i have one stackcolumn chart which should showing 7 item in the legend (e.g.
A, B, C, D, E, F ,G) but in only showing (A, B, C, D, E, F) and the seventh item it show "Series7". Here is my code(Sample code), i would like to get some opinion from all of u....i have check for few day even i take some data processing code and remain the part retrieve 7 item data...but still cannot work....

	if not rsMfg.EOF then

	' set graph object here
	set oChart = createObject("OWC.Chart")
	set c = oChart.Constants

	oChart.Border.color = c.chColorNone
	' Add a chart and set parameters for the chart
	dim jser	' for series usega
	jser = 0
	x = 0
             do while not rsMfg.EOF
	    IF rsMfg("ColumnB")<> "" THEN
		Short = rsMfg("ColumnA")
	    END IF
                strSQL1	=	"Select * from XXX"

	   rsMfg1.Open strSQL1, cntDB
	   if not rsMfg1.EOF then
		do while not rsMfg1.EOF
		     yQty(x) = cdbl(rsMfg1("DDD")
		     X = X + 1
	   ' set graph Operation value here
	   set jSeries = oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(jser)

	   jSeries.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnStacked			
	   jSeries.Caption = Short
	   jSeries.SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, xDay
	   jSeries.SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, yQty

	end if
     End if