I have been trying to automate something on my computer and sometimes I might require to disconnect my router, I have tried everything but it seems to be skipping part of my code, the part where it clicks the disconnect button >.<

Here is the code

Sub Restart_Router()

    Dim StInputEle As MSHTML.htmlinputelement
    Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") ' creating internet explorer object
    With objIE
        .Visible = True
        .navigate "" ' going to router page
        strt = Timer
        Do While .Busy Or _
            .Readystate <> 4 ' waiting for page to load
            If Timer - strt > 10 Then Exit Do 'timer to prevent endless loop
        .document.getElementsByName("pws").Item(0).Value = "password" 'entering the password
        For Each StInputEle In .document.getElementsByTagName("input") ' searching for the login button
            If StInputEle.Type = "submit" Then
                StInputEle.Click ' clicking the button once it finds it
                Exit For
            End If
        Next StInputEle
        Do While .Busy Or _
            .Readystate <> 4 ' waiting for page to load
            If Timer - strt > 10 Then Exit Do 'timer to prevent endless loop
        For Each StInputEle In .document.getElementsByTagName("input") 'here is where it skips the code, it skips the whole for each
            If StInputEle.Type = "submit" Then
                StInputEle.Click ' clicking the button once it finds it
                Exit For
            End If
        Next StInputEle
    End With

End Sub

Here is the HTML code snippet for the login button which the code works fine one
<td nowrap="">
			<input type="Submit" value="LOGIN">&nbsp;&nbsp;
			<input type="button" value="CANCEL" onclick="window.close();">
and here is the HTML code snippet for the disconnect button which will not click
<p><input type="submit" value="Disconnect" name="disconnect" onclick="return dhcp_release();"></p>
Please help!!