dt.AddDays(1)
                        dt = dt.AddDays(-1)
                        holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth = dt.Day
                    End If
                End If
                holiday.HolidayDate = New DateTime(Me.whYear, holiday.HolidayMonth, holiday.HolidayDayOfMonth)
                Return holiday.HolidayDate
            End Function
            ''' <summary>
            ''' returns a list of Holidays
            ''' </summary>
            ''' <returns></returns>
            ''' <remarks></remarks>
            Public Function HolidayList() As List(Of String)
                Dim rv As New List(Of String)
                For Each h As DefHolidays In Me.holidays.Values.OrderBy(Function(d) d.HolidayDate)
                    If h.enabled Then
                        rv.Add(String.Format("{0},  {1},  {2}", h.Name, h.HolidayDate.DayOfWeek, h.HolidayDate.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy")))
                    End If
                Return rv
            End Function
            ''' <summary>
            ''' check if date is a holiday
            ''' </summary>
            ''' <param name="SomeDateInYear">a date.  year must match year for list of holidays</param>
            ''' <returns>true if is a holiday, otherwise false</returns>
            ''' <remarks></remarks>
            Public Function isHoliday(SomeDateInYear As DateTime) As Boolean
                If SomeDateInYear.Year <> Me.whYear Then
                    Throw New ArgumentException("These holidays are for " & Me.whYear.ToString)
                    Dim ct As Integer = (From d In Me.holidays.Values
                                        Where d.HolidayDate.Date = SomeDateInYear.Date AndAlso d.enabled
                                        Select d Take 1).Count
                    Return ct > 0
                End If
            End Function
        End Class
    What version of VB is this written in?
    When I paste the code into VB 2005, I am told the properties are not defined correctly
            Private Class DefHolidays
                Property Name As String
                Property HolidayMonth As Integer = -1
                Property HolidayDayOfMonth As Integer = -1
                Property HolidayDate As DateTime
                Property Nth As Integer = -1 '-1 last NthDayOfWeek <<<<<<<<<<
                Property NthDayOfWeek As DayOfWeek
                Property EasterCalc As Boolean = False
                Property enabled As Boolean = True
            End Class

  5. #5

    Thread Starter
    Powered By Medtronic dbasnett's Avatar
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    Dec 2007
    Jefferson City, MO

    Re: Calculate Holidays

    Quote Originally Posted by BrailleSchool View Post
    What version of VB is this written in?
    When I paste the code into VB 2005, I am told the properties are not defined correctly
            Private Class DefHolidays
                Property Name As String
                Property HolidayMonth As Integer = -1
                Property HolidayDayOfMonth As Integer = -1
                Property HolidayDate As DateTime
                Property Nth As Integer = -1 '-1 last NthDayOfWeek <<<<<<<<<<
                Property NthDayOfWeek As DayOfWeek
                Property EasterCalc As Boolean = False
                Property enabled As Boolean = True
            End Class
    2005 didn't have automatic getter / setters. If you want to use this in 2005 you will need to change each property. For example here is how name would look.
        Private _name As String 'backing field
        Property Name As String
                Return Me._name
            End Get
            Set(value As String)
                Me._name = value
            End Set
        End Property
    Last edited by dbasnett; Jan 6th, 2015 at 03:29 PM.
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    "Those who use Application.DoEvents have no idea what it does and those who know what it does never use it." John Wein

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Re: Calculate Holidays

    Quote Originally Posted by dbasnett View Post
    2005 didn't have automatic getter / setters. If you want to use this in 2005 you will need to change each property. For example here is how name would look.
        Private _name As String 'backing field
        Property Name As String
                Return Me._name
            End Get
            Set(value As String)
                Me._name = value
            End Set
        End Property
    I am not familiar with Get/Setters much. So, they would look like so?
        Private Class DefHolidays
            Private _Name As String
            Private _HolidayMonth As Integer = -1
            Private _HolidayDayOfMonth As Integer = -1
            Private _HolidayDate As DateTime
            Private _Nth As Integer = -1
            Private _NthDayOfWeek As DayOfWeek
            Private _EasterCalc As Boolean = False
            Private _Enabled As Boolean = True
            Property NthDayOfWeek() As DayOfWeek
                    Return Me._NthDayOfWeek
                End Get
                Set(ByVal value As DayOfWeek)
                    Me._NthDayOfWeek = value
                End Set
            End Property
            Property Enabled() As Boolean
                    Return Me._Enabled
                End Get
                Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
                    Me._Enabled = value
                End Set
            End Property
            Property EasterCalc() As Boolean
                    Return Me._EasterCalc
                End Get
                Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
                    Me._EasterCalc = value
                End Set
            End Property
            Property Name() As String
                    Return Me._name
                End Get
                Set(ByVal value As String)
                    Me._name = value
                End Set
            End Property
            Property HolidayMonth() As Integer
                    Return Me._HolidayMonth
                End Get
                Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                    Me._HolidayMonth = value
                End Set
            End Property
            Property HolidayDayOfMonth() As Integer
                    Return Me._HolidayDayOfMonth
                End Get
                Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                    Me._HolidayDayOfMonth = value
                End Set
            End Property
            Property HolidayDate() As DateTime
                    Return Me._HolidayDate
                End Get
                Set(ByVal value As DateTime)
                    Me._HolidayDate = value
                End Set
            End Property
            Property Nth() As Integer
                    Return Me._Nth
                End Get
                Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                    Me._Nth = value
                End Set
            End Property
        End Class

  7. #7

    Thread Starter
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    Re: Calculate Holidays

    I didn't check them all but that looks correct.
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  8. #8
    Smooth Moperator techgnome's Avatar
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    Re: Calculate Holidays

    Those are using default property syntax... something that wasn't available until VS2010 I think it was... you'll need to expand those out into full properties complete with backing fields.

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