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Thread: Control 8 LEDs using parallel port in vb

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  1. #1

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    Control 8 LEDs using parallel port in vb

    I need to control 8 LEDs. each led have an On button and an Off button.

    I used this code:

    to turn on led 1
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Port1 = 888
    Out Port1, 1
    End Sub

    to turn on led 2
    Private Sub Command2_Click()
    Port1 = 888
    Out Port1, 2
    End Sub

    to turn on led 3
    Private Sub Command3_Click()
    Port1 = 888
    Out Port1, 4
    End Sub

    to turn on all leds
    Private Sub Command4_Click()
    Port1 = 888
    Out Port1, 255
    End Sub

    to turn off all leds
    Private Sub Command5_Click()
    Port1 = 888
    Out Port1, 0
    End Sub

    When I run the code and want to turn on 2 or 3 or 4 the LEDs at once, I can only turn on one LED at a time. Each time I click the next ON button, the LED chosed before turns off and the new chosen LED turns on.

    And what's the code to off each LED?

  2. #2
    PowerPoster CDRIVE's Avatar
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    Re: Control 8 LEDs using parallel port in vb

    Reading through this thread might help.
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    Is VB consuming your life, and is that a bad thing??

  3. #3
    Addicted Member
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    Re: Control 8 LEDs using parallel port in vb

    @mohdh..., hello. It is strongly recommended for you to teach something about using of VB6's "control array" and then you can make more efficient program like this with just few lines of code.
    Which led's will be turned on or off depends about logical (and so electrical) state of bits in byte which you send to port.
    If 255 turns on all led's in then 254 turns first led off, 253 second, 252 first and second and so on following the logic of say binary counter.
    That mean that for turning leds you just need to toggle state of certain bit in byte you send. For this it would be useful to read port too, not just write.
    Unfortunately, VB6 havent native functions for binary conversions but you can easily make you routines for such a job or find ready ones on the net.
    I find something useful for start at fast.

    Public Function BinToDec(BinNum As String) As String
       Dim i As Integer
       Dim DecNum As Long
       On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    '  Loop thru BinString
       For i = Len(BinNum) To 1 Step -1
    '     Check the string for invalid characters
          If Asc(Mid(BinNum, i, 1)) < 48 Or _
             Asc(Mid(BinNum, i, 1)) > 49 Then
             DecNum = ""
             Err.Raise 1002, "BinToDec", "Invalid Input"
          End If
    '     If bit is 1 then raise 2^LoopCount and add it to DecNum
          If Mid(BinNum, i, 1) And 1 Then
             DecNum = DecNum + 2 ^ (Len(BinNum) - i)
          End If
       Next i
    '  Return DecNum as a String
       BinToDec = DecNum
    End Function
    Public Function DecToBin(DecNum As String) As String
       Dim BinNum As String
       Dim lDecNum As Long
       Dim i As Integer
       On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    '  Check the string for invalid characters
       For i = 1 To Len(DecNum)
          If Asc(Mid(DecNum, i, 1)) < 48 Or _
             Asc(Mid(DecNum, i, 1)) > 57 Then
             BinNum = ""
             Err.Raise 1010, "DecToBin", "Invalid Input"
          End If
       Next i
       i = 0
       lDecNum = Val(DecNum)
          If lDecNum And 2 ^ i Then
             BinNum = "1" & BinNum
             BinNum = "0" & BinNum
          End If
          i = i + 1
       Loop Until 2 ^ i > lDecNum
    '  Return BinNum as a String
       DecToBin = BinNum
    End Function
    Simply use this functions like:

    OUT Port1,  BinToDec("10110101")
    or whatewer you need for knowing what you send to port. Where is "1" led will be turned on and opposite (or inverted, depends...).

  4. #4
    Addicted Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Control 8 LEDs using parallel port in vb

    Hi, you need to add the binary numbers!

    so a value of 1 turns on LED one
    2 turns on LED 2
    4 turns on LED 3


    If you want led 1 AND 2, the value should be 3 (value 1 plus 2)
    if you want LED 1 AND 2 AND 3, then you need a value of 7 (1, plus 2, plus 4)

    does that make sense? sorry, bit hungover this morrning, if not, let me know and i'll explain further!

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