I am new to working with APIs in general and have to get this working. I have php code that works but overall in need this in vb. If anyone understands this mess and can straighten me out, I would appreciate it.


The following PHP code works:
try {
$r = $S->sendDocument(array(
'apiKey' => $ApiKey,
'documentCreationInfo' => array(
'fileInfos' => array(
'FileInfo' => array(
'file' => file_get_contents($filename),
'fileName' => $filename,
'message' => "Please sign this agreement",
'name' => "Test file: $filename",
'signatureType' => "ESIGN",
'tos' => array( $recipient ),


I need to get the following vb code working:

Dim objSClient As MSSOAPLib30.SoapClient30
Dim fResult As String

Set objSClient = New SoapClient30
Call objSClient.MSSoapInit(par_WSDLFile:="https://www.echosign.com/services/EchoSignDocumentService13?wsdl")
fResult = objSClient.sendDocument(ApiKey, "r:\IT\CRREPAIR\PA Credit Repair Agreement.doc", "Please sign this agreement", "Test", "SENDER_SIGNATURE_NOT_REQUIRED", "ESIGN", "ROGERC@PIFFF.ORG")