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Thread: Listview lvwList and fullrowselect?

  1. #1

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    Mar 2009

    Listview lvwList and fullrowselect?

    Is there a way to get 'fullrowselect' when using View=lvwList, Now it only highlights the text itself, but not the whole cell. Another thing which also is annoying is that you actually have to select the text part and you cannot just click right beside it.

    Using View = lvwReport does give you the needed look, but that one doesn't wrap the column to the right.. Yes I can add columns on the fly as needed (and therefore wrapping ever 'column' myself), but that means I will loose the icon on the preceding columns.

    I want to recreate the 'newer' PrintDialog (you know, the dialog that popups when you for instance try to print in Notepad in Windows 7).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Listview lvwList and fullrowselect?

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDre View Post
    I want to recreate the 'newer' PrintDialog (you know, the dialog that popups when you for instance try to print in Notepad in Windows 7).
    You mean a Control which puts out something like this here?:

    Well - for simpler Controls like this, it is often faster to write one from scratch -
    instead of fiddling for hours with API-Calls and SubClassing to force one of the
    CommonControls into shape...

    Here's the Control which produced the above Output (containing about 130 lines of code) -
    no other Controls need to be placed on it - just paste the Code into a Project-Private-UC -
    and name it ucStripes.ctl

    Option Explicit
    Public Event Click()
    Public ColWidth As Long, Rows As Long, Cols As Long, VisCols As Long
    Private Declare Function HideCaret& Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd&)
    Private Declare Function TextOutW& Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC&, ByVal x&, ByVal y&, ByVal lpString&, ByVal nCount&)
    Private Declare Function ExtractIconExA& Lib "shell32" (ByVal FName$, ByVal IcoIdx&, hIcoLarge As Any, hIcoSmall As Any, ByVal nIcons&)
    Private Declare Function DestroyIcon& Lib "user32" (ByVal hIcon&)
    Private Declare Function DrawIconEx& Lib "user32" (ByVal hDC&, ByVal x&, ByVal y&, ByVal hIcon&, ByVal cx&, ByVal cy&, ByVal AniCurSteps&, ByVal FlickerFree&, ByVal Flags&)
    Private dx&, dy&, mRowHeight As Long, mIconSpace As Long, mFocused As Boolean, mListIndex As Long
    Private mItems As New Collection, mHIcos As New Collection, WithEvents HScr As HScrollBar
    Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
      AutoRedraw = True
      BackColor = vbWhite
      FillStyle = 0
      ScaleMode = vbPixels
      Font.Name = "Segoe UI"
      Font.Size = 9
      mRowHeight = 20
      mIconSpace = 30
      Set HScr = Controls.Add("VB.HScrollBar", "HScr")
          HScr.Visible = True
      mListIndex = -1
    End Sub
    Public Sub Clear()
      mListIndex = -1: Refresh
    End Sub
    Public Sub AddItem(ItemText As String, Optional ByVal Shell32IcoIdx As Long)
    Dim hIcoSmall As Long
      mItems.Add ItemText, "Key" & mItems.Count
      ExtractIconExA "shell32.dll", Shell32IcoIdx, ByVal 0&, hIcoSmall, 1
      mHIcos.Add hIcoSmall, "Key" & mHIcos.Count
    End Sub
    Public Property Get ListIndex() As Long
      ListIndex = mListIndex
    End Property
    Public Property Let ListIndex(ByVal NewValue As Long)
      If mListIndex = NewValue Or NewValue >= mItems.Count Then Exit Property
      mListIndex = NewValue
      RaiseEvent Click
    End Property
    Public Property Get ItemTextByIndex(ByVal IdxZerobased As Long) As String
      ItemTextByIndex = mItems("Key" & IdxZerobased)
    End Property
    Private Sub UserControl_EnterFocus()
      mFocused = True:  Refresh
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserControl_ExitFocus()
