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Thread: Making your database code less dependent on the database system

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    Karen Payne MVP kareninstructor's Avatar
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    Jun 2008

    Making your database code less dependent on the database system

    (this post has been moved from the FAQ article Database - Why should I use Parameters instead of putting values into my SQL string?)
    In regards to
    Your code is much more specific to the database system you are currently using (eg: Access or SQL Server)

    Suppose you have Oledb as your database engine then upgrade to SQL Server. If you code specifically for one database engine then you need to change the code to the other database engine.

    If you foresee this happening consider using IDb interface when working with databases when you may change the database engine. Having a class (see attachment) which handles the database engine can control changing providers easily.

    Conceptually the following code works for all known database engines supported by the Framework, we have done SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, OleDb and ODBC.

          Dim Table As New DataTable
          Dim cn As IDbConnection = Nothing
          Dim dc As DatabaseConnections = DatabaseConnections.GetInstance()
          cn = dc.MainConnection(DataBaseEnvironment.DefaultEnvironment)
          Using cn
             Dim cmd As IDbCommand
             cmd = cn.CreateCommand
             cmd.CommandText = _
                   SELECT ID As Identifier, 
                   FROM APPRAISERREF
             cmd.Transaction = Nothing
             cmd.CommandTimeout = 6
             cmd.Connection = cn
             Dim dr As System.Data.IDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
             bsSource.DataSource = Table
             bsSource.Sort = "APPRAISERNAME"
          End Using
    Using an XElement value (a string) means no concatenation, double quotes or stringbuilders. This is not the recommended method for param queries but can easily be done if you want.

    Simple example with simple parameter
          Dim Identifier As String = "22222"
          Dim DemoCommand = _
              SELECT APPRAISERID As Identifier, 
              WHERE Identifier = <&#37;= Identifier %>
    For normal param queries we follow the following flow
    Dim cn As IDbConnection = Nothing
    Dim dc As DatabaseConnections = DatabaseConnections.GetInstance()
    cn = dc.MainConnection(DataBaseEnvironment.DefaultEnvironment)
    Using cn
       Dim cmd As IDbCommand
       cmd = cn.CreateCommand
       Dim EquipmentParam As IDbDataParameter = cmd.CreateParameter
       EquipmentParam.DbType = DbType.String
       EquipmentParam.ParameterName = "EQUIP"
       EquipmentParam.Value = Me.Equipment
       Dim ManufacturerIdentifierParam As IDbDataParameter = cmd.CreateParameter
       ManufacturerIdentifierParam.DbType = DbType.Int32
       ManufacturerIdentifierParam.ParameterName = "MANUF"
       ManufacturerIdentifierParam.Value = Me.ManufacturerIdentifier
       Dim WhereParam As IDbDataParameter = cmd.CreateParameter
       WhereParam.DbType = DbType.Int32
       WhereParam.ParameterName = "MDL_ID"
       WhereParam.Value = Me.Identifier
       cmd.CommandText = "UpdateEquipment.sql".ResourceContents
       cmd.Transaction = Nothing
       cmd.Connection = cn
       Dim Rows As Integer = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
    End Using
    UPDATE tbl_MDL
    	MDL_ID = @MDL_ID
    In short, more work, more flexible.

    I will build a simple demo application that allows you to see the above ideas work between SQL-Server and MS-Access using thier native provider before New Years eve 2010
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    Last edited by si_the_geek; Feb 1st, 2010 at 03:39 PM. Reason: moved comment

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