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Thread: [RESOLVED] Application Hang Category: (101) Event ID: 1002

  1. #1

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    Resolved [RESOLVED] Application Hang Category: (101) Event ID: 1002

    I have an application written in VB5, VB6, C++, etc.. the application stores data on a remote server in a Microsoft Access database. The software runs fine on the server where we have the main database files as opposed to the mover files on the separate data entry stations but hangs when you drill down to the frmOrder (source code below) on one of the data entry stations. I tried using Dbgview with no luck (may be the XP operating system on the data entry machine). Can't figure out what is causing the exception that is stopping the program. I compared a good database file vs the "bad" files to see if I could spot an invalid or corrupt record...or even something that I didn't allow for being in one of the fields, but didn't have any luck though it's been running for a long time for something like that to show up now. The data integrity looks good to say the least.

  2. #2

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    Re: Application Hang Category: (101) Event ID: 1002

    Source code from frmOrder:
    Option Explicit
    'I sure would have done this a lot different if ADO had existed when I wrote it
    Public fInmate As frmInmateSelect
    Dim Updated As Boolean
    Dim LastRow As Long
    Dim Busy As Boolean
    Public NewBalance As Currency
    Public SubTotal As Currency
    Public Tax As Currency
    Public Total As Currency
    Private QuickActive As Boolean
    Private OrderID As Long
    Private TransactionID As Long
    Private UsingQuickFind As Boolean
    Private ValidEntry As Boolean
    Private PostedTransactionsTotal As Currency
    Private PostedTransactionsCount As Integer
    'used to flag that an order was open with invalid amounts to prevent repeated warning in entry screen
    Private LoadedWithInvalidAmounts As Boolean
    Private MaxOrderExemptCategories As String
    Private MaxOrderExemptLimit As Currency
    Private MaxOrderExemptAmount As Currency
    Private CatLimits As COrderLimitCategories
    Private Sub SetControls()
        Dim m As Variant
        On Error Resume Next
        For Each m In Me.Controls
            If Len(m.tag) > 0 Then 'don't do nothing if tag not set
                If (CurrentUser.SecurityToken = "*") Or (Val(CurrentUser.SecurityToken) >= Val(m.tag)) Then
                    m.Visible = True
                    m.Enabled = True
                    m.Visible = False
                    m.Enabled = False
                End If
            End If
    End Sub
    Private Function SetOrderLimitedItems() As Boolean
        'read the grid, return true if any limit category is over allowed
        Dim row As Integer
        With FGrid1
            For row = 0 To .rows - 1
                CatLimits.AddCount .TextMatrix(row, 9), Val(.TextMatrix(row, 10)) * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 0))
        End With
        SetOrderLimitedItems = CatLimits.Over
    End Function
    Private Function VerifyOrderAmounts() As Integer
        VerifyOrderAmounts = 0
        If NewBalance < CurrentSession.MinimumBalance Then
            VerifyOrderAmounts = 1
        ElseIf (Total - MaxOrderExemptAmount) > CurrentSession.MaximumOrder And CurrentSession.MaximumOrder > 0# Then
            VerifyOrderAmounts = 2
        ElseIf MaxOrderExemptAmount > MaxOrderExemptLimit Then
            VerifyOrderAmounts = 3
        ElseIf SetOrderLimitedItems Then
            VerifyOrderAmounts = 4
        End If
    End Function
    Private Sub CommitOrder()
    'update account balance
    'make account transaction entry
    'add to order table(s)
        Dim row As Integer
        Dim col As Integer
        Dim s As String
        Dim posStart As Long
        Dim bal As Currency
        Dim c As Currency
        Dim d As Currency
        'set stuff in the order table
        If IsNull(dbOrder.Recordset.Fields("FirstEntryTime")) Then
            dbOrder.Recordset.Fields("FirstEntryTime") = Now
        End If
        dbOrder.Recordset.Fields("LastEntryTime") = Now
        dbOrder.Recordset.Fields("SalesTax") = CurrentLocation.SalesTax
        dbOrder.Recordset.Fields("Rebate") = CurrentLocation.Rebate
        'make the new transaction if not one already there
        With dbAcntTrans.Recordset
            If TransactionID = -1 Then
                s = "SELECT Max(TransactionID) AS [Next] From AccountTransactions where " _
                    & "AccountId = '" & CurrentAccount.AccountID & "'" _
                    & " and LocationID = '" & CurrentLocation.LocationID & "'"
                dbTransID.RecordSource = s
                If IsNull(dbTransID.Recordset.Fields(0)) Then
                    TransactionID = 1
                    TransactionID = dbTransID.Recordset.Fields(0) + 1
                End If
                s = "SELECT * From AccountTransactions where " _
                    & " AccountId = '" & CurrentAccount.AccountID & "'" _
                    & " and LocationID = '" & CurrentLocation.LocationID & "'"
                dbAcntTrans.RecordSource = s
                .Fields("TransactionID") = TransactionID
