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Thread: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

  1. #1

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    Resolved [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    I found the below code for encryption/Decryption by CV Michael

    'You can Encrypt AND Decrypt using the same function
    '(with the same password of course)
    Public Function RndCrypt(ByVal Str As String, ByVal Password As String) As String
        '  Made by Michael Ciurescu
        ' (CVMichael from
        '  Original thread:
        Dim SK As Long, K As Long
        ' init randomizer for password
        Rnd -1
        Randomize Len(Password)
        ' (((K Mod 256) Xor Asc(Mid$(Password, K, 1))) Xor Fix(256 * Rnd)) -> makes sure that a
        ' password like "pass12" does NOT give the same result as the password "sspa12" or "12pass"
        ' or "1pass2" etc. (or any combination of the same letters)
        For K = 1 To Len(Password)
            SK = SK + (((K Mod 256) _
            Xor Asc(Mid$(Password, K, 1))) _
            Xor Fix(256 * Rnd))
        Next K
        ' init randomizer for encryption/decryption
        Rnd -1
        Randomize SK
        ' encrypt/decrypt every character using the randomizer
        For K = 1 To Len(Str)
            Mid$(Str, K, 1) = Chr(Fix(256 * Rnd) _
            Xor Asc(Mid$(Str, K, 1)))
        Next K
        RndCrypt = Str
    End Function
    Can somebody show how to utilise the same in the below situation....
    I have a password protected access db which i connect using ADO. Now the during the design the pass is wide open (one need to simply see the password parameter of connection string). Is there some way where the pass can be encrypted even in design time and stored within the code itself. The actual pass would be available to the connection string at runtime.

    Or you may suggest an alternate method
    Remember at no time the pass is visible (even to me)

  2. #2
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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

  3. #3
    Cumbrian Milk's Avatar
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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    Here's something reasonably strong and simple. It's only suitable for relatively short data (less characters than the prime)
    Use different numbers if you can. P must be prime and M must be a prime root of P, (P-1) * M must not overflow.

    Public Function SimpleEncrypt(text As String) As String
    Dim B() As Byte, i As Long, N As Long, P As Long, M As Long
        N = 2
        P = N ^ 20 - 3 'a prime number (1048573)
        M = N ^ 11 - 5 'a prime root of the above prime (2043)
        N = N ^ 17 - 567 'arbitrary number
        B = text
        For i = 0 To UBound(B) Step 2
            N = (N * M) Mod P
            B(i) = B(i) Xor (N And 95)
        Next i
        SimpleEncrypt = B
    End Function
    Debug.Print SimpleEncrypt("There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, a hole.")
    Debug.Print SimpleEncrypt("Yr7588j;(k7`3)tmwe/k%ahn5b0$*{sql#Ol+pf{':73n5= onR*c/%5x!4:)&h-,(phn{)ur88t;}""mn)0+6Ot4""bf%rrrgp")

