Have a good day,

Hi friends i tried to create a VB macro for some process, i create the macro which fails to run


Word document have some content and references in (n) numbers. need to create the macro to check the First name of the Referal author would present inside the content or not. (Similar to Alt+F process) But the number of references and Referal publication Occurance in word is variable.

Example Document:


1) Check the Reference publishers with the document content and displayed it has References displayed



Bakshi JN, Chandru D, Durga P. 1989. Situated cognition and the culture of learning. Educ Res 18:32–42.


It may be that there are some perceptions of preparedness that can never be fully addressed until the new
doctor has had the opportunity to undertake the task for real, and to succeed at it. Evidence from the
qualitative data collected as part of this study (Illing et al. 2008b) suggests that this final explanation
may be particularly important as the lack of opportunity to gain exposure to the realities of the work of a
new doctor does seem to be a key factor in preparedness – which may be enhanced through greater opportunities
for ‘situated learning’ and ‘legitimate peripheral participation’ >>>(Bakshi et al. 1989; Lavi & Warner 1991; Mani 2002)<<<.



*) Reference Authors' name separated by comma (,) and Ended with fullstop(.)
*) Publishing Year of Reference is always occurs in 4 digit starts with spacing and ending with
1 (,) comma
2 ( Semicolon
3 (.) fullstop

Did anyone look into this and suggest me to complete the macro fully.