                .Fields("TransactionCode") = "Commissary Order"
                .Fields("AccountID") = CurrentAccount.AccountID
                .Fields("DateTime") = Now
                .Fields("Description") = "Commissary Order #" & Str$(OrderID)
                .Fields("LocationID") = CurrentLocation.LocationID
                s = "SELECT * From AccountTransactions where " _
                    & " AccountId = '" & CurrentAccount.AccountID & "'" _
                    & " and TransactionID = " & Str$(TransactionID) _
                    & " and LocationID = '" & CurrentLocation.LocationID & "'"
                dbAcntTrans.RecordSource = s
            End If
        End With
        'delete items already in database
        s = "Select * from Items where " _
            & " LocationID = '" & CurrentLocation.LocationID & "' and" _
            & " AccountID = '" & CurrentAccount.AccountID & "' and" _
            & " OrderID = " & Str$(OrderID)
        dbItem.RecordSource = s
        With dbItem.Recordset
            If Not .EOF Then ' then this is edit, not new
                While Not .EOF
            End If
        End With
        'scan the form and put into item records
        Debug.Print "Order for: "; CurrentAccount.FirstName; " "; CurrentAccount.MiddleName; " "; CurrentAccount.LastName
        With FGrid1
            For row = 0 To .rows - 1
                If Val(.TextMatrix(row, 0)) > 0 Then
                    For col = 0 To .Cols - 1
                        Debug.Print .TextMatrix(row, col); ",";
                    With dbItem.Recordset
                        .Fields("OrderID") = OrderID
                        .Fields("LocationID") = CurrentLocation.LocationID
                        .Fields("AccountID") = CurrentAccount.AccountID
                        .Fields("TransactionID") = TransactionID
                        .Fields("ProductID") = FGrid1.TextMatrix(row, 1)
                        .Fields("Description") = FGrid1.TextMatrix(row, 2)
                        .Fields("Quantity") = Val(FGrid1.TextMatrix(row, 0))
                        .Fields("Price") = Val(FGrid1.TextMatrix(row, 3))
                        .Fields("Cost") = Val(FGrid1.TextMatrix(row, 8))
                        .Fields("Taxrate") = Val(FGrid1.TextMatrix(row, 5))
                        .Fields("Rebate") = Val(FGrid1.TextMatrix(row, 6))
                    End With
                End If
            Debug.Print "SubTotal:", Format(SubTotal, "0.00")
            Debug.Print "     Tax:", Format(Tax, "0.00")
            Debug.Print "   Total:", Format(Total, "0.00")
            Debug.Print " Balance:", Format(NewBalance, "0.00")
        End With
        'update the transaction
        dbAcntTrans.Recordset.Fields("Debit") = Total
        'update account balance
        CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance = RndCur(CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance) - Total
        fInmate.UserRecord.Fields("CurrentBalance") = CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance
        With datCalc.Recordset
            posStart = dbAcntTrans.Recordset.AbsolutePosition - 1
            If posStart < 5 Then
                bal = 0#
                .AbsolutePosition = posStart
                bal = RndCur(.Fields("Balance"))
            End If
            While Not .EOF
                If IsNull(.Fields("Credit")) Then
                    c = 0
                    c = .Fields("Credit")
                End If
                If IsNull(.Fields("Debit")) Then
                    d = 0
                    d = .Fields("Debit")
                End If
                bal = bal + RndCur(c)
                bal = bal - RndCur(d)
                .Fields("Balance") = bal
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub MoveTextBox()
        On Error Resume Next
        With FGrid1
            If .RowIsVisible(.row) And .RowIsVisible(.row + 1) Then
                Text1.Left = .CellLeft + FGrid1.Left
                Text1.Top = .CellTop + FGrid1.Top
                Text1.Height = .CellHeight
                Text1.Width = .CellWidth
                Text1.Visible = True
                Text1.Visible = False
            End If
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub NextRow()
        Dim row As Long
        On Error Resume Next
        With FGrid1
            row = .row + 1
            If row < .rows Then
                .row = row
            End If
            If Not .RowIsVisible(row + 1) Then
                .TopRow = .TopRow + 1
            End If
        End With
    End Sub
    Last edited by si_the_geek; May 16th, 2012 at 03:15 PM. Reason: added Code tags

  3. #3

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    May 2012

    Re: Application Hang Category: (101) Event ID: 1002

    Private Sub PrevRow()
    Dim row As Long
    row = FGrid1.row - 1
    If row > FGrid1.FixedRows Then
    FGrid1.row = row
    End If
    If Not FGrid1.RowIsVisible(row) Then
    FGrid1.TopRow = row
    End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub UpdateRow(row As Long)
    Dim oldprice As Currency
    Dim newprice As Currency
    Dim sh As String
    Dim tmpNewBalance As Currency
    Dim tmpSubTotal As Currency
    Dim tmpMaxOrderExemptAmount As Currency
    Dim tmpTax As Currency
    Dim tmpTotal As Currency
    Dim IsExempt As Boolean