  4. #4

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    Lightbulb Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    I did bring the functions as pointed out by you into module.
    Public Function RC4(ByVal Expression As String, ByVal Password As String) As String
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim RB(0 To 255) As Integer, X As Long, Y As Long, Z As Long, Key() As Byte, ByteArray() As Byte, Temp As Byte
        If Len(Password) = 0 Then
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Len(Expression) = 0 Then
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Len(Password) > 256 Then
            Key() = StrConv(Left$(Password, 256), vbFromUnicode)
            Key() = StrConv(Password, vbFromUnicode)
        End If
        For X = 0 To 255
            RB(X) = X
        Next X
        X = 0
        Y = 0
        Z = 0
        For X = 0 To 255
            Y = (Y + RB(X) + Key(X Mod Len(Password))) Mod 256
            Temp = RB(X)
            RB(X) = RB(Y)
            RB(Y) = Temp
        Next X
        X = 0
        Y = 0
        Z = 0
        ByteArray() = StrConv(Expression, vbFromUnicode)
        For X = 0 To Len(Expression)
            Y = (Y + 1) Mod 256
            Z = (Z + RB(Y)) Mod 256
            Temp = RB(Y)
            RB(Y) = RB(Z)
            RB(Z) = Temp
            ByteArray(X) = ByteArray(X) Xor (RB((RB(Y) + RB(Z)) Mod 256))
        Next X
        RC4 = StrConv(ByteArray, vbUnicode)
    End Function
    Public Function Base64Encoding(StrToEncode As String) As String
        Static EncodeTable(0 To 63) As Byte
        Dim K As Long, OutStr() As Byte, StrIn() As Byte, Lng As Long
        If EncodeTable(0) = 0 Then
            For K = 0 To 25
                EncodeTable(K) = Asc("A") + K
            Next K
            For K = 0 To 25
                EncodeTable(K + 26) = Asc("a") + K
            Next K
            For K = 0 To 9
                EncodeTable(K + 52) = Asc("0") + K
            Next K
            EncodeTable(62) = Asc("+")
            EncodeTable(63) = Asc("/")
        End If
        If StrToEncode = "" Then Exit Function
        StrIn = StrConv(StrToEncode, vbFromUnicode)
        If (Len(StrToEncode) Mod 3) = 0 Then
            ReDim OutStr((Len(StrToEncode) \ 3) * 4 - 1)
            ReDim OutStr(((Len(StrToEncode) \ 3) + 1) * 4 - 1)
        End If
        For K = 0 To Len(StrToEncode) \ 3 - 1
            Lng = StrIn(K * 3 + 2) Or (StrIn(K * 3 + 1) * &H100&) Or (StrIn(K * 3) * &H10000)
            OutStr(K * 4 + 0) = EncodeTable((Lng And &HFC0000) \ &H40000)
            OutStr(K * 4 + 1) = EncodeTable((Lng And &H3F000) \ &H1000&)
            OutStr(K * 4 + 2) = EncodeTable((Lng And &HFC0&) \ &H40&)
            OutStr(K * 4 + 3) = EncodeTable(Lng And &H3F&)
        Next K
        If (Len(StrToEncode) Mod 3) = 1 Then
            Lng = StrIn(UBound(StrIn)) * &H10000
            OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 3) = EncodeTable((Lng And &HFC0000) \ &H40000)
            OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 2) = EncodeTable((Lng And &H3F000) \ &H1000&)
            OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 1) = Asc("=")
            OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 0) = Asc("=")
        ElseIf (Len(StrToEncode) Mod 3) = 2 Then
            Lng = (StrIn(UBound(StrIn)) * &H100&) Or (StrIn(UBound(StrIn) - 1) * &H10000)
            OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 3) = EncodeTable((Lng And &HFC0000) \ &H40000)
            OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 2) = EncodeTable((Lng And &H3F000) \ &H1000&)
            OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 1) = EncodeTable((Lng And &HFC0&) \ &H40&)
            OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 0) = Asc("=")
        End If
        Base64Encoding = StrConv(OutStr, vbUnicode)
    End Function
    Public Function Base64Decoding(StrToDecode As String, Optional CheckInvalidChars As Boolean = True) As String
        Static DecodeTable(0 To 255) As Byte
        Dim OutStr() As Byte, StrIn() As Byte
        Dim K As Long, Lng As Long
        If DecodeTable(0) = 0 Then
            For K = 0 To 255
                DecodeTable(K) = 255
            Next K
            For K = 0 To 25
                DecodeTable(K + 65) = K
            Next K
            For K = 26 To 51
                DecodeTable(K + 71) = K
            Next K
            For K = 52 To 61
                DecodeTable(K - 4) = K
            Next K
            DecodeTable(43) = 62
            DecodeTable(47) = 63
        End If
        If StrToDecode = "" Then Exit Function
        StrToDecode = Trim(StrToDecode)
        If CheckInvalidChars Then
            For K = 0 To 255
                If Not (Chr(K) Like "[A-Za-z0-9+/=]") Then
                    StrToDecode = Replace(StrToDecode, Chr(K), "")
                End If
            Next K
        End If
        StrIn() = StrConv(StrToDecode, vbFromUnicode)
        ReDim OutStr(0 To ((Len(StrToDecode) \ 4) * 3 - 1))
        For K = 0 To Len(StrToDecode) \ 4 - 2
            Lng = DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 3))
            Lng = Lng Or (DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 2)) * &H40&)
            Lng = Lng Or (DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 1)) * &H1000&)
            Lng = Lng Or (DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 0)) * &H40000)
            OutStr(K * 3 + 0) = (Lng And &HFF0000) \ &H10000
            OutStr(K * 3 + 1) = (Lng And &HFF00&) \ &H100&
            OutStr(K * 3 + 2) = Lng And &HFF&
        Next K
        Lng = 0
        If DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 3)) <> 255 Then Lng = DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 3))
        If DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 2)) <> 255 Then Lng = Lng Or (DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 2)) * &H40&)
        If DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 1)) <> 255 Then Lng = Lng Or (DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 1)) * &H1000&)
        If DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 0)) <> 255 Then Lng = Lng Or (DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 0)) * &H40000)
        OutStr(K * 3 + 0) = (Lng And &HFF0000) \ &H10000
        OutStr(K * 3 + 1) = (Lng And &HFF00&) \ &H100&
        OutStr(K * 3 + 2) = Lng And &HFF&
        If StrIn(UBound(StrIn) - 1) = 61 Then
            Base64Decoding = Left(StrConv(OutStr, vbUnicode), UBound(OutStr) - 1)
        ElseIf StrIn(UBound(StrIn)) = 61 Then
            Base64Decoding = Left(StrConv(OutStr, vbUnicode), UBound(OutStr) - 0)
            Base64Decoding = StrConv(OutStr, vbUnicode)
        End If
    End Function
    But Iam not comfortable with immediate windows. Could you please show some other way of implementation/testing

