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Thread: Printing images with GDI+

  1. #1

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    Printing images with GDI+


    I’m hoping that somebody can help me with the following:

    My application draws a mix of graphical objects (rectangles/circles) and images on a canvas. I’m using a coordinate system where bottom left is 0,0, and the application calculates the size and location of all objects to ensure all is drawn in the correct scale. Until now I used the PaintPicture method to draw the images, but recently changed this to use GDI+, so that the app can also support png-files.

    The change worked well, and everything is drawn perfectly fine as long as the canvas is a Picture Box. However, when I select the printer as the canvas, the images are not scaled properly. I’m probably missing something simple, but can’t figure out what goes wrong.

    I have attached the relevant code below, and hope somebody can point me in the right direction.

    Thanks in advance!


    Private Declare Function Polygon Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, lpPoint As PointAPI, ByVal nCount As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GdipCreateFromHDC Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal hDC As Long, hGraphics As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GdipDeleteGraphics Lib "gdiPlus" (ByVal mGraphics As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GdipDrawImageRectI Lib "gdiPlus" (ByVal hGraphics As Long, ByVal hImage As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal Width As Long, ByVal Height As Long) As Long
    'Wrapper around drawing the image that converts the coordinates, and calls the GDI+ function to do the actual drawing
    Sub DrawMyImage(oTarget As Object, sMyImageName As String, X1 As Long, Y1 As Long, X2 As Long, Y2 As Long, X3 As Long, Y3 As Long, X4 As Long, Y4 As Long)
        Dim dTwipsPerPixelX As Double
        Dim dTwipsPerPixelY As Double
        'Calculate Y-coordinates to use bottom as 0,0  /  Also: GDI+ uses pixels, so we need to recalc from twips
        dTwipsPerPixelX = 1440 / GetDeviceCaps(oTarget.hDC, 88)
        dTwipsPerPixelY = 1440 / GetDeviceCaps(oTarget.hDC, 90)
        X1 = CLng(X1 / dTwipsPerPixelX)
        X2 = CLng(X2 / dTwipsPerPixelX)
        X3 = CLng(X3 / dTwipsPerPixelX)
        X4 = CLng(X4 / dTwipsPerPixelX)
        Y1 = CLng((g_lCanvasHeight - Y1) / dTwipsPerPixelY)
        Y2 = CLng((g_lCanvasHeight - Y2) / dTwipsPerPixelY)
        Y3 = CLng((g_lCanvasHeight - Y3) / dTwipsPerPixelY)
        Y4 = CLng((g_lCanvasHeight - Y4) / dTwipsPerPixelY)
        'Draw the image
        Call GDIPlusWrapper.DrawImagePos(oTarget.hDC, frmMain.m_oMyImageCol.Item(sMyImageName).MyImage, X1, Y3, (X4 - X1), (Y1 - Y2))
    End Sub
    'GDI+ image drawing located in GDIPlusWrapper module, called from DrawMyImage
    Public Sub DrawImagePos(ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal hImage As Long, ByVal destX As Long, ByVal destY As Long, ByVal destWidth As Long, ByVal destHeight As Long)
        Dim hGraphics As Long
        Dim Status As Long
        GdipCreateFromHDC hDC, hGraphics
        Status = GdipDrawImageRectI(hGraphics, hImage, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight)
        GdipDeleteGraphics hGraphics
    End Sub
    'Function to draw a rectangle, uses GDI
    Public Sub DrawRectangle(ByVal oTarget As Object, ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long, ByVal X3 As Long, ByVal Y3 As Long, ByVal X4 As Long, ByVal Y4 As Long, ByVal lFillColor As Long, ByVal blnFillSolid As Boolean, Optional ByVal iLineThickness As Integer, Optional ByVal blnWhiteOutlineWhenBlack As Boolean, Optional blnWhiteBackground As Boolean)
        Dim xyPolygonPoints(1 To 4) As PointAPI
        With oTarget
            If (oTarget.hDC = frmMain.picPlanogram.hDC) Or (oTarget.hDC = frmPrintPreview.picPrintPreview.hDC) Or (oTarget.hDC = frmCreatePowerPointPresentation.picFullPlanogram.hDC) Then
                'Calculate coordinates in the correct measure for the screen
                X1 = X1 / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
                X2 = X2 / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
                X3 = X3 / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
                X4 = X4 / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
                Y1 = (g_lCanvasHeight - Y1) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
                Y2 = (g_lCanvasHeight - Y2) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
                Y3 = (g_lCanvasHeight - Y3) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
                Y4 = (g_lCanvasHeight - Y4) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
                'Calculate coordinates in the correct measure for the printer
                X1 = X1 / .TwipsPerPixelX
                X2 = X2 / .TwipsPerPixelX
                X3 = X3 / .TwipsPerPixelX
                X4 = X4 / .TwipsPerPixelX
                Y1 = (g_lCanvasHeight - Y1) / .TwipsPerPixelY
                Y2 = (g_lCanvasHeight - Y2) / .TwipsPerPixelY
                Y3 = (g_lCanvasHeight - Y3) / .TwipsPerPixelY
                Y4 = (g_lCanvasHeight - Y4) / .TwipsPerPixelY
            End If
            'Set color & fill
            If blnFillSolid = True Then
                If (blnWhiteOutlineWhenBlack = True) And (lFillColor = vbBlack) Then
                    .ForeColor = vbWhite
                    .ForeColor = vbBlack
                End If
                .FillColor = lFillColor
                .FillStyle = vbFSSolid
                .DrawStyle = vbSolid
                If blnWhiteBackground = True Then
                    .ForeColor = lFillColor
                    .FillColor = vbWhite
                    .FillStyle = vbFSSolid
                    .DrawStyle = vbSolid
                    .ForeColor = lFillColor
                    .FillStyle = vbFSTransparent
                    .DrawStyle = vbSolid
                End If
            End If
            'Set linethickness
            If iLineThickness > 0 Then
                .DrawWidth = iLineThickness
                .DrawWidth = 1
            End If
            'Set the polygon points
            xyPolygonPoints(1).X = X1
            xyPolygonPoints(1).Y = Y1
            xyPolygonPoints(2).X = X2
            xyPolygonPoints(2).Y = Y2
            xyPolygonPoints(3).X = X3
            xyPolygonPoints(3).Y = Y3
            xyPolygonPoints(4).X = X4
            xyPolygonPoints(4).Y = Y4
            'Draw the Polygon
            Call Polygon(.hDC, xyPolygonPoints(1), 4)
        End With
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Angel of Code Niya's Avatar
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    Re: Printing images with GDI+