    Debug.Print "UpdateRow"
    On Error Resume Next
    ValidEntry = True
    With FGrid1
    IsExempt = (0 < Len(Intersect(MaxOrderExemptCategories, .TextMatrix(row, 9))))
    oldprice = Val(.TextMatrix(row, 4))
    newprice = Val(.TextMatrix(row, 0)) * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 3))
    If oldprice <> newprice Then
    sh = Intersect(CurrentAccount.SpecialHandling, .TextMatrix(row, 7))
    If Len(sh) > 0 Then
    If Not (MsgBox("Special handling conflict: " & sh & vbCrLf & "Allow item anyway?", vbYesNo) = vbYes) Then
    .TextMatrix(row, 0) = ""
    newprice = 0#
    ValidEntry = False
    End If
    End If
    End If
    If newprice > 0 Then
    .TextMatrix(row, 4) = Format(newprice, "0.00")
    .TextMatrix(row, 4) = ""
    End If
    If IsExempt Then
    tmpMaxOrderExemptAmount = MaxOrderExemptAmount - oldprice - (CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 5)) * oldprice) + newprice + (CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 5)) * newprice)
    tmpMaxOrderExemptAmount = MaxOrderExemptAmount
    End If
    tmpSubTotal = SubTotal - oldprice + newprice
    tmpTax = Tax - (CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 5)) * oldprice)
    tmpTax = tmpTax + (CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 5)) * newprice)
    tmpTotal = RndCur(tmpSubTotal) + RndCur(tmpTax)
    tmpNewBalance = RndCur(CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance) - tmpTotal
    If (Not LoadedWithInvalidAmounts) And (tmpNewBalance < CurrentSession.MinimumBalance) Then
    .TextMatrix(row, 0) = ""
    .TextMatrix(row, 4) = ""
    Text1.Text = ""
    newprice = 0#
    If oldprice <> 0 Then
    If IsExempt Then
    MaxOrderExemptAmount = MaxOrderExemptAmount - oldprice - (CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 5)) * oldprice)
    End If
    SubTotal = SubTotal - oldprice
    Tax = Tax - (CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 5)) * oldprice)
    Total = RndCur(tmpSubTotal) + RndCur(tmpTax)
    NewBalance = RndCur(CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance) - tmpTotal
    End If
    MsgBox "Resulting balance of " & Format(tmpNewBalance, "$0.00") & vbCrLf & " falls below minimum allowed balance of " & Format(CurrentSession.MinimumBalance, "$0.00"), vbCritical
    ValidEntry = False
    ElseIf (Not LoadedWithInvalidAmounts) And (((tmpTotal - tmpMaxOrderExemptAmount) > CurrentSession.MaximumOrder) And (CurrentSession.MaximumOrder > 0#)) Then
    .TextMatrix(row, 0) = ""
    .TextMatrix(row, 4) = ""
    Text1.Text = ""
    newprice = 0#
    If oldprice <> 0 Then
    If IsExempt Then
    MaxOrderExemptAmount = MaxOrderExemptAmount - oldprice - (CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 5)) * oldprice)
    End If
    SubTotal = SubTotal - oldprice
    Tax = Tax - (CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 5)) * oldprice)
    Total = RndCur(tmpSubTotal) + RndCur(tmpTax)
    NewBalance = RndCur(CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance) - tmpTotal
    End If
    MsgBox "Order amount of " & Format(tmpTotal, "$0.00") & vbCrLf & "exceeds maximum allowed order of " & Format(CurrentSession.MaximumOrder, "$0.00"), vbCritical
    ValidEntry = False
    ElseIf (Not LoadedWithInvalidAmounts) And (tmpMaxOrderExemptAmount > MaxOrderExemptLimit) Then
    .TextMatrix(row, 0) = ""
    .TextMatrix(row, 4) = ""
    Text1.Text = ""
    newprice = 0#
    If oldprice <> 0 Then
    If IsExempt Then
    MaxOrderExemptAmount = MaxOrderExemptAmount - oldprice - (CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 5)) * oldprice)
    End If
    SubTotal = SubTotal - oldprice
    Tax = Tax - (CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 5)) * oldprice)
    Total = RndCur(tmpSubTotal) + RndCur(tmpTax)
    NewBalance = RndCur(CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance) - tmpTotal
    End If
    MsgBox "Exeeds maximum exempt order item amount", vbCritical
    ValidEntry = False
    'ElseIf (Not LoadedWithInvalidAmounts) And CatLimits.AddCount(.TextMatrix(row, 9), Val(.TextMatrix(row, 10)) * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 0))) Then
    ElseIf (Not LoadedWithInvalidAmounts) And SetOrderLimitedItems Then
    .TextMatrix(row, 0) = ""
    .TextMatrix(row, 4) = ""
    Text1.Text = ""
    newprice = 0#
    If oldprice <> 0 Then
    If IsExempt Then
    MaxOrderExemptAmount = MaxOrderExemptAmount - oldprice - (CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 5)) * oldprice)
    End If
    SubTotal = SubTotal - oldprice
    Tax = Tax - (CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(.TextMatrix(row, 5)) * oldprice)
    Total = RndCur(tmpSubTotal) + RndCur(tmpTax)
    NewBalance = RndCur(CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance) - tmpTotal
    End If
    MsgBox "Maximum number of limited items exceeded", vbCritical
    ValidEntry = False
    If IsExempt Then
    MaxOrderExemptAmount = tmpMaxOrderExemptAmount
    End If
    SubTotal = tmpSubTotal
    Tax = tmpTax
    Total = tmpTotal
    NewBalance = tmpNewBalance
    lblSub.Caption = Format(SubTotal, "$0.00")
    lblTax.Caption = Format(Tax, "$0.00")
    lblTotal.Caption = Format(Total, "$0.00")
    lblEndBal.Caption = Format(NewBalance, "$0.00")
    End If
    End With
    Debug.Print "Subtotal: " & Format(SubTotal, "$0.00") & "ExemptAmount: " & Format(MaxOrderExemptAmount, "$0.00")
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnCancel_Click()
    Dim s As String

