I will pay $20 to the first person that gets me this program to work. I will mail cash or send paypal.

I need to read a file and create an output file that contains each unique character and the number of times it showed up in the file. each character must be represented by a character frequency class instance .
input file says "Hello."
the output should look like
H(72) 1
e(101) 1
l(108) 2
0(111) 1
.(46) 1

the program needs to be executed from the command line using Programname.exe <infile> <outfile>
the frequency class must implement
-ch :char
-frequency: int
+setcharacter(in character: char)
+getfrequency(): int
+set frequency(in frequency :int)
+equals(): bool
+to string(): string

this is how bad my code is atm

Public Sub CharFrequency(text As String, character() As String, char_count() As Long)

Dim CommandLineArgs As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) = My.Application.CommandLineArgs

Const INPUT_FILENAME As Byte = 0

If (CommandLineArgs.Count <> 2) Then

Console.WriteLine("Usage: CommandLine [input filename] [output file name]")

End If

Console.WriteLine("The input filename is: {1}", CommandLineArgs(INPUT_FILENAME))
Console.WriteLine("The output filename is: {1}", CommandLineArgs(OUTPUT_FILENAME))

Dim Reader As New IO.StreamReader(INPUT_FILENAME) 'read the file
Dim type As New IO.StreamWriter(OUTPUT_FILENAME)
Dim int As Integer
int = Reader.Read()

While (Not Reader.EndOfStream)
int = Reader.Read()
Dim I As Integer
Dim codeInt As Integer

' The following line of code sets codeInt to 65.
codeInt = Asc("A")
codeInt = Asc("a")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 97.
codeInt = Asc("a")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 66.
codeInt = Asc("B")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 98.
codeInt = Asc("b")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 67.
codeInt = Asc("C")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 99.
codeInt = Asc("c")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 68.
codeInt = Asc("D")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 100.
codeInt = Asc("d")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 69.
codeInt = Asc("E")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 101.
codeInt = Asc("e")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 70.
codeInt = Asc("F")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 102.
codeInt = Asc("f")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 103.
codeInt = Asc("g")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 71.
codeInt = Asc("G")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 72.
codeInt = Asc("H")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 104.
codeInt = Asc("h")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 73.
codeInt = Asc("I")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 105.
codeInt = Asc("i")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 74.
codeInt = Asc("J")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 106.
codeInt = Asc("j")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 107.
codeInt = Asc("k")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 75.
codeInt = Asc("K")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 76.
codeInt = Asc("L")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 108.
codeInt = Asc("l")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 77.
codeInt = Asc("M")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 109.
codeInt = Asc("m")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 110.
codeInt = Asc("n")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 78.
codeInt = Asc("N")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 79.
codeInt = Asc("O")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 111.
codeInt = Asc("o")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 112.
codeInt = Asc("p")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 80.
codeInt = Asc("p")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 113.
codeInt = Asc("Q")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 81.
codeInt = Asc("q")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 82.
codeInt = Asc("R")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 114.
codeInt = Asc("r")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 83.
codeInt = Asc("S")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 115.
codeInt = Asc("s")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 84.
codeInt = Asc("T")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 116.
codeInt = Asc("t")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 85.
codeInt = Asc("U")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 117.
codeInt = Asc("u")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 86.
codeInt = Asc("V")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 118.
codeInt = Asc("v")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 87.
codeInt = Asc("W")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 119.
codeInt = Asc("w")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 120.
codeInt = Asc("x")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 88.
codeInt = Asc("X")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 89.
codeInt = Asc("Y")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 121.
codeInt = Asc("y")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 90.
codeInt = Asc("Z")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 122.
codeInt = Asc("z")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 32.
codeInt = Asc(" ")
' The following line of code sets codeInt to 46.
codeInt = Asc(".")
End While
type.Write(codeInt, I)
End Sub
Public Class testing
Public Overrides Function Equals(ByVal obj As Object) As Boolean
Return Me.codeint.equals(CType(obj, ASC()).codeint)
Dim entered As Integer
If entered = charater(i) Then

End If
End Function
End Class