    Can you post the code that does the printing. I am assuming you're rendering to a DC to print as well. If so, show the code that gets the DC as well.
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  3. #3

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    Re: Printing images with GDI+

    Hi Niya,

    Simplified it is this:

       Printer.Print " "
       Call DrawMyImage(Printer, sMyImageName, lDrawX1, lDrawY1, lDrawX2, lDrawY2, lDrawX3, lDrawY3, lDrawX4, lDrawY4)

    (Obviously the DrawMyImage routine is nested in a For-Next loop in the real code to process all the objects. Also the other parameters are assigned the values for the specific object.)

    The wrapper function passes the object on which should be drawn, i.e. picMyPictureBox or Printer. The wrapper function passes the selected object's hDC on to the GDI+ function.

    Hope this was what you were looking for.


  4. #4
    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Re: Printing images with GDI+

    When you say image is not scaled properly? How far off is it? You may have to set the printer's scalemode to pixels? Or scale the image to printer's scalemode?

    If neither the above work, look at these GDI+ functions: GdipSetPageScale & GdipSetPageUnit
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Oct 14th, 2014 at 07:06 AM.
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  5. #5
    Frenzied Member
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    Re: Printing images with GDI+

    Maybe dpix and dpiy isn't same...
    In screen we have square pixels, but in printer this isn't right, we have non square pixels. So we have to make a dc with square pixels with the number of pixels as the total pixels in height and width printer has. But our dc (now with square pixels) must draw a circle like an ellipse, using the ratio as dpix/dpiy. So any Y distance must treated as y*ratio. So we print using ratio in Y in a dc with square pixels and then that we stretchblit to the printer dc. using 1/ratio, so the printer take that and expand it to ratio/1........
    that's all...

    (the best is to draw to the printer dc only...using the ratio and to not convert 2 times)
    Last edited by georgekar; Oct 14th, 2014 at 10:49 AM.

  6. #6
    Frenzied Member
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    Re: Printing images with GDI+
    You can find cDib class to use it. This class has special printer functions that uses the dpiX<>dpiY situation..

    To understand what you have to do...just see the routine that prints photos to printer...
    A myDM() has all the properties of the printer that we want to use (all properties that we can alter in the printer driver).