    If SubTotal <> 0# Then
    If MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to cancel the items on this order?", vbYesNo) <> vbYes Then
    Exit Sub
    End If
    End If

    With dbAcntTrans
    If TransactionID <> -1 Then
    s = "SELECT * From AccountTransactions where " _
    & " AccountId = '" & CurrentAccount.AccountID & "'" _
    & " and TRansactionID = " & Str$(TransactionID) _
    & " and LocationID = '" & CurrentLocation.LocationID & "'"
    .RecordSource = s
    End If
    End With
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnCheck_Click()
    Dim f As New frmCheck

    Set f = New frmCheck
    Set f.RSInmate = fInmate.UserRecord
    f.TransactionID = 0
    f.Show vbModal, Me
    lblBegBal.Caption = Format(CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance, "$0.00")
    lblEndBal.Caption = Format(CCur(lblBegBal.Caption) - CCur(lblTotal.Caption), "$0.00")
    End Sub

  4. #4

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    May 2012

    Re: Application Hang Category: (101) Event ID: 1002

    Private Sub btnOK_Click()
    Dim voa As Integer

    voa = VerifyOrderAmounts()
    Select Case True
    Case 0 = voa
    Case 1 = voa
    MsgBox "Resulting balance of " & Format(NewBalance, "$0.00") & vbCrLf & " falls below minimum allowed balance of " & Format(CurrentSession.MinimumBalance, "$0.00"), vbCritical
    Case 2 = voa
    MsgBox "Order amount of " & Format(Total, "$0.00") & vbCrLf & "exceeds maximum allowed order of " & Format(CurrentSession.MaximumOrder, "$0.00"), vbCritical
    Case 3 = voa
    MsgBox "Exeeds maximum exempt order item amount", vbCritical
    Case 4 = voa
    MsgBox "Maximum number of limited items exceeded", vbCritical
    End Select
    End Sub

    Private Sub Check1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    If Check1.Value = vbUnchecked Then
    ElseIf Check1.Value = vbChecked Then
    End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub FGrid1_EnterCell()
    Text1.Text = FGrid1.Text
    Text1.SelStart = 0
    Text1.SelLength = 99
    Debug.Print "Enter Cell", FGrid1.row
    End Sub

    Private Sub FGrid1_GotFocus()
    End Sub

    Private Sub FGrid1_LeaveCell()
    If Busy Then Exit Sub
    FGrid1.Text = Text1.Text
    UpdateRow FGrid1.row
    Debug.Print "Leave Cell", FGrid1.row
    End Sub

    Private Sub FGrid1_RowColChange()
    If Busy Then Exit Sub
    Busy = True
    With FGrid1
    .col = 0
    If .TextMatrix(.row, 0&) = "----" Then
    Busy = False
    If .row > LastRow Or .row = .FixedRows Then
    ElseIf .row < LastRow Then
    End If
    Exit Sub
    End If
    .RowSel = .row
    .ColSel = .Cols - 1
    LastRow = .row
    End With
    'Text1.SelStart = 0
    'Text1.SelLength = 99
    Busy = False
    Debug.Print "RowCol Change"
    End Sub

    Private Sub FGrid1_Scroll()
    With FGrid1
    Debug.Print .RowIsVisible(.row)
    End With
    End Sub

    Private Sub FGrid1_SelChange()
    With FGrid1
    Debug.Print "SelChange", .row, .col, .RowSel, .ColSel
    ' .RowSel = .row
    ' .ColSel = .Cols - 1
    End With
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_GotFocus()
    Debug.Print "Form_GotFocus"
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    Dim rows As Long
    Dim NewRow As Long