  5. #5
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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    I know this might seem rude, but get confortable....

    Because the Immediate window is an important part of VB6, it is the debug window... and every VB6 programmer should know how to use it.

    You can do so many things with it... debug your application, display variable data (for debugging again), execute statements from your code (that are public in a module), execute math expressions... all this is very usefull when building your application...

    So... copy & paste that line of code into the immediate window:
    Rnd -99999: ? Base64Encoding(RC4("value you want to encrypt", CStr(Rnd)))
    change the random number, and your value, something like
    Rnd -1237788: ? Base64Encoding(RC4("my_password_1234", CStr(Rnd)))
    And when you press enter (to execute), it will display the result in the next line in the immediate window.

    Then use the result into the line where you want to read the password (or whatever value you want to store), but with the same random value you chose before
    Rnd -1237788: My_Setting_Variable = RC4(Base64Decoding("copy & paste the result you had in the immediate window here"), CStr(Rnd))

    The -1237788 number, can be any number, but it has to be negative.

  6. #6

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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    Because the Immediate window is an important part of VB6, it is the debug window... and every VB6 programmer should know how to use it.
    I'll try to learn...
    for starter what does : in
    Rnd -99999: ? Base64Encoding(RC4("value you want to encrypt", CStr(Rnd)))

  7. #7
    Super Moderator si_the_geek's Avatar
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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    That allows you to write two (or more) lines of code on one line, you could also do this:
    Msgbox "a" : Msgbox "b"
    I'm guessing your next question will be about the ? , which is a shorthand version of Debug.Print (ie: print to the Immediate window)

  8. #8

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    Red face Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    I'm guessing your next question will be about the ? , which is a shorthand version of Debug.Print (ie: print to the Immediate window)
    gee no (anyway thanks for refreshing me) but Rnd -99999 I presume we are feeding random, can't we write Base64Encoding(RC4("value you want to encrypt", CStr(Rnd -99999))) why have 2 statements

  9. #9
    PowerPoster RhinoBull's Avatar
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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    Quote Originally Posted by si_the_geek
    I'm guessing your next question will be about the ? , which is a shorthand version of Debug.Print (ie: print to the Immediate window)
    The question mark (?) is a shortcut for a PRINT statement that prints on the form - vb will automatically convert it to keyword Print.
    I'd rather avoid using it.

    you may find this function very helpfull.

  10. #10
    Super Moderator si_the_geek's Avatar
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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    Quote Originally Posted by RhinoBull
    The question mark (?) is a shortcut for a PRINT statement that prints on the form - vb will automatically convert it to keyword Print.
    Without an object specified, the Print method prints to the current object.. which in this case is the immediate window (and as such, the ? does not get converted to the word Print).

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Super Moderator si_the_geek's Avatar
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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    The debug window (which has a window title of "Immediate"), as that is what was being discussed in the previous posts (including an explicit reference in the post before mine).

