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Thread: [RESOLVED] Access childnodes XMLDOM

  1. #1

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    Portville NY

    Resolved [RESOLVED] Access childnodes XMLDOM

    I'm attempting to access some childnodes but am having trouble. I can get the first child nodes but not the child nodes inside the child nodes
    <name>John Smith</name>
    <street>123 Street</street>
    <name>Jane Smith</name>
    <street>124 Street</street>

    I'm able grab the ordernumbers for each order but I need to grab everything else for that particular order. I've google and google and googled for a method but am unsuccessful so far.

    Here is my method:
    Set Orders=objXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("OrderList")
    If Orders.length > 0 Then
    wscript.echo Orders.length & " Order(s) in file"
    wscript.echo "*****************************"
    For Each y In Orders
    For Each y In Orders
    For Each oChildNode in y.ChildNodes
    If oChildNode.nodeName="OrderNum" Then
    OrderNum = oChildNode.text
    End If

    How would I get the billing info for just each order as I go through the file? I'm using VBS with CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    Last edited by Dubya007; Oct 28th, 2010 at 11:54 PM.
    "...Men will still say THIS was our finest hour"
    If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to see it, do all the other trees make fun of it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Trafalgar, IN

    Re: Access childnodes XMLDOM

    Assuming the file structure is as posted then this should get you started.
    Option Explicit
    Dim strFileName
    Dim objDoc, objNodeList, objNode, objSubNode
    Dim strOrderNum, strName, strStreet, strResults
    	strFileName = "C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Desktop\Orders sample\orders.xml"
    	'Create the document object and load the xml
    	Set objDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    	objDoc.Async = False
    	objDoc.Load strFileName
    	'Get all the orderlist nodes
    	Set objNodeList = objDoc.SelectNodes("//orderlist")
    	wscript.echo objNodeList.length & " Order(s) in file"
    	'Loop through each of the returned nodes in the nodelist
    	For Each objNode In objNodeList
    		'Intialize the return variables
    		strOrderNum = ""
    		strName = ""
    		strStreet = ""
    		'Get the order number
    		Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("orderNum")
    		'Make sure a node was returned
    		If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    			strOrderNum = objSubNode.Text
    		End If
    		'Get the name node
    		Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("BillingAddress/name")
    		'Make sure a node was returned
    		If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    			strName = objSubNode.Text
    		End If
    		'Get the street node
    		Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("BillingAddress/street")
    		'Make sure a node was returned
    		If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    			strStreet = objSubNode.Text
    		End If
    		strResults = "Order Number: " & strOrderNum & vbCrLf & _
    			"Name: " & strName & vbCrlf & "Street: " & strStreet
    		wscript.echo strResults
    	Set objNodeList = Nothing
    	Set objDoc = Nothing

  3. #3

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    Portville NY

    Re: Access childnodes XMLDOM

    That worked beautifully. Thank you so much you've saved me hours of frustration.
    "...Men will still say THIS was our finest hour"
    If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to see it, do all the other trees make fun of it?

  4. #4

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    Portville NY

    Re: Access childnodes XMLDOM

    If the file structure is as follows

    <name>John Smith</name>
    <street>123 Street</street>
    <name>Jane Smith</name>
    <street>124 Street</street>

    I'm trying to loop through each lineitem for each order. I've tried using the same structure but it doesn't seem to work. I'm pulling all of the Lineitem lists for the whole document.

    Option Explicit
    Dim strFileName
    Dim objDoc, objNodeList, objNode, objSubNode
    Dim OrderNum, Email, BFirst, Blast, BAddress, BCity, BState, BZip, BCountry
    Dim SFirst, Slast, SAddress, SCity, SState, SZip, SCountry
    Dim PartNumber, Qty, PartNodeList, objPartNode, objPart

    strFileName = "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XML\XMLTesting\NSAPI-10-30-12-51.xml"

    'Create the document object and load the xml
    Set objDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    objDoc.Async = False
    objDoc.Load strFileName

    'Get all the orderlist nodes
    Set objNodeList = objDoc.SelectNodes("//OrderList")

    wscript.echo objNodeList.length & " Order(s) in file"

    'Loop through each of the returned nodes in the nodelist
    For Each objNode In objNodeList
    'Intialize the return variables
    'Get the order number
    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("orderNum")
    'Make sure a node was returned
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    OrderNum = objSubNode.Text
    End If

