The Data Bound DataGrid Control provides the ability to select
multiple rows using the CTRL key and mouse, but it lacks the
ability to use the SHIFT key in conjunction with the mouse.
The routines below add that ability by utilizing the MouseUp event.
Option Explicit

Dim PrevBmk          As Long
Dim CurrentBmk       As Long

Private Sub DataGrid1_Click()
	If DataGrid1.SelBookmarks.Count > 0 Then
		'If there is a bookmark present, make it the previous bookmark
		CurrentBmk = DataGrid1.SelBookmarks(DataGrid1.SelBookmarks.Count - 1)
	End If
End Sub

Private Sub DataGrid1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
	Dim M%, N%
	If Shift > 0 And DataGrid1.SelBookmarks.Count = 0 Then
		'Prompt user to utilize row selection column
		MsgBox "You must use the far left column to select multiple records!"
	ElseIf Shift = vbShiftMask Then
		PrevBmk = CurrentBmk 'Save previous bookmark
		CurrentBmk = DataGrid1.SelBookmarks(DataGrid1.SelBookmarks.Count - 1)
		Debug.Print PrevBmk, CurrentBmk
		If PrevBmk = 0 Then Exit Sub 'no previous bookmark
		N% = CurrentBmk - PrevBmk 'Number of bookmarks to be made (+/-)
		Select Case N% 'Set step direction for/next routine
			Case Is < 0
				M% = 1 'Step forward
			Case Is = 0
				Exit Sub 'Only 1 selected
			Case Is > 0
				M% = -1 'Step reverse
		End Select
		For N% = N% To -M% Step M%
			DataGrid1.SelBookmarks.Add DataGrid1.GetBookmark(-N%)
			Debug.Print DataGrid1.SelBookmarks(DataGrid1.SelBookmarks.Count - 1)
		Next N%
	End If
End Sub