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Thread: Classic VB - How can I retrieve a list of running processes?

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  1. #1

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    Software Carpenter dee-u's Avatar
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    Arrow Classic VB - How can I retrieve a list of running processes?

    To retrieve the processes running in one's computer we need to use some API functions. These are the main APIs involved:
    The CreateToolhelp32Snapshot API retrieves a snapshot of what is running on a computer the moment it is called. With this snapshot, you can then examine what things were running when the snapshot was made.
    Public Declare Function CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _
                   ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
                   ByVal th32ProcessID As Long) As Long
    Process32First retrieves information about the first process in the process list contained in a system snapshot which is taken by our first API listed above.
    Public Declare Function Process32First Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _
                   ByVal hSnapshot As Long, _
                   lppe As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
    Process32Next retrieves information about the next unread process in the process list contained in a system snapshot. After an initial call to Process32First, calling this API repeatedly until its return value becomes 0 will allow your program to read the entire process list. When its return value is 0 it means an error occurred, most likely there are no more unread processes in the list.
    Public Declare Function Process32Next Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _
                   ByVal hSnapshot As Long, _
                   lppe As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
    You need a few more declarations too (such as the PROCESSENTRY32 type), as shown in the attachment.

    This is a procedure that uses those API's to retrieve the running processes:
    Public Sub ListProcesses()
        Dim processInfo As PROCESSENTRY32   ' information about a process in that list
        Dim hSnapshot   As Long             ' handle to the snapshot of the process list
        Dim success     As Long             ' success of having gotten info on another process
        Dim retval      As Long             ' generic return value
        Dim exeName     As String           ' filename of the process
        ' First, make a snapshot of the current process list.
        hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0)
        ' Get information about the first process in the list.
        processInfo.dwSize = Len(processInfo)
        success = Process32First(hSnapshot, processInfo)
        ' Make sure a handle was returned.
        If hSnapshot = -1 Then
            Debug.Print "Unable to take snapshot of process list!"
            ' Loop for each process on the list.
            Do While success <> 0
                ' Extract the filename of the process (i.e., remove the empty space)
                exeName = Left(processInfo.szExeFile, InStr(processInfo.szExeFile, vbNullChar) - 1)
                ' Display the process name
                Debug.Print "Process: "; exeName
                ' Get information about the next process, if there is one.
                processInfo.dwSize = Len(processInfo)
                success = Process32Next(hSnapshot, processInfo)
            ' Destroy the snapshot, now that we no longer need it.
            retval = CloseHandle(hSnapshot)
        End If
    End Sub
    The output of this is displayed in the Immediate window of VB, so will need to be changed to suit what you are doing - just change the Debug.Print line to what is apt for your situation.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by si_the_geek; Dec 13th, 2008 at 08:48 AM. Reason: minor formatting/wording changes

  2. #2

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    Software Carpenter dee-u's Avatar
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    Feb 2005

    Re: Classic VB - How can I retrieve a list of running processes?

    Using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) we could actually retrieve the running processes also. We could do it like this.

    Dim Process As Object
    For Each Process In GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process")
        Debug.Print Process.Caption

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