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Thread: Basic CSV Reader

  1. #1

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    Fanatic Member BenJones's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    Wales UK

    Basic CSV Reader

    This is a small class I made to learn about strings and collections it will allow you to load a basic csv file and view the field values. This is my first try so any comments are welcome.

    At the moment it does not support quoted string as i am not sure how to do this but i will try and work on it this week, but for now here is what I made so far, Hope the code maybe of use to someone.

    Start vb and add a new class call it bCsv then add the code

    'Bens CSV Reader v1.0
    'Created Sunday 28/3/2010 19:23
    'This stores all the rows
    Private csvLines As Collection
    'File to process
    Private mFilename As String
    'Number of rows
    Private mRows As Long
    'Number of fields
    Private mFields As Long
    Private mDelimiter As String
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        Set csvLines = Nothing
    End Sub
    Public Property Get Filename() As String
        Filename = mFilename
    End Property
    Public Property Let Filename(ByVal NewFilename As String)
    Dim fp As Long
    Dim sLine As String
    Dim fd() As String
    Dim sPos As Integer
       'This sub is used to load the csv file
        'Add default delimiter if not found
        Delimiter = IIf(Len(Delimiter) = 0, ",", Delimiter)
        'Create new collection object
        Set csvLines = New Collection
        'Get free file
        fp = FreeFile
        'Open the file for reading
        Open NewFilename For Input As #fp
            Do While Not EOF(fp)
                'Read in one line
                Line Input #fp, sLine
                'Trim down the line
                sLine = Trim$(sLine)
                'Check for Delimiters
                sPos = InStr(1, sLine, Delimiter, vbBinaryCompare)
                'Check that we have a row
                If Len(sLine) And (sPos > 0) Then
                    'Add row to collection
                    Call csvLines.Add(sLine)
                    'Check if we have the first row
                    If (csvLines.Count = 1) Then
                        'Find out the number of fields
                        fd = Split(sLine, Delimiter)
                        'Store count
                        mFields = UBound(fd)
                    End If
                End If
        Close #fp
        'Clear up
        Erase fd
        sLine = vbNullString
    End Property
    Public Property Get Rows() As Long
        'This returns the number of rows
        Rows = csvLines.Count
    End Property
    Public Property Get Fields() As Long
        'This returns the number of fields
        Fields = mFields
    End Property
    Public Property Get Delimiter() As String
        Delimiter = mDelimiter
    End Property
    Public Property Let Delimiter(ByVal NewDelimiter As String)
        mDelimiter = NewDelimiter
    End Property
    Public Property Get GetCell(ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Cell As Long) As String
    Dim fdItems() As String
        'Test that we not going over row count
        If (Row > Rows) Or (Row < 1) Then
           Call Err.Raise(9)
           Exit Property
        ElseIf (Cell < 1) Or (Cell > Fields + 1) Then
            Call Err.Raise(9)
            Exit Property
            'Split up the fields
            fdItems = Split(csvLines(Row), Delimiter)
            'Return the value from the fields
            GetCell = fdItems(Cell - 1)
        End If
        'Clear up time
        Erase fdItems
    End Property
    Here is an example of the csv file i used for testing.

    Visual Basic,Delphi
    Test1,Test2,VB Rocks
    Save the above file to c:\test.csv then add this code to command button.

    Dim Count As Integer
    Dim mycsv As New bCsv
        With mycsv
            'Delimiter to split fields with
            .Delimiter = ","
            'Filename to load
            .Filename = "C:\test.csv"
            'Loop tho the records and show the first field value
            For Count = 1 To .Rows
                MsgBox .GetCell(Count, 1)
            Next Count
        End With

  2. #2

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    Fanatic Member BenJones's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Wales UK

    Re: Basic CSV Reader Update

    hi This is the second update of my CSV loader, I now made it so the csv file loads into a listview control, I also added Add and Edit and Save.
    I try adding more features this week.
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