urgent help needed on winsock chat.
currently my code below is what i have its working.

Private Sub wsserver_ConnectionRequest(Index As Integer, ByVal RequestID As Long)
Dim iNextSocket As Integer
Dim i As Integer
    Dim J As Integer
     Dim itmx As ListItem

    For i = lstUsers.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
       For J = 0 To List3.ListCount
          If lstUsers.List(i) = List3.List(J) Then
          '   lstUsers.RemoveItem (i)
             Exit For
          End If
       Next J
    Next i
iNextSocket = modServer.FindOpenSocket(Me)

'for multiple connections
Load wsServer(iNextSocket)
wsServer(iNextSocket).Accept RequestID
InsertText "Connected to " & RequestID

uUser(iNextSocket).Connection = "Connected"
uUser(iNextSocket).RequestID = RequestID

End Sub

i want to add this new code to this so it works smooth

For intMax = 1 To wsServer.count
On Error GoTo load1
If wsServer(intMax).Name = "" Then
End If
Next intMax
      Load wsServer(intMax)
      wsServer(intMax).LocalPort = 0
     wsServer(intMax).Accept RequestID
     InsertText "Connected to " & RequestID
      wsServer(intMax).Tag = 1
      List1.AddItem intMax
  Set itmx = ips.ListItems.Add()
      itmx.Text = intMax
itmx.SubItems(1) = wsServer(intMax).RemoteHostIP
itmx.SubItems(2) = "unknown"
itmx.SubItems(3) = "1"
   End If

the code i posted on top is working fine but the code below am having problem adding to my current code which is on top please help me combine it