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Thread: Partial Postback loses my CSS changes done client side.

  1. #1

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    Frenzied Member
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    Partial Postback loses my CSS changes done client side.


    On the page load I call a javascript function which repositions a few divs. Which works fine but when I click on a button which does a partial post back the divs move back to they're original position. Why is this?

    Is it because I am moving the div's client side and when doing a partial postback it resorts back to the original positions.

    Really confused with this one,

    Many Thanks.


  2. #2
    WiggleWiggle dclamp's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Re: Partial Postback loses my CSS changes done client side.

    Can you post your code?

  3. #3

    Thread Starter
    Frenzied Member
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    Aug 2006

    Re: Partial Postback loses my CSS changes done client side.

    Its difficult to show code because it's so big but I will try and explain; here is the code on my page load:-

    Private Sub LoadPhotos()

    Dim CarouselItem As C1CarouselItem
    Dim sThumbPath As String
    Dim iPhotoRows As Int16


    If Session(CICRefNo) = 0 Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    sqlDCData.ConnectionString = conString.ConnectionString.ToString & Session(DatabaseName) & ";"
    sqlDAPhotos = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM PH_PHOTOS WHERE PH_CI_REFNO=" & Session(CICRefNo) & " ORDER BY PH_PHOTO_NO", sqlDCData)
    sqlDTPhotos = New DataTable("PH_PHOTOS")

    If sqlDTPhotos.Rows.Count = 0 Then
    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UP_CICMaint, UP_CICMaint.GetType, "DisableDrag", "disabledrag()", True)
    End If

    For iPhotoRows = 0 To sqlDTPhotos.Rows.Count - 1
    sThumbPath = sqlDTPhotos.Rows(iPhotoRows).Item("PH_PATH") & sqlDTPhotos.Rows(iPhotoRows).Item("PH_NAME")
    sThumbPath = sThumbPath.Substring(0, sThumbPath.Length - 4) & "_tb.jpg"
    CarouselItem = New C1CarouselItem
    CarouselItem.ImageUrl = sThumbPath
    CarouselItem.Caption = sqlDTPhotos.Rows(iPhotoRows).Item("PH_REFNO")
    CarouselItem.LinkUrl = sqlDTPhotos.Rows(iPhotoRows).Item("PH_PATH") & sqlDTPhotos.Rows(iPhotoRows).Item("PH_NAME")

    If iPhotoRows = 0 Then
    'Show the first photo details
    inpPhotoRefNo.Value = sqlDTPhotos.Rows(0).Item("PH_REFNO")
    Session("PH_REFNO") = sqlDTPhotos.Rows(0).Item("PH_REFNO")
    Session("PHOTO_PATH") = sqlDTPhotos.Rows(0).Item("PH_PATH")
    Session("PHOTO_NAME") = sqlDTPhotos.Rows(0).Item("PH_NAME")
    imgPhoto.ImageUrl = sqlDTPhotos.Rows(0).Item("PH_PATH") & sqlDTPhotos.Rows(0).Item("PH_NAME")
    txtPhotoNo.Text = sqlDTPhotos.Rows(0).Item("PH_PHOTO_NO")
    If sqlDTPhotos.Rows(0).Item("PH_MINI_PHOTO") Then
    chkCICMiniPhoto.Checked = True
    chkCICMiniPhoto.Checked = False
    End If

    'Move blobs on to photo.
    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, Me.GetType, "LoadBlobs", "LoadBlobData()", True)
    End If



    End Sub
    As you can see I call a javascript function call LoadBlobData. Blobs are small divs with a background picture of a circle and a number. Basically the user can drag these blobs on to a photo image. Here is the code for LoadBlobData:-

    function LoadBlobData() {
    type: "POST",
    url: "CICMaint.aspx/ShowBlobs",
    data: "{'PhotoRefNo':'" + $("input[id*='inpPhotoRefNo']").val() + "'}",
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    dataType: "json",
    async: true,
    cache: false,
    success: function (response) {
    //Set hidden field data
    //Change format if portrait
    if (response.d[0].Portrait) {
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divPhoto").css("height", "390");
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divPhotoContainer").css("height", "390");
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divPhotoContainer").css("width", "295");
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divPhotoSpacer").css("width", "95");
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divKPIs").css("height", "471");
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divBinSpacer").css("height", "96");
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_imgPhoto").css("width", "295");
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_imgPhoto").css("height", "390");
    } else {
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divPhoto").css("height", "295");
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divPhotoContainer").css("width", "390");
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divKPIs").css("height", "376");
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divBinSpacer").css("height", "0");
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divPhotoSpacer").css("width", "0");
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_imgPhoto").css("width", "390");
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_imgPhoto").css("height", "295");
    for (var blobcount = 1; blobcount <= 5; blobcount++) {
    if (response.d[blobcount - 1] !== null) {
    if (response.d[blobcount - 1].ImageURL !== null) {
    var blob = $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divPointer' + blobcount);
    var kpi = $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_txtKPI' + blobcount);
    var right = $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divRight' + blobcount);
    var fixedright = $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_divFixedPointer' + blobcount);
    blob.css('position', 'absolute');
    blob.css('left', response.d[blobcount - 1].X - 390);
    blob.css('top', response.d[blobcount - 1].Y);
    blob.css('background-image', 'url(' + response.d[blobcount - 1].ImageURL + ')');
    right.css('margin-left', '67px');
    right.css('margin-bottom', '12px');
    fixedright.css('visibility', 'visible');
    $("input[id*='inpRefNo" + blobcount + "']").val(response.d[blobcount - 1].RefNo);
    $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_C1AccordionPane3_cnt_txtKPI" + blobcount).val(response.d[blobcount - 1].KPI);
    else {
    $("input[id*='inpRefNo" + blobcount + "']").val("");
    This does a web method call to a server side function to get the data to move the blobs from an SQL database. Please excuse any bad code as I am a novice at this. Here is my web method code:-