  13. #13

  14. #14
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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    Quote Originally Posted by VBFnewcomer
    gee no (anyway thanks for refreshing me) but Rnd -99999 I presume we are feeding random, can't we write Base64Encoding(RC4("value you want to encrypt", CStr(Rnd -99999))) why have 2 statements
    No it's not the same thing !

    Rnd -some_number
    Initialized the random seed, you are passing -99999 as a parameter to the Rnd

    But CStr(Rnd - 99999), calls Rnd, gets the result, then from the result it will substract -99999

    To see what I mean, run this code a few times:
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Rnd -99999
        Debug.Print Rnd
    End Sub
    And you should always get 0.7118068 value

    But if you run this code
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Debug.Print Rnd - 99999
    End Sub
    You will get something like:

    So as you can see CStr(Rnd - 99999), just substracts 99999 from the result of Rnd, instead of initializing the random seed

  15. #15

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    Red face Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    Rnd -1237788: My_Setting_Variable = RC4(Base64Decoding("copy & paste the result you had in the immediate window here"), CStr(Rnd))
    1.So I first encrypt the password using Base64Encoding (in the lab while noting down the rnd used)
    2. add the Base64Decoding & RC4 functions to the proj (module)
    3. add the result obtained using the Base64Encoding into a constant say Const PASS_CONST = "the resultant string"
    4. generate a random using the same seed used for encoding
    5. pass the PASS_CONST like this RC4(Base64Decoding(PASS_CONST), CStr(Rnd))
    6. Have a variable to receive the value coming from the Base64Decoding()
    7. And place the the same in the connection string at appropriate place
    say (I am using access 2003 db for sample)
    conn.connectionString = "Provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0';" _
        & "Data Source = " & App.Path & "myDb.mdb;" _
        & "Jet OLEDB:Database Password = " & variableFrom Base64Decoding & ";"
    or still better
      Rnd -99999 'or whatever number must be negative as used while encoding
      conn.connectionString = "Provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0';" _
        & "Data Source = " & App.Path & "myDb.mdb;" _
        & "Jet OLEDB:Database Password = " & RC4(Base64Decoding(PASS_CONST), CStr(Rnd)) & ";"

  16. #16
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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    Looks like you got it right....

  17. #17

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    Talking Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    Quote Originally Posted by CVMichael
    Looks like you got it right....
    Gee thanks!
    I'll keep the thread open for sometime to ensure to get some addl inputs from members

  18. #18
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    Can you please explain how does #3 works?

  19. #19
    Cumbrian Milk's Avatar
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    Hi there, it uses a primitive root modulo n to produce an Xor key. It's a form of pseudo random number generation similar to Rnd. In short it will run through every number from 1 to the prime - 1 exactly once but not in order. Like Rnd it is not random it follows a complicated pattern.

    I used the lines like P = N ^ 20 - 3 'a prime number (1048573) to obfuscate the values but that was a naive decision on my part as they will be resolved at compile time so the numbers can still be found within the executable... P = 1048573 will compile to the same.

    I used N And 95 to restrict the bits to keep the resulting character printable. N And 255 can generate non printable characters.

    It only works on ANSI strings or at least it ignores the the high byte of unicode strings.

    I adapted it from something I was using to encrypt byte sequences where I was not concerned with these sequences being printable.
    W o t . S i g

  20. #20
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    I don't understand these parts

    What does N ^ 20 - 3 mean?

    and what does
    vb Code:
    1. B = text
    2.     For i = 0 To UBound(B) Step 2
    3.         N = (N * M) Mod P
    4.         B(i) = B(i) Xor (N And 95)
    5.     Next i
    6.     SimpleEncrypt = B

    And what does it mean to dim B as byte?

    And what does
    vb Code:
    1. B = text

  21. #21
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    I'm still puzzled why the password needs to be hidden while in design mode. Who are you hiding it from?

  22. #22
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    Which post are you referring to?

    In the first post he is saying
    Quote Originally Posted by VBFnewcomer
    Now the during the design the pass is wide open (one need to simply see the password parameter of connection string)
    Since the password is stored in the connection string, even when compiled you will be able to see the password as plain text if you open the exe in notepad.
    Last edited by CVMichael; Jun 23rd, 2011 at 04:14 PM.