    With FGrid1
    Debug.Print "Form_KeyDown "; KeyCode, Shift
    If KeyCode = 40 Then
    KeyCode = 0
    ElseIf KeyCode = 38 Then
    KeyCode = 0
    ElseIf KeyCode = 33 Then 'page up
    rows = .Height \ (.RowPos(2) - .RowPos(1)) - 2
    NewRow = .row - rows
    If NewRow < .FixedRows Then
    NewRow = .FixedRows
    End If
    .row = NewRow
    .TopRow = NewRow
    ElseIf KeyCode = 34 Then 'page down
    rows = .Height \ (.RowPos(2) - .RowPos(1)) - 2
    NewRow = .row + rows
    If NewRow >= .rows Then
    NewRow = .rows - 1
    End If
    .row = NewRow
    .TopRow = NewRow
    End If
    End With
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    Debug.Print "Form_KeyPress "; KeyAscii
    If KeyAscii = 13 Then ' CR
    If Check1.Value = vbChecked Then
    If QuickActive Then
    FGrid1.Text = Text1.Text
    UpdateRow FGrid1.row
    End If
    'FGrid1.Text = Text1.Text
    'UpdateRow FGrid1.row
    End If
    KeyAscii = 0
    End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim rtn As Long
    Dim s As String

    LogMessage "Screen Opened: " &
    Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
    Updated = False
    Busy = False
    LastRow = -1
    QuickActive = False
    TransactionID = -1
    OrderID = -1
    SubTotal = 0#
    MaxOrderExemptAmount = 0#
    Total = 0#
    Tax = 0#

    'set up for registery access
    SysReg.KeyPrefix = "SOFTWARE\......\" 'Romved KeyPrefix, but I know this is correct

    'get and validate screen position
    Dim tmp As Integer
    tmp = SysReg.GetSetting(Me.Caption, "Size", "Width", -1)
    If tmp > -1 Then Me.Width = tmp
    tmp = SysReg.GetSetting(Me.Caption, "Size", "Left", -1)
    If tmp > -1 Then Me.Left = tmp
    If Me.Left > Screen.Width - Me.Width Then
    Me.Left = Screen.Width - Me.Width
    ElseIf Me.Left < 0 Then
    Me.Left = 0
    End If
    tmp = SysReg.GetSetting(Me.Caption, "Size", "Height", -1)
    If tmp > -1 Then Me.Height = tmp
    tmp = SysReg.GetSetting(Me.Caption, "Size", "Top", -1)
    If tmp > -1 Then Me.Top = tmp
    If Me.Top > Screen.Height - Me.Height Then
    Me.Top = Screen.Height - Me.Height
    ElseIf Me.Top < 0 Then
    Me.Top = 0
    End If
    Me.WindowState = SysReg.GetSetting(Me.Caption, "Size", "State", vbNormal)
    Check1.Value = SysReg.GetSetting(Me.Caption, "Settings", "Quick Entry", 0)
    For i = 0 To FGrid1.Cols - 1
    rtn = SysReg.GetSetting(Me.Caption, "Size", "ColWidth" & Trim$(Str$(i)), -1)
    If rtn > 0 Then FGrid1.ColWidth(i) = rtn

    MaxOrderExemptCategories = SysReg.GetSetting("Program", "Settings", "MaxOrderExemptCategories", DefaultMaxOrderExemptCategories)
    MaxOrderExemptLimit = SysReg.GetSetting("Program", "Settings", "MaxOrderExemptLimit", DefaultMaxOrderExemptLimit)

    ' Set fInmate = New frmInmateSelect
    ' fInmate.Show vbModal
    Label1.Caption = CurrentAccount.FirstName & " " & CurrentAccount.MiddleName & " " & CurrentAccount.LastName

    FGrid1.ColAlignment(0) = flexAlignRightCenter
    FGrid1.ColAlignment(1) = flexAlignLeftCenter
    FGrid1.ColAlignment(2) = flexAlignRightCenter
    FGrid1.ColAlignment(3) = flexAlignRightCenter
    FGrid1.ColAlignment(4) = flexAlignRightCenter
    'invisible columns used as array elements
    FGrid1.ColWidth(5) = 0 'rebate
    FGrid1.ColWidth(6) = 0 'tax rate
    FGrid1.ColWidth(7) = 0 'special handling
    FGrid1.ColWidth(8) = 0 'cost
    FGrid1.ColWidth(9) = 0 'category
    FGrid1.ColWidth(10) = 0 'OnHand used for order limit counting
    FGrid1.ColWidth(11) = 0 'blank end

    FGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "Quantity"
    FGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "Item"
    FGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 2) = "Description"
    FGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 3) = "Each"
    FGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 4) = "Price"

