As some of you may know, I am a CIS major in college. I am looking for a mentor in the programming field. Could anyone provide information on how to go about looking for one?

Here are some of the things that I'm in need of answering.

1. I want to start working for myself once I get out of college. what are some suggestions on the best ways to go about this?

2. What language would be a good idea to use for contract work?

3. Is it better to work for another company, or to go out on my own? I would prefer to go out on my own and be my own boss. That's part of the reason I got into this field.

4. What should I know starting out, that you wish you had known when you were starting out.

I can't think of anymore questions at the moment, but if college is like any other area of life I've been in, it seems that you don't really learn a lot until you are out in the field and doing the actual work. I would like to get a head start on that part.

Thanks a lot for any input!!