Simple question is all. I'm not really sure why the guess interval is 2; it should only count by 1's...

    Public Class frm_masterminds
    Dim color1rnd As Integer
    Dim color2rnd As Integer
    Dim color3rnd As Integer
    Dim color4rnd As Integer
    Dim color1 As String
    Dim color2 As String
    Dim color3 As String
    Dim color4 As String
    Dim guess As Integer
    Dim correct As Integer
    Dim positions As Integer
    Private Sub frm_masterminds_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        color1rnd = 4 * Rnd() * 1
        color2rnd = 4 * Rnd() * 1
        color3rnd = 4 * Rnd() * 1
        color4rnd = 4 * Rnd() * 1

        guess = 0
        If color1rnd = 1 Then
            color1 = "R"
        ElseIf color1rnd = 2 Then
            color1 = "G"
        ElseIf color1rnd = 3 Then
            color1 = "B"
        ElseIf color1rnd = 4 Then
            color1 = "Y"
        End If
        If color2rnd = 1 Then
            color2 = "R"
        ElseIf color2rnd = 2 Then
            color2 = "G"
        ElseIf color2rnd = 3 Then
            color2 = "B"
        ElseIf color2rnd = 4 Then
            color2 = "Y"
        End If
        If color3rnd = 1 Then
            color3 = "R"
        ElseIf color3rnd = 2 Then
            color3 = "G"
        ElseIf color3rnd = 3 Then
            color3 = "B"
        ElseIf color3rnd = 4 Then
            color3 = "Y"
        End If
        If color4rnd = 1 Then
            color4 = "R"
        ElseIf color4rnd = 2 Then
            color4 = "G"
        ElseIf color4rnd = 3 Then
            color4 = "B"
        ElseIf color3rnd = 4 Then
            color4 = "Y"
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub btn_guess_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnGuess.Click, btnGuess.Click
        Dim guess1 As String
        Dim guess2 As String
        Dim guess3 As String
        Dim guess4 As String
        guess1 = txtguess1.Text
        guess2 = txtguess2.Text
        guess3 = txtguess3.Text
        guess4 = txtguess4.text

        positions = 0
        If guess1 = color1 Then
            positions += 1
        End If
        If guess2 = color2 Then
            positions += 1
        End If
        If guess3 = color3 Then
            positions += 1
        End If
        If guess4 = color4 Then
            positions += 1
        End If

        correct = 0
        If color1 = txtguess1.Text Or color1 = txtguess2.Text Or color1 = txtguess3.Text Or color4 = txtguess4.Text Then
            correct += 1
        End If
        If (color2 <> color1) And _
            (color2 = txtguess1.Text Or color2 = txtguess2.Text Or color2 = txtguess3.Text Or color2 = txtguess4.Text) Then
            correct += 1
        End If
        If (color3 <> color2 And color3 <> color1) And _
            (color3 = txtguess1.Text Or color3 = txtguess2.Text Or color3 = txtguess3.Text Or color3 = txtguess4.Text) Then
            correct += 1
        End If
        If (color4 <> color3 And color4 <> color2 And color4 <> color1) And _
            (color4 = txtguess1.Text Or color4 = txtguess2.Text Or color4 = txtguess3.Text Or color4 = txtguess4.Text) Then
            correct += 1
        End If
        guess += 1

        lblAnsColor.Text = correct
        lblAnsPos.Text = positions
        lblAnsGuess.Text = guess

        If positions = 4 Then
            MsgBox("Congratulations, you have won with " & guess & " Guess's.", , "Guess The Blocks")

        End If
    End Sub
Help with this would be great