    'Get the Email node
    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("Customer/EmailAddress")
    'Make sure a node was returned
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    Email = objSubNode.Text
    wscript.echo Email
    End If

    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("Customer/BillingAddress/FirstName")
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    BFirst = objSubNode.Text
    End If

    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("Customer/BillingAddress/LastName")
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    BLast = objSubNode.Text
    End If

    'Get the street node
    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("Customer/BillingAddress/Address1")
    'Make sure a node was returned
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    BAddress = objSubNode.Text
    End If

    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("Customer/BillingAddress/City")
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    BCity = objSubNode.Text
    End If

    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("Customer/BillingAddress/StateProvince")
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    BState = objSubNode.Text
    End If

    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("Customer/BillingAddress/PostalCode")
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    BZip = objSubNode.Text
    End If

    ' wscript.echo "BILLING"
    ' wscript.echo "---------"
    ' wscript.echo BFirst &" "& BLast
    ' wscript.echo BAddress
    ' wscript.echo BCity &" "& BState &" "&BZip

    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("Customer/ShippingAddress/FirstName")
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    SFirst = objSubNode.Text
    End If

    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("Customer/ShippingAddress/LastName")
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    SLast = objSubNode.Text
    End If

    'Get the street node
    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("Customer/ShippingAddress/Address1")
    'Make sure a node was returned
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    SAddress = objSubNode.Text
    End If

    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("Customer/ShippingAddress/City")
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    SCity = objSubNode.Text
    End If

    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("Customer/ShippingAddress/StateProvince")
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    SState = objSubNode.Text
    End If

    Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("Customer/ShippingAddress/PostalCode")
    If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    SZip = objSubNode.Text
    End If

    ' wscript.echo "SHIPPING"
    ' wscript.echo "---------"
    ' wscript.echo SFirst &" "& SLast
    ' wscript.echo SAddress
    ' wscript.echo SCity &" "& SState &" "&SZip
    ' wscript.echo "Order Items"
    ' wscript.echo "---------"

    Set PartNodeList = objNode.SelectNodes("//OrderList/Invoice/LineItemList")

    For Each objPartNode In PartNodeList
    Set objPart = objPartNode.SelectSingleNode("PartNumber")
    If Not objPartNode Is Nothing Then
    PartNumber = objPartNode.Text
    End If

    Set objPart = objPartNode.SelectSingleNode("QtySold")
    If Not objPartNode Is Nothing Then
    Qty = objPartNode.Text
    End If

    wscript.echo Qty
    wscript.echo "---------"

    wscript.echo "-------------------------"
    "...Men will still say THIS was our finest hour"
    If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to see it, do all the other trees make fun of it?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Trafalgar, IN

    Re: Access childnodes XMLDOM

    The stuff highlighted in red was added to my original post.
    Option Explicit
    Dim strFileName
    Dim objDoc, objNodeList, objNode, objSubNode, objLineItemNodes, objLineItemNode
    Dim strOrderNum, strName, strStreet, strResults
    	strFileName = "C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Desktop\Orders sample\orders.xml"
    	'Create the document object and load the xml
    	Set objDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    	objDoc.Async = False
    	objDoc.Load strFileName
    	'Get all the orderlist nodes
    	Set objNodeList = objDoc.SelectNodes("//orderlist")
    	wscript.echo objNodeList.length & " Order(s) in file"
    	'Loop through each of the returned nodes in the nodelist
    	For Each objNode In objNodeList
    		'Intialize the return variables
    		strOrderNum = ""
    		strName = ""
    		strStreet = ""
    		'Get the order number
    		Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("orderNum")
    		'Make sure a node was returned
    		If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    			strOrderNum = objSubNode.Text
    		End If
    		'Get the name node
    		Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("BillingAddress/name")
    		'Make sure a node was returned
    		If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    			strName = objSubNode.Text
    		End If
    		'Get the street node
    		Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("BillingAddress/street")
    		'Make sure a node was returned
    		If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    			strStreet = objSubNode.Text
    		End If
    		strResults = "Order Number: " & strOrderNum & vbCrLf & _
    			"Name: " & strName & vbCrlf & "Street: " & strStreet
    		Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("invoice")
    		If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    			Set objLineItemNodes = objSubNode.SelectNodes("lineitemlist")
    			For Each objLineItemNode in objLineItemNodes
    				Set objSubNode = objLineItemNode.SelectSingleNode("PartNumber")
    				If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    					strResults = strResults & vbCrLf & "    Part Number: " & objSubNode.Text
    				End If
    				Set objSubNode = objLineItemNode.SelectSingleNode("QtySold")
    				If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    					strResults = strResults & vbCrLf & "    Qty Sold: " & objSubNode.Text
    				End If
    		End If		
    		wscript.echo strResults
    	'Set = Nothing 
    	Set objNodeList = Nothing
    	Set objDoc = Nothing

