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Thread: Moving code from A Form to a Class

  1. #1

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    Aug 2014

    Question Moving code from A Form to a Class

    Basically I am working on a calculator in Visual basic. I need to move the code from the Form to the class according to my tutor. However I am unsure on how to do this.

    This is the code in my Form:
    Option Strict On
    Option Explicit On
    Public Class frmCalculator
        Private _operatorsAsStrings As List(Of String)
        Private _numbersAsStrings As List(Of String)
        Private _numbers As List(Of Double)
        Dim Multiple1, Multiple2 As Single
        Private _calculator As Calculator
        Private Sub frmCalculator_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
            _calculator = New Calculator
        End Sub
        Private Sub NumberButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNumber0.Click, btnNumber1.Click, btnNumber2.Click, btnNumber3.Click, btnNumber4.Click,
                                                                                               btnNumber5.Click, btnNumber6.Click, btnNumber7.Click, btnNumber8.Click, btnNumber9.Click
            If tbDisplay2.Text.Contains("=") Then
            End If
            Dim stringToAddToDisplay As String
            stringToAddToDisplay = CType(sender, Button).Text
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnAddition_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddition.Click, btnSubtraction.Click, btnMultiply.Click, btnDivide.Click
            Dim stringToAddToDisplay As String
            Dim lastEntryOnDisplay As String
            stringToAddToDisplay = CType(sender, Button).Text
            lastEntryOnDisplay = Strings.Right(tbDisplay.Text, 1)
            If IsNumeric(lastEntryOnDisplay) Then
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnClearAll_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnClearAll.Click
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnDelete_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
            If tbDisplay.Text.Length <> 0 Then
                tbDisplay.Text = tbDisplay.Text.Substring(0, tbDisplay.Text.Length - 1)
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub ClearDisplay()
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnDecimalPlace_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDecimalPlace.Click
            If InStr(tbDisplay.Text, ".") = 0 Then
                tbDisplay.Text = tbDisplay.Text & "."
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnSquareRoot_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSquareRoot.Click
            Dim number As Double
            Dim rootOfNumber As Double
            number = CDbl(tbDisplay.Text)
            rootOfNumber = CDbl(_calculator.SquareRoot(number))
            tbDisplay.Text = Format(rootOfNumber, "####.###")
            If tbDisplay2.Text.Contains("sqr") Then
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnPositiveOrNegative_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPositiveOrNegative.Click
            If Not Strings.Left(tbDisplay.Text, 1).Contains("-") Then
                tbDisplay.Text = "-" + tbDisplay.Text
                tbDisplay.Text = tbDisplay.Text.Replace("-", "")
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnSquared_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSquared.Click
            Dim number As Double
            Dim SquareOfNumber As Double
            number = CDbl(tbDisplay.Text)
            SquareOfNumber = CDbl(_calculator.Square(number))
            tbDisplay.Text = Format(SquareOfNumber, "####.##")
            If tbDisplay2.Text.Contains("sqr") Then
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnMemoryClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnMemoryClear.Click
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnMemoryRecall_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnMemoryRecall.Click
            Dim number As Double
            number = _calculator.Memory
            tbDisplay.Text = number.ToString
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnMemorySet_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnMemorySet.Click
            Dim number As Double
            number = CDbl(tbDisplay.Text)
            _calculator.Memory = number
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnEquals_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnEquals.Click
            _operatorsAsStrings = New List(Of String)(tbDisplay2.Text.Split(CChar(("0")), CChar(("1")), CChar(("2")), CChar(("3")), CChar(("4")), CChar(("5")), CChar(("6")), CChar(("7")), CChar(("8")), CChar(("9"))))
            _numbersAsStrings = New List(Of String)(tbDisplay2.Text.Split(CChar(("/")), CChar(("*")), CChar(("+")), CChar(("-"))))
            _numbers = New List(Of Double)
            For iCount As Integer = _operatorsAsStrings.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
                If _operatorsAsStrings.Item(iCount).Length = 0 Then
                End If
            Next iCount
            For iCount As Integer = 0 To _numbersAsStrings.Count - 1
            tbDisplay2.AppendText("=" & _numbers.Item(0).ToString)
        End Sub
        Private Sub DoCalculationsFor(OperatorForCalculation As String)
            Dim calculationResult As Double
            Dim positionInList As Integer
            Dim firstNumber As Double
            Dim secondNumber As Double
            positionInList = WhereIsOperatorInList(OperatorForCalculation)
            While positionInList > -1
                firstNumber = GetNumber(positionInList)
                secondNumber = GetNumber(positionInList + 1)
                calculationResult = DoTheRightCalculation(OperatorForCalculation, firstNumber, secondNumber)
                SaveCalculationResult(positionInList, calculationResult)
                positionInList = WhereIsOperatorInList(OperatorForCalculation)
            End While
        End Sub
        Private Function WhereIsOperatorInList(ByVal OperatorForCalculation As String) As Integer
            Dim positionInList As Integer
            positionInList = _operatorsAsStrings.IndexOf(OperatorForCalculation)
            Return positionInList
        End Function
        Private Sub RemoveCalculationFromLists(ByVal positionInList As Integer)
        End Sub
        Private Sub SaveCalculationResult(ByVal positionInList As Integer, ByVal calculationResult As Double)
            _numbers.Item(positionInList + 1) = calculationResult
        End Sub
        Private Function GetNumber(ByVal positionInList As Integer) As Double
            Dim numberFromList As Double
            numberFromList = _numbers.Item(positionInList)
            Return numberFromList
        End Function
        Private Function DoTheRightCalculation(searchOperator As String, firstNumber As Double, secondNumber As Double) As Double
            Dim calculationResult As Double
            Select Case searchOperator
                Case "+"
                    calculationResult = firstNumber + secondNumber
                Case "-"
                    calculationResult = firstNumber - secondNumber
                Case "*"
                    calculationResult = firstNumber * secondNumber
                Case "/"
                    calculationResult = firstNumber / secondNumber
            End Select
            Return calculationResult
        End Function
    End Class
    And this is the code in my Calculator Class:
    Public Class Calculator
        Private _memory As Double
        Public Property Memory As Double
                Return _memory
            End Get
            Set(value As Double)
                _memory = value
            End Set
        End Property
        Public Sub MemoryClear()
            _memory = 0
        End Sub
        Public Function Add(Number1 As Double, Number2 As Double) As Double
            Add = Number1 + Number2
        End Function
        Public Function Subtract(Number1 As Double, Number2 As Double) As Double
            Subtract = Number1 - Number2
        End Function
        Public Function Multiply(Number1 As Double, Number2 As Double) As Double
            Multiply = Number1 * Number2
        End Function
        Public Function Divide(Number1 As Double, Number2 As Double) As Double
            Divide = Number1 / Number2
        End Function
        Public Function SquareRoot(Number1)
            SquareRoot = Math.Sqrt(Number1)
        End Function
        Public Function Square(Number1)
            Square = Number1 * Number1
        End Function
    End Class
    How would I first move the code?
    Secondly, how would I call up that code to do the calculation?

    Any help is greatly appreciated!


  2. #2
    Super Moderator dday9's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    South Louisiana

    Re: Moving code from A Form to a Class

    Inside your functions, rather than setting a value such as:
    Add = Number1 + Number2
    Actually return those values:
    Return Number1 + Number2
    To call the calculations, you'll need to declare a new instance of your calculator and then call any functions:
    Dim cal As Calculator = New Calculator
    Console.WriteLine(cal.Add(1, 2).ToString)
    Console.WriteLine(cal.Subtract(1, 2).ToString)
    "Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it is bad." - Cory House
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