Hello I am pretty new to C++

I am having some problems fixing the code below.
If I input scores and names such as Sam "100" and John "20" it will sort them correctly in ascending order
"Sam 20

If I do it the opposite way around Sam "20" and then John "100"
it ignores the name assigned to the "20"

Also is there a simple way to list the unsorted list before the sorted list.

Thank you in advance for any advice provided

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct StudentGrades
	string name;
	double grade;

void sort (StudentGrades *score, int size);

int main ()
	StudentGrades *sGrade;
	int mass;

	cout << "Please enter the amount of student grades you wish to enter \n";
	cin >> mass;
	sGrade = new StudentGrades[mass];

	for (int index = 0; index < mass; index ++)
		cout << "Please enter the [NAME] of student #" << (index + 1) << ": ";
		cin >> (sGrade + index)->name;
		cout << "Please enter the [SCORE] of student #" << (index + 1) << ": "; 
		cin >> (sGrade + index)->grade;

	while (sGrade[index].grade < 0)
		cout << "Negative numbers are not accepted, please try again with positive values \n";
		cin >> (sGrade + index)->grade;

	cout << "The sorted names and scores are:";
	cout << endl;
	sort (sGrade, mass);

	//cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

	delete []sGrade;
	sGrade = 0;
	system ("pause");
	return 0;

void sort (StudentGrades *score, int size)
	int minIdx;
	double minGrade;
	string id;

	for (int scan = 0; scan < (size - 1); scan ++)
		minIdx = scan;
		minGrade = (score + scan)->grade;

	for (int count = scan + 1; count < size; count ++)
		if ((score + count)->grade < minGrade)
			minGrade = (score + count)->grade;
			minIdx = count;
			id = (score + count)->name;

	(score + minIdx)->grade = (score + scan)->grade;
	(score + scan)->grade = minGrade;
	(score + minIdx)->name = (score + scan)->name;
	(score + scan)->name = id;

	for (int count = 0; count < size; count ++)
		cout << (score + count)->name << " ";
		cout << (score + count)->grade << " ";
		cout << endl;