    Public Sub ThumbnailPaintPrinter(copiesNUM As Long, Optional ByVal zf As Single = -1, Optional ByVal FitToPic As Boolean = True, Optional CROP As Boolean = False, Optional over As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal fr As Long = 0, Optional ByVal offsetx As Long = 0, Optional ByVal offsety As Long, Optional ByVal border As Long = 0, Optional ByVal rtxy As Double = 1#, Optional pname As String = "")
       Dim oldSc As Long, dummy1 As Boolean, dummy2 As Boolean, sw As Long, sh As Long
       Dim swProbe As Long, shProbe As Long, osh As Double
       Dim myleft As Long, mytop As Long, mywidth As Long, myheight As Long
       Dim lox As Long, loy As Long
         Dim a As Single
       '  Exit Sub
       CopiesCount copiesNUM, MyDM()
       MakePrinterhDC Printer, pname
       needPrinterHDC Printer
         If over Then
       swProbe = GetDeviceCaps(p_hdc, PHYSICALWIDTH) 'DestPic.ScaleX(DestPic.width, 1, 3)
       shProbe = GetDeviceCaps(p_hdc, PHYSICALHEIGHT) ' DestPic.ScaleY(DestPic.height, 1, 3)
       swProbe = GetDeviceCaps(p_hdc, HORZRES) 'sw
       shProbe = GetDeviceCaps(p_hdc, VERTRES) ' sh
       End If
        sw = GetDeviceCaps(p_hdc, HORZRES)
       sh = GetDeviceCaps(p_hdc, VERTRES)
          lox = GetDeviceCaps(p_hdc, LOGPIXELSX)
       loy = GetDeviceCaps(p_hdc, LOGPIXELSY)
    If lox > loy Then
    m_logy = 1
    m_logx = loy / lox
    ElseIf loy > lox Then
    m_logy = lox / loy
    m_logx = 1
    End If
    swProbe = swProbe * m_logx
    shProbe = shProbe * m_logy
    sw = sw * m_logx
    sh = sh * m_logy
       Dim osw As Long
     If rtxy = 0 Then rtxy = 1
       If sw < sh Then
        'osw = offsetx: offsetx = -offsety:
        'offsety = -osw
        rtxy = 1 / rtxy
       End If
        ' offsety = 0
      ' End If
        If zf <= 0 Then
            If Not FitToPic Then
                StretchPicture p_hdc, (sw - width) / 2 + offsetx, ((sh - height) / 2 + offsety), , , , , , , , rtxy
                If CROP Then
                        sh = sh - 2 * fr
                        sw = sw - 2 * fr
                        If shProbe < swProbe Then
                        osh = shProbe / sh
                            shProbe = CLng(sw * shProbe / swProbe) - border * 2 / osh
                            swProbe = sw - border * 2 * osh
                       osh = swProbe / sw
                            swProbe = CLng(sh * swProbe / shProbe) - 2 * border / osh
                            shProbe = sh - 2 * border * osh
                       End If
                     If (swProbe / width) > (shProbe / height) Then
                        zf = width / swProbe
                        If swProbe > shProbe Then
                            StretchPicture p_hdc, CLng(fr) + offsetx + CLng(border * osh), CLng((sh - sw * shProbe / swProbe) / 2 + fr) + offsety + border, sw - border * 2, CLng(sw * shProbe / swProbe) - border * 2, 0, CLng((height - shProbe * zf)) / 2, width, CLng(shProbe * zf), , rtxy
                            StretchPicture p_hdc, CLng(fr) + CLng((sw - sh * swProbe / shProbe) / 2) + offsetx + CLng(border / osh), CLng(fr) + offsety + border, CLng(sh * swProbe / shProbe) - 2 * border, sh - 2 * border, 0, CLng((height - shProbe * zf)) / 2, width, CLng(shProbe * zf), , rtxy
                        End If
                        zf = height / shProbe
                        If swProbe > shProbe Then
                         StretchPicture p_hdc, CLng(fr) + offsetx + CLng(border * osh), CLng((sh - sw * shProbe / swProbe) / 2 + fr) + offsety + border, sw - border * 2, CLng(sw * shProbe / swProbe) - border * 2, (width - swProbe * zf) / 2, 0, CLng(swProbe * zf), height, , rtxy
                         StretchPicture p_hdc, CLng(fr) + CLng((sw - sh * swProbe / shProbe) / 2) + offsetx + border, CLng(fr) + offsety + CLng(border * osh), CLng(sh * swProbe / shProbe) - 2 * border, sh - 2 * border, (width - swProbe * zf) / 2, 0, CLng(swProbe * zf), height, , rtxy
                     End If
                      End If
                    If (swProbe / width) < (shProbe / height) Then
                        zf = sw / width
                        zf = sh / height
                    End If
                    StretchPicture p_hdc, (sw - width * zf) / 2 + offsetx, (sh - height * zf) / 2 + offsety, CLng(width * zf), CLng(height * zf), , , , , , rtxy
                End If
            End If
            zf = zf / 100#
            If Not FitToPic Then
                StretchPicture p_hdc, Abs((sw - width * zf) / 2), Abs((sh - height * zf) / 2), width * zf, height * zf, , , , , , rtxy
                If sw / width < sh / height Then
                    zf = zf * sw / width
                    zf = zf * sh / height
                End If
                    StretchPicture p_hdc, (sw - width * zf) / 2, (sh - height * zf) / 2, width * zf, height * zf, , , , , , rtxy
            End If
        End If
        CopiesCount (1), MyDM()
        last_zf = zf
        m_logx = 1: m_logy = 1
    End Sub

  7. #7

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    Re: Printing images with GDI+

    I still owe you guys feedback, but it has been a bit hectic...

    Further testing is required, but based on initial testing I'd say that the GdipSetPageUnit function was the one that solved the problem. A big thanks to LaVolpe to point me in that direction!!!

  8. #8
    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Re: Printing images with GDI+

    Please do follow up. I'm sure others will happen across your thread for related problems. When you do update/follow up, if you've tested images that have embedded DPI (usually JPGs and often enough: PNG) did those cause you any additional heartburn & if so, how did you get past those issues?
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  9. #9

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    Re: Printing images with GDI+

    Yep, I'll do, but it may take a bit of time. I'm running a small, yet international company, with loads of things going on, so it's not always possible to focus on one thing at the time. Mostly it's juggling a number of balls at the same time, and at this point it's getting close to too many balls...

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