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Thread: xml element altering issues

  1. #1

    Thread Starter
    Fanatic Member kevin_sauerwald's Avatar
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    outside Philly

    xml element altering issues

    ok I have some xml that I read from an xml document.. now I need to take that same xml and then change one field and then drop back to a file again..

    I'm using this code to read it..
      Private Sub ExtractTriggerData()
            Dim theDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
            Dim FilenamePath As String
            Dim PatientLine As String
            Dim x As Short
            Dim XMLFieldAttempt As String
            On Error GoTo BadXMLDoc
            FilenamePath = My.Settings.XMLDropDir & My.Settings.XMLDropDirfile
            theDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
            theDoc.load(FilenamePath)   '.load for file .loadxml for POST
            x = theDoc.xml.Length
            'clear the record first
            XMLFieldAttempt = "jobtype"
            MyTriggerData.WorkType = My.Settings.JobType
            MyTriggerData.MR = ""
            MyTriggerData.strAccItn = New String() {"", "", "", "", "", "", ""}
                  XMLFieldAttempt = "Accession1"
            MyTriggerData.strAccItn(0) = theDoc.selectSingleNode("/ChunkData/Accessions/Accession1").text
                           XMLFieldAttempt = "Note1"
            PatientLine = theDoc.selectSingleNode("/ChunkData/Note/Note1").text
            MyTriggerData.PtLast = ExtractData(PatientLine, "Patient:", ",")
            MyTriggerData.PtFirst = ExtractData(PatientLine, ",", "MR:")
            MyTriggerData.MR = ExtractData(PatientLine, "MR:", "Sex:")
            'MyTriggerData.MR = theDoc.selectSingleNode("/DictationData/New/PatientID").text
            'sometimes the xml will have this layout HOSP000000MRN, just get the MRN
            'MyTriggerData.MR = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(MyTriggerData.MR, 12)
            'MyTriggerData.PatienName = theDoc.selectSingleNode("/DictationData/New/PatientName").text
            'MyTriggerData.UserName = theDoc.selectSingleNode("/DictationData/New/UserName").text
            'first turn off the file checking timer.. we dont want to keep looking, since we have one
            tmrFileCheck.Enabled = False
            'but also turn on the timer to see if they finished or not
            XMLFieldAttempt = "n/a"
            On Error GoTo 0
            'txtFileName.Text = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\test2.xml"
            'New code to reformat the XML for hologic May 2010
            If My.Settings.HologicDropEnabled = True Then
                Call ReformatXML(theDoc, PatientLine)
                Call DropHologicXMLFile(theDoc)
            End If
            Exit Sub
            x = MsgBox("Please check the output of the XML document: " & vbCrLf & "Missing key field - " & XMLFieldAttempt & vbCrLf & "(Error #-" & Str(Err.Number) & ")", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Bad XML Format, Stopping bridge")
            ' Call PrintStack()
            mnuStop_Click(mnuStop, New System.EventArgs())
        End Sub
    so what I read about Xpath is that you cant really alter xml with it.. so I then found this code..

        Private Sub ReformatXML(ByVal theDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument, ByVal PatientLine As String)
            Dim NewMR As String
            Dim Filenamepath As String
            'Dim root As XmlNode = theDoc.DocumentElement
            Dim doc As New XmlDocument()
            FilenamePath = My.Settings.XMLDropDir & My.Settings.XMLDropDirfile
            Dim root As XmlNode = doc.DocumentElement
            'Create a new title element.
            Dim elem As XmlElement = doc.CreateElement("/ChunkData/Note/Note1")
            NewMR = MyTriggerData.MR
            NewMR = NewMR.TrimStart("0"c)
            NewMR = NewMR.PadLeft(Val(My.Settings.MinMRLength), "0"c)
            Replace(PatientLine, MyTriggerData.MR, NewMR)
            elem.InnerText = PatientLine
            'Replace the title element.
            root.ReplaceChild(elem, root.FirstChild)
        End Sub
    I tried to pass in the MSXML2.DOMDocument but I get the
    system.reflection.targetinvocationexception' occurred in mscorlib.dll
    error on the doc.loadxml call

    so then as you can see I tried to use a new open of the document from scratch and I get the same error.. I read that its because I may have 2
    imports that have the same method ? I had 2 XML imports and made
    it only this.. but still get the same error..
    Imports VB = Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports System
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Data
    Imports system.Data.Odbc
    Imports System.Data.OleDb
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports System.Diagnostics.Debug
    'Imports System.Xml.XPath
    Imports System.Xml
    so I guess.. anyone got any ideas how to fix my issue or a better way to read and change the one field I need to change ?

    thanks in advance..

  2. #2
    Karen Payne MVP kareninstructor's Avatar
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    Jun 2008

    Re: xml element altering issues

    Which version of Visual Studio are you using? If VS2008 or higher consider something like the following which demos reading, changing, saving information along with testing to see if new information needs to be added.

    Module Module1
        Private Doc As New XDocument
        Private Const SettingsFile As String = "Settings.xml"
        Private ShowMyDialog As Boolean = False
        Sub Main()
            Doc = XDocument.Load(SettingsFile)
            If NeedToAdd() Then
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub ToggleShowDialog()
            Dim Setting = From O In Doc...<Settings>.<MyDialog>
            If Convert.ToBoolean(Setting.@Show) Then
                Setting.@Show = "False"
                Setting.@Show = "True"
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Function NeedToAdd() As Boolean
            Return IsNothing( _
                ( _
                    From d In Doc.<Settings> Select d.<AnotherSetting>.Value _
        End Function
        Private Sub AddOn()
            Dim Info = Doc.<Settings>(0)
            Info.FirstNode.AddAfterSelf(<NewSetting>Some Setting</NewSetting>)
            Info.LastNode.AddAfterSelf(<AnotherSetting Name="Foo"></AnotherSetting>)
        End Sub
    End Module

    XML file to be placed in the application debug folder
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <MyDialog Show="True" />
      <Use Default="Development" />

  3. #3
    Smooth Moperator techgnome's Avatar
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    Re: xml element altering issues

    First decide if you want to use the MSXML COM compoent. or the .NET XML namespace. That's where your conflict comes in. Doesn't help that the last code sample mixes the two as well.

    True- you can't edit with XPath... but XPath can get you to were you want to be, then once you have the node you want to work with, you can edit it from there.

    Oh. and so you know, the LoadXML method is for loading the XML Document with an XML STRING .... if you're loading a file, then you want the .Load(filepath) method...

        Private Sub ReformatXML(ByVal PatientLine As String)
            Dim NewMR As String
            Dim Filenamepath As String = My.Settings.XMLDropDir & My.Settings.XMLDropDirfile
            Dim doc As New XmlDocument()
            Dim root As XmlNode = doc.DocumentElement
            'Create a new title element.
            Dim elem As XmlElement = doc.CreateElement("/ChunkData/Note/Note1")
            NewMR = MyTriggerData.MR
            NewMR = NewMR.TrimStart("0"c)
            NewMR = NewMR.PadLeft(Val(My.Settings.MinMRLength), "0"c)
            Replace(PatientLine, MyTriggerData.MR, NewMR)
            elem.InnerText = PatientLine
            'Replace the title element.
            root.ReplaceChild(elem, root.FirstChild) 
        End Sub
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  4. #4

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    Fanatic Member kevin_sauerwald's Avatar
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    Re: xml element altering issues

    learn something new very day.. thanks..

    I'll take a look at this and tinker away... problem is the more
    I read, the more ideas I try and the more it all
    mixes together.. and then ERRORS !!!

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