  23. #23
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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    Quote Originally Posted by Milk View Post
    Here's something reasonably strong and simple. It's only suitable for relatively short data (less characters than the prime)
    Use different numbers if you can. P must be prime and M must be a prime root of P, (P-1) * M must not overflow.

    Public Function SimpleEncrypt(text As String) As String
    Dim B() As Byte, i As Long, N As Long, P As Long, M As Long
        N = 2
        P = N ^ 20 - 3 'a prime number (1048573)
        M = N ^ 11 - 5 'a prime root of the above prime (2043)
        N = N ^ 17 - 567 'arbitrary number
        B = text
        For i = 0 To UBound(B) Step 2
            N = (N * M) Mod P
            B(i) = B(i) Xor (N And 95)
        Next i
        SimpleEncrypt = B
    End Function
    Debug.Print SimpleEncrypt("There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, a hole.")
    Debug.Print SimpleEncrypt("Yr7588j;(k7`3)tmwe/k%ahn5b0$*{sql#Ol+pf{':73n5= onR*c/%5x!4:)&h-,(phn{)ur88t;}""mn)0+6Ot4""bf%rrrgp")
    thanks for this it has managed to encrypt password to database. but the problem now is users cannot log in with those passwords encrypted, whats the workaround

  24. #24
    PowerPoster Nightwalker83's Avatar
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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    Quote Originally Posted by chrishoney View Post
    thanks for this it has managed to encrypt password to database. but the problem now is users cannot log in with those passwords encrypted, whats the workaround
    Have a look in the VB6 codebank! I think there is a database password hashing example in there.
    when you quote a post could you please do it via the "Reply With Quote" button or if it multiple post click the "''+" button then "Reply With Quote" button.
    If this thread is finished with please mark it "Resolved" by selecting "Mark thread resolved" from the "Thread tools" drop-down menu.

  25. #25
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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    thanks doing so now

  26. #26
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    Re: Encrypting Password VB6

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightwalker83 View Post
    Have a look in the VB6 codebank! I think there is a database password hashing example in there.
    hi i've gone through the codebank with no luck, some examples are only provide one way to encrypt to the database

  27. #27
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

  28. #28
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    thanks for the heads up, had missed it, yes so if the user wants to type the normal password how will it work?

  29. #29
    Super Moderator si_the_geek's Avatar
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    They type it... then you encrypt it, and compare that to the encrypted version that you stored.

  30. #30
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    thanx, will try it and get back if successful or prob

  31. #31
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    thanks its working you have the decryption function?

  32. #32
    PowerPoster Nightwalker83's Avatar
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    Quote Originally Posted by chrishoney View Post
    thanks its working you have the decryption function?
    Are you referring to CVMichael's code linked to in post #27?
    when you quote a post could you please do it via the "Reply With Quote" button or if it multiple post click the "''+" button then "Reply With Quote" button.
    If this thread is finished with please mark it "Resolved" by selecting "Mark thread resolved" from the "Thread tools" drop-down menu.

  33. #33
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    Oh sorry i wasnt specific, am referring to one by Milk on Feb 9
    Public Function SimpleEncrypt(text As String) As String
    Dim B() As Byte, i As Long, N As Long, P As Long, M As Long
    N = 2
    P = N ^ 20 - 3 'a prime number (1048573)
    M = N ^ 11 - 5 'a prime root of the above prime (2043)
    N = N ^ 17 - 567 'arbitrary number
    B = text
    For i = 0 To UBound(B) Step 2
    N = (N * M) Mod P
    B(i) = B(i) Xor (N And 95)
    Next i
    SimpleEncrypt = B
    End Function

  34. #34
    Super Moderator si_the_geek's Avatar
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    The implication from the bottom of his post is that it encrypts and decrypts.

  35. #35
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    Does anyone know ? . what it is the use of the XOR Operator here. because i have never been used XOR Operator . Neither of the project .

    B(i) = B(i) Xor (N And 95)
    Last edited by firoz.raj; Aug 21st, 2013 at 07:33 AM.

  36. #36
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

  37. #37
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    Re: [RESOLVED] Encrypting Password VB6

    but i need to know why any need of xor operator .it says very first condition is true other is also true .then first condition xor second condition = false .but why any need of it in the case .

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