      mFocused = False: Refresh
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserControl_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
    Dim Row: Row = y \ mRowHeight
    Dim Col: Col = x \ ColWidth + HScr.Value
    If Row >= 0 And Row < Rows And Col >= HScr.Value And Col < Cols Then ListIndex = Row * Cols + Col
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
      dx = ScaleWidth: dy = ScaleHeight - HScr.Height
      HScr.Move 0, IIf(dy > 0, dy, 1), dx, 17
    End Sub
    Private Sub HScr_Change()
    End Sub
    Private Sub HScr_Scroll()
    End Sub
    Private Sub HScr_GotFocus()
      HideCaret HScr.hWnd
    End Sub
    Private Sub Refresh()
    Dim x As Long, y As Long, xOffs As Long, yOffs As Long, S As String, Key, BorderColor
      ColWidth = GetColWidth
      Rows = dy \ mRowHeight
      If ColWidth = 0 Or Rows = 0 Then Exit Sub
      Cols = mItems.Count \ Rows + IIf(mItems.Count Mod Rows, 1, 0)
      VisCols = dx \ ColWidth + IIf(dx Mod ColWidth, 1, 0)
      If VisCols > mItems.Count Then VisCols = mItems.Count
      If Cols < VisCols - 1 Then Cols = VisCols - 1
      On Error Resume Next
        HScr.LargeChange = VisCols - IIf(ColWidth * VisCols < dx, 0, 1)
      On Error GoTo 0
      HScr.Max = Cols - HScr.LargeChange
      For y = 0 To Rows - 1
        For x = 0 To Cols - 1
          Key = "Key" & y * Cols + x
          If ItemExists(Key) And x >= HScr.Value And x < HScr.Value + VisCols Then
            S = mItems(Key)
            xOffs = (x - HScr.Value) * ColWidth
            yOffs = y * mRowHeight
            If mListIndex = y * Cols + x Then 'the select-rectangle
              FillColor = IIf(mFocused, &HFFEEDD, &HEEEEEE)
              BorderColor = IIf(mFocused, &HDDAA44, &HCCCCCC)
              Line (xOffs + 1, yOffs)-(xOffs + ColWidth - 2, yOffs + mRowHeight - 1), BorderColor, B
            End If
            TextOutW hDC, mIconSpace + xOffs - 6, yOffs + (mRowHeight - TextHeight(S)) / 2, StrPtr(S), Len(S)
            DrawIconEx hDC, xOffs + 5, yOffs + mRowHeight / 2 - 8, mHIcos(Key), 16, 16, 0, 0, 3 'DI_NORMAL
          End If
        Next x
      Next y
    End Sub
    Private Function ItemExists(Key) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo ErrExit
      mItems.Item Key
      ItemExists = True
    End Function
    Private Function GetColWidth() As Long
    Dim W As Long, MaxW As Long, Item
      For Each Item In mItems
        W = TextWidth(CStr(Item)): If W > MaxW Then MaxW = W
      GetColWidth = MaxW + mIconSpace + 12
    End Function
    Private Sub Cleanup()
    Dim hIcon
      For Each hIcon In mHIcos: DestroyIcon hIcon: Next
      Set mItems = New Collection
      Set mHIcos = New Collection
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserControl_Terminate()
    End Sub
    Code for a small TestForm (ucStripes1 and ucStripes2 needs to be placed on it)

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim i As Long
      For i = 1 To 20
        ucStripes1.AddItem "Some longer Item " & i, i
        ucStripes2.AddItem "Some longer Item " & i, i + 60
      Next i
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Resize()
      ucStripes1.Move 0.05 * ScaleWidth, 0.1 * ScaleHeight, ScaleWidth * 0.9, 0.3 * ScaleHeight
      ucStripes2.Move 0.05 * ScaleWidth, 0.5 * ScaleHeight, ScaleWidth * 0.9, 0.3 * ScaleHeight
    End Sub
    Private Sub ucStripes1_Click()
      Caption = "Click on: " & ucStripes1.ItemTextByIndex(ucStripes1.ListIndex)
    End Sub
    Last edited by Schmidt; Aug 27th, 2014 at 04:01 AM. Reason: Changed w for MaxW in the last line of GetColWidth()

  3. #3

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    Re: Listview lvwList and fullrowselect?

    We do already have some own usercontrols, and your control looks great, I'll have a look at it, thanx.. (hehe, if I could rate your post, I would have given it a high rating )

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