    NewBalance = CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance

    'set database path and do all the crap needed to make that work
    On Error Resume Next
    With dbProduct
    .DatabaseName = SetDatabaseName(.DatabaseName, DatabasePath)
    End With
    With dbCat
    .DatabaseName = SetDatabaseName(.DatabaseName, DatabasePath)
    End With
    With dbOrder
    .DatabaseName = SetDatabaseName(.DatabaseName, DatabasePath)
    End With
    With dbItem
    .DatabaseName = SetDatabaseName(.DatabaseName, DatabasePath)
    End With
    With dbTransID
    .DatabaseName = SetDatabaseName(.DatabaseName, DatabasePath)
    End With
    With dbAcntTrans
    .DatabaseName = SetDatabaseName(.DatabaseName, DatabasePath)
    End With
    With datCalc
    .DatabaseName = SetDatabaseName(.DatabaseName, DatabasePath)
    s = Trim$(CurrentAccount.AccountID)
    s = "select Debit,Credit,Balance,AccountID,LocationID from AccountTransactions where AccountId = '" & s & "' and LocationID = '" & CurrentLocation.LocationID & "' Order by TransactionID"
    .RecordSource = s
    End With

    With dbPostQ
    .DatabaseName = SetDatabaseName(.DatabaseName, DatabasePath)
    s = "SELECT * from Postings where [AccountID] = '" & CurrentAccount.AccountID & "' and [Posted] = 0 and [LocationID] = '" & CurrentLocation.LocationID & "' order by AccountName, EntryDate"
    .RecordSource = s
    With .Recordset
    PostedTransactionsTotal = 0
    PostedTransactionsCount = 0
    While Not .EOF
    PostedTransactionsCount = PostedTransactionsCount + 1
    If .Fields("Credit") Then
    PostedTransactionsTotal = PostedTransactionsTotal + .Fields("Amount")
    PostedTransactionsTotal = PostedTransactionsTotal - .Fields("Amount")
    End If
    End With
    End With

    Set CatLimits = New COrderLimitCategories
    Timer1.Enabled = True
    End Sub

  5. #5

    Thread Starter
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    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Application Hang Category: (101) Event ID: 1002

    Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
    If UnloadMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
    Cancel = True
    End If
    Debug.Print "QueryUnload "; UnloadMode
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Resize()
    Dim l As Long
    Dim TopRow As Long

    On Error Resume Next
    Busy = True
    TopRow = FGrid1.TopRow

    'lblBalance.Left = Me.ScaleWidth - Label1.Left - lblBalance.Width
    'Label2.Left = lblBalance.Left - Label2.Width

    btnCancel.Top = Me.ScaleHeight - btnCancel.Height - 60
    btnCancel.Left = Me.ScaleWidth - btnCancel.Width - 120

    btnOK.Top = Me.ScaleHeight - btnOK.Height - 60
    btnOK.Left = btnCancel.Left - btnOK.Width - 120

    lblTotal.Top = btnCancel.Top - lblTotal.Height - 180
    lblTotal.Left = Me.ScaleWidth - lblTotal.Width - 120
    lTotal.Top = lblTotal.Top
    lTotal.Left = lblTotal.Left - lTotal.Width - 60

    lblTax.Top = lblTotal.Top - lblTax.Height
    lblTax.Left = Me.ScaleWidth - lblTax.Width - 120
    lTax.Top = lblTax.Top
    lTax.Left = lblTax.Left - lTax.Width - 60
    lblBegBal.Top = lblTax.Top
    Label2.Top = lblTax.Top
    btnCheck.Top = lblTax.Top

    lblSub.Top = lblTax.Top - lblSub.Height
    lblSub.Left = Me.ScaleWidth - lblSub.Width - 120
    lSub.Top = lblSub.Top
    lSub.Left = lblSub.Left - lSub.Width - 60
    lblEndBal.Top = lblTotal.Top
    Label3.Top = lblTotal.Top
    Label1.Top = lblSub.Top

    l = lblSub.Top - FGrid1.Top - 60
    If l < 0 Then l = 0
    FGrid1.Height = l

    Check1.Top = Me.ScaleHeight - Check1.Height - 60
    txtQuickFind.Top = Me.ScaleHeight - txtQuickFind.Height - 60
    txtQuickFind.Left = Check1.Left + Check1.Width

    FGrid1.Width = Me.ScaleWidth
    If Updated Then
    FGrid1.col = 0
    'FGrid1.Row = 1
    'l = FGrid1.CellLeft * 6.5

    'l = FGrid1.Width _
    - l _
    - FGrid1.GridLineWidth * 6 _
    - FGrid1.ColWidth(0) _
    - FGrid1.ColWidth(1) _
    - FGrid1.ColWidth(3) _
    - FGrid1.ColWidth(4)
    'If l > 0 Then FGrid1.ColWidth(2) = l
    FGrid1.ColWidth(5) = 0
    FGrid1.ColWidth(6) = 0
    FGrid1.ColWidth(7) = 0
    FGrid1.ColWidth(8) = 0
    FGrid1.TopRow = TopRow
    LastRow = FGrid1.row
    End If
    Busy = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    Dim i As Integer