    <WebMethod(EnableSession:=True)> Public Shared Function ShowBlobs(PhotoRefNo As String) As BlobData()

    Dim objBlobs(5) As BlobData
    Dim sSQL As String
    Dim sqlDCData As New SqlConnection
    Dim sqlDAPhotoBlob As SqlDataAdapter
    Dim sqlDTPhotoBlob As DataTable
    Dim sqlDAPhoto As SqlDataAdapter
    Dim sqlDTPhoto As DataTable
    Dim conString As ConnectionStringSettings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("LiveData")
    Dim iRows As Int16

    If PhotoRefNo = "" Then
    Return objBlobs
    Exit Function
    End If

    sqlDCData.ConnectionString = conString.ConnectionString.ToString & HttpContext.Current.Session(DatabaseName) & ";"

    sqlDAPhoto = New SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, sqlDCData)
    sqlDTPhoto = New DataTable("PH_PHOTOS")

    If sqlDTPhoto.Rows.Count > 0 Then
    objBlobs(0) = New BlobData
    objBlobs(0).PhotoNo = sqlDTPhoto.Rows(0).Item("PH_PHOTO_NO")
    objBlobs(0).CICMiniPhoto = sqlDTPhoto.Rows(0).Item("PH_MINI_PHOTO")
    objBlobs(0).PhotoPath = sqlDTPhoto.Rows(0).Item("PH_PATH")
    objBlobs(0).PhotoName = sqlDTPhoto.Rows(0).Item("PH_NAME")
    objBlobs(0).Portrait = sqlDTPhoto.Rows(0).Item("PH_PORTRAIT")
    End If


    sSQL += "PB_PH_REFNO=" & PhotoRefNo & "ORDER BY PB_SORT_ORDER"
    sqlDAPhotoBlob = New SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, sqlDCData)
    sqlDTPhotoBlob = New DataTable("PB_PHOTO_BLOBS")

    For iRows = 0 To sqlDTPhotoBlob.Rows.Count - 1
    'Need to do this because the first array element is created to store the photo information the blobs relate to.
    If iRows <> 0 Then
    objBlobs(iRows) = New BlobData
    End If
    objBlobs(iRows).RefNo = sqlDTPhotoBlob.Rows(iRows).Item("PB_REFNO")
    objBlobs(iRows).X = sqlDTPhotoBlob.Rows(iRows).Item("PB_X")
    objBlobs(iRows).Y = sqlDTPhotoBlob.Rows(iRows).Item("PB_Y")
    objBlobs(iRows).ImageURL = sqlDTPhotoBlob.Rows(iRows).Item("PB_IMAGE_URL")
    objBlobs(iRows).KPI = sqlDTPhotoBlob.Rows(iRows).Item("PB_KPI")
    objBlobs(iRows).SortOrder = sqlDTPhotoBlob.Rows(iRows).Item("PB_SORT_ORDER")


    Return objBlobs

    End Function
    Okay this is my problem. All the above is in an update panel because I have over tabs with controls on that I don't want to re-render. Because I move the blobs (divs) in javascript if the user clicks on a button on my page this causes a partial postback. In doing this it loses the css which re-positions my blobs.

    Is there anyway after postback not to use what the server initially set on the first page load? It only does this once as I check for ispostback.

    Many Thanks,


  4. #4

    Thread Starter
    Frenzied Member
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    Aug 2006

    Re: Partial Postback loses my CSS changes done client side.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jigabyte View Post
    Its difficult to show code because it's so big but I will try and explain; here is the code on my page load:-

    As you can see I call a javascript function call LoadBlobData. Blobs are small divs with a background picture of a circle and a number. Basically the user can drag these blobs on to a photo image. Here is the code for LoadBlobData:-

    This does a web method call to a server side function to get the data to move the blobs from an SQL database. Please excuse any bad code as I am a novice at this. Here is my web method code:-

    Okay this is my problem. All the above is in an update panel because I have over tabs with controls on that I don't want to re-render. Because I move the blobs (divs) in javascript if the user clicks on a button on my page this causes a partial postback. In doing this it loses the css which re-positions my blobs.

    Is there anyway after postback not to use what the server initially set on the first page load? It only does this once as I check for ispostback.

    Many Thanks,

    Looks like this isn't the best site for javascript / jquery support

  5. #5
    Frenzied Member tr333's Avatar
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    Nov 2004

    Re: Partial Postback loses my CSS changes done client side.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jigabyte View Post
    Looks like this isn't the best site for javascript / jquery support
    I'm guessing this thread should be in the ASP.NET forum? Hopefully a mod can move it there.
    CSS layout comes in to the 21st century with flexbox!
    Just another Perl hacker,

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