  6. #6

    Thread Starter
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    Portville NY

    Re: Access childnodes XMLDOM

    Wow I was actually working towards that while I waited. Thank you so much.
    What if the <Orderlist> tag has an attribute of type? is it possible to access that info?
    <orderlist type="resident">
    <orderlist type="commercial">

    I've looked at some examples on the internet and this what I came up with. It isn't working.

    vb Code:
    1. Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("OrderList")
    2. If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    3.     OrderType = objSubNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("type").Text
    4.     wscript.echo OrderType
    5. End If
    "...Men will still say THIS was our finest hour"
    If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to see it, do all the other trees make fun of it?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Trafalgar, IN

    Re: Access childnodes XMLDOM

    Again the changes have been highlighted
    Option Explicit
    Dim strFileName
    Dim objDoc, objNodeList, objNode, objSubNode, objLineItemNodes, objLineItemNode, objAt
    Dim strOrderNum, strName, strStreet, strResults, strAt
    	strFileName = "C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Desktop\Orders sample\orders.xml"
    	'Create the document object and load the xml
    	Set objDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    	objDoc.Async = False
    	objDoc.Load strFileName
    	'Get all the orderlist nodes
    	Set objNodeList = objDoc.SelectNodes("//orderlist")
    	wscript.echo objNodeList.length & " Order(s) in file"
    	'Loop through each of the returned nodes in the nodelist
    	For Each objNode In objNodeList
    		'Intialize the return variables
    		strOrderNum = ""
    		strName = ""
    		strStreet = ""
    		strAt = ""
    		Set objAt = objNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("type")
    		If Not objAt Is Nothing Then
    			strAt = "Type: " & objAt.Text & vbCrLf
    		End If	
    		'Get the order number
    		Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("orderNum")
    		'Make sure a node was returned
    		If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    			strOrderNum = objSubNode.Text
    		End If
    		'Get the name node
    		Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("BillingAddress/name")
    		'Make sure a node was returned
    		If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    			strName = objSubNode.Text
    		End If
    		'Get the street node
    		Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("BillingAddress/street")
    		'Make sure a node was returned
    		If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    			strStreet = objSubNode.Text
    		End If
    		strResults = "Order Number: " & strOrderNum & vbCrLf & _
    			"Name: " & strName & vbCrlf & "Street: " & strStreet
    		strResults = strAt & strResults	
    		Set objSubNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("invoice")
    		If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    			Set objLineItemNodes = objSubNode.SelectNodes("lineitemlist")
    			For Each objLineItemNode in objLineItemNodes
    				Set objSubNode = objLineItemNode.SelectSingleNode("PartNumber")
    				If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    					strResults = strResults & vbCrLf & "    Part Number: " & objSubNode.Text
    				End If
    				Set objSubNode = objLineItemNode.SelectSingleNode("QtySold")
    				If Not objSubNode Is Nothing Then
    					strResults = strResults & vbCrLf & "    Qty Sold: " & objSubNode.Text
    				End If
    		End If
    		wscript.echo strResults
    	'Set = Nothing 
    	Set objNodeList = Nothing
    	Set objDoc = Nothing
    And the xml looks like this
    	<orderlist type="resident">
    			<name>John Smith</name>
    			<street>123 Street</street>
    	<orderlist type="commercial">
    			<name>Jane Smith</name>
    			<street>124 Street</street>

  8. #8

    Thread Starter
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    Portville NY

    Re: Access childnodes XMLDOM

    That worked perfectly. Thank you so much for all of your help.
    "...Men will still say THIS was our finest hour"
    If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to see it, do all the other trees make fun of it?

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