I am very new to this, first forum, first code.. ugh.

Below is a code I am having a problem with. I created a form in Outlook 2010 and want to send the body of the text and drop boxes to Excel.
Sub SendExcel()

Dim OFT, Nrow As String
Dim Name, SentDate, Shift, MainProblem, ProblemsReported, Equipmentinstalled, FollowUP, WorkingOn As String
Dim SuggestOFt As Integer
Dim outMail As Object
Dim xlapp As Object

Set outMail = ActiveInspector.Current

strgfldr = "c:\Users\206013841\appData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\DailyForms.xls"""

Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlapp.Application.Visible = True
xlapp.Workbooks.Open "C:\Users\206013841\appData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\DailyForms.xls"

Nrow = Application.ActiveWindow.Application

Nrow = xlApp.WorksheetFunction(CountA.xlbook.sheets("EmailData).Range("A:H"))

xlapp.sheets("EmailData").Range("A" & Nrow + 1).Value = OFT

xlapp.sheets("EmailData").Range("B" & Nrow + 1).Value = outMail.SenderEmailAddress

xlapp.sheets("EmailData").Range("C" & Nrow + 1).Value = outBody.Shift

xlapp.sheets("EmailData").Range("D" & Nrow + 1).Value = outBody.MainProblem

xlapp.sheets("EmailData").Range("E" & Nrow + 1).Value = outBody.ProblemReported

xlapp.sheets("EmailData").Range("F" & Nrow + 1).Value = outBody.Equipmentinstalled

xlapp.sheets("EmailData").Range("G" & Nrow + 1).Value = outBody.FollowUP

xlapp.sheets("EmailData").Range("H" & Nrow + 1).Value = outBody.WorkingOn



xlapp.sheets("EmailData").SaveAs strFldr & "\" & "EmailTest.xls"

End Sub

Any suggestions?