    LogMessage "Screen Closed: " &

    Set CatLimits = Nothing

    If Me.WindowState <> vbMinimized Then
    SysReg.SaveSetting Me.Caption, "Size", "State", Me.WindowState
    If Me.WindowState = vbNormal Then
    SysReg.SaveSetting Me.Caption, "Size", "Left", Me.Left
    SysReg.SaveSetting Me.Caption, "Size", "Top", Me.Top
    SysReg.SaveSetting Me.Caption, "Size", "Width", Me.Width
    SysReg.SaveSetting Me.Caption, "Size", "Height", Me.Height
    End If
    End If
    SysReg.SaveSetting Me.Caption, "Settings", "Quick Entry", Check1.Value
    For i = 0 To FGrid1.Cols - 1
    SysReg.SaveSetting Me.Caption, "Size", "ColWidth" & Trim$(Str$(i)), FGrid1.ColWidth(i)
    ' If Not fInmate Is Nothing Then
    ' Unload fInmate
    ' Set fInmate = Nothing
    ' End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Label1_Click()
    Debug.Print "Break"
    End Sub

    Private Sub Text1_GotFocus()
    Text1.SelStart = 0
    Text1.SelLength = 99
    End Sub

    Private Sub Text1_LostFocus()
    FGrid1.Text = Text1.Text
    UpdateRow FGrid1.row
    End Sub

    Private Sub DisplayOrderForm()
    Dim qry As String
    Dim s As String
    Dim s2 As String
    Dim Cat, catcode As String
    Dim Price As Currency
    Dim doHeader As Boolean
    Dim NewOrder As Boolean
    Dim i As Long

    On Error Resume Next
    If Not CurrentAccount.PurchaseRights = True Then
    MsgBox "This account does not have purchase rights"
    Me.Visible = False
    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
    SendKeys ("{ESC}")
    Exit Sub
    End If
    With dbCat.Recordset
    While Not .EOF
    catcode = .Fields("CategoryCode")
    Cat = .Fields("Description")
    doHeader = True
    With dbProduct.Recordset
    .FindFirst "[CategoryCode] = '" & catcode & "'"
    While Not .NoMatch
    If .Fields("Active") Then
    If (Len(CurrentSession.SessionGroups) = 0) _
    Or (Len(.Fields("SessionGroups")) = 0) _
    Or (Len(Intersect(CurrentSession.SessionGroups, .Fields("SessionGroups"))) > 0) Then
    If doHeader Then
    doHeader = False
    FGrid1.AddItem "----" & vbTab & "----" & vbTab & Cat
    End If

    s = vbTab & .Fields("ProductID") _
    & vbTab & .Fields("Description") _
    & vbTab
    Price = 0#
    If CurrentLocation.PriceIndex > 0 And CurrentLocation.PriceIndex < 5 Then
    s2 = "AlternatePrice" & Trim$(CurrentLocation.PriceIndex)
    Price = .Fields(s2)
    End If
    If Price = 0# Then
    Price = .Fields("Price")
    End If
    'starts at colum 3
    ' 3 4 5 6
    s = s + Format(Price, "0.00") + vbTab + vbTab + Str$(.Fields("Taxrate")) + vbTab + Str$(.Fields("Rebate"))
    If IsNull(.Fields("SpecialHandling")) Then
    s = s + vbTab + ""
    ' 7
    s = s + vbTab + .Fields("SpecialHandling")
    End If
    ' 8
    s = s + vbTab + Str$(.Fields("Cost"))

    ' 9
    s = s + vbTab + Trim(catcode)
    ' 10
    s = s + vbTab + Str$(.Fields("QuantityOnHand"))
    FGrid1.AddItem s
    End If
    End If
    .FindNext "[CategoryCode] = '" & catcode & "'"
    End With
    End With

    s = "SELECT Max(OrderID) From Orders where LocationID = '" _
    & CurrentLocation.LocationID & "'"
    dbOrder.RecordSource = s
    If IsNull(dbOrder.Recordset.Fields(0)) Then
    OrderID = 1
    OrderID = dbOrder.Recordset.Fields(0)
    End If
    s = "SELECT * from Orders where " _
    & "LocationID = '" & CurrentLocation.LocationID & "' and " _
    & "OrderID = " & Str$(OrderID)
    dbOrder.RecordSource = s
    NewOrder = False
    If dbOrder.Recordset.EOF Then
    NewOrder = True
    If Not IsNull(dbOrder.Recordset.Fields("TransmitTime")) Then
    NewOrder = True
    OrderID = OrderID + 1
    End If
    End If

    If NewOrder Then
    'create new order record
    dbOrder.Recordset.Fields("OrderID") = OrderID
    dbOrder.Recordset.Fields("LocationID") = CurrentLocation.LocationID
    dbOrder.Recordset.Bookmark = dbOrder.Recordset.LastModified
    'see if account already has items in this order
    'put already ordered items in form
    'delete them from the database...
    '...this allows [Cancel] to cancel an order
    'find transaction for this order
    'adjust balances, zero transaction

    'set recordset to this account's order items
    s = "Select * from Items where " _
    & " LocationID = '" & CurrentLocation.LocationID & "' and" _
    & " AccountID = '" & CurrentAccount.AccountID & "' and" _
    & " OrderID = " & Str$(OrderID)
    dbItem.RecordSource = s
    With dbItem.Recordset
    If Not .EOF Then ' then this is edit, not new
    TransactionID = Val(.Fields("TransactionID"))

    'find the transaction for this order
    s = "SELECT * From AccountTransactions where " _
    & " AccountId = '" & CurrentAccount.AccountID & "'" _
    & " and TransactionID = " & Str$(TransactionID) _
    & " and LocationID = '" & CurrentLocation.LocationID & "'"
    dbAcntTrans.RecordSource = s

    If Not dbAcntTrans.Recordset.EOF Then
    'adjust balance
    CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance = CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance + dbAcntTrans.Recordset.Fields("Debit")
    fInmate.UserRecord.Fields("CurrentBalance") = CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance

    'zero transaction amount
    dbAcntTrans.Recordset.Fields("Debit") = 0#
    'somebody deleted the transaction!!
    TransactionID = -1
    End If

    'loop through all order items to put in form
    Tax = 0#
    While Not .EOF
    For i = 0 To FGrid1.rows - 1
    If Trim$(.Fields("ProductID")) = FGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 1) Then
    FGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 0) = Trim$(Str$(.Fields("Quantity")))
    Price = Val(FGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 0)) * Val(FGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 3))
    FGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 4) = Format(Price, "0.00")
    If 0 < Len(Intersect(FGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 9), MaxOrderExemptCategories)) Then
    MaxOrderExemptAmount = MaxOrderExemptAmount + Price + (CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(FGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 5)) * Price)
    End If
    SubTotal = SubTotal + Price
    Tax = Tax + CurrentLocation.SalesTax * Val(FGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 5)) * Price
    Exit For
    End If
    Total = RndCur(SubTotal) + RndCur(Tax)
    NewBalance = RndCur(CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance) - Total
    End If
    End With

    End If

    LoadedWithInvalidAmounts = (VerifyOrderAmounts > 0)

    'display form totals
    lblSub.Caption = Format(SubTotal, "$0.00")
    lblTax.Caption = Format(Tax, "$0.00")
    lblTotal.Caption = Format(Total, "$0.00")
    lblBegBal.Caption = Format(CurrentAccount.CurrentBalance, "$0.00")
    lblEndBal.Caption = Format(NewBalance, "$0.00")
    Debug.Print "MaxOrderExemptAmount: " + Format(MaxOrderExemptAmount, "0.00")

    ' FGrid1.col = 3
    Updated = True
    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault

    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
    Timer1.Enabled = False
    If Check1.Value Then
    End If
    If PostedTransactionsCount > 0 Then
    MsgBox "This account has " & Format(PostedTransactionsCount) & " posted transactions totaling " & Format(PostedTransactionsTotal, "$0.00"), vbInformation
    End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub txtQuickFind_LostFocus()
    QuickActive = False
    Debug.Print "txtQuickFind_LostFocus"
    End Sub

    Private Sub QuickSel()
    Dim NewRow As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim s As String
    Dim found As Boolean

    On Error Resume Next
    s = Trim$(txtQuickFind.Text)
    If Len(s) > 0 Then
    found = False
    For i = 0 To FGrid1.rows - 1
    If s = Trim$(FGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 1)) Then
    found = True
    Exit For
    End If
    If found Then
    'If FGrid1.row <> i Then
    FGrid1.row = i
    If Not FGrid1.RowIsVisible(i + 1) Then
    FGrid1.TopRow = i
    End If
    'End If
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub txtQuickFind_GotFocus()
    Debug.Print "txtQuickFind_GotFocus"
    txtQuickFind.SelStart = 0
    txtQuickFind.SelLength = 99
    QuickActive = True
    End Sub

  6. #6
    PowerPoster Nightwalker83's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Adelaide, Australia

    Re: Application Hang Category: (101) Event ID: 1002

    @ aburn

    Please wrap your code in [highlight="vb"][/highlight] it will make the code easier for people to read.

    @ jmsrickland

    Your post doesn't add anything useful to the discussion so please keep that stuff to the chit-chat section.
    when you quote a post could you please do it via the "Reply With Quote" button or if it multiple post click the "''+" button then "Reply With Quote" button.
    If this thread is finished with please mark it "Resolved" by selecting "Mark thread resolved" from the "Thread tools" drop-down menu.

  7. #7

    Thread Starter
    New Member
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Application Hang Category: (101) Event ID: 1002

    Nightwalker83 I will ensure to do that next time. I resolved the issue..wasn't software related. The permissions weren't set correctly on the server. This should have been taken care of by our networking contractors but I took care of it.


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