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Thread: Useful Stored Procedure Multiple Parameter Passing Function (VB6)

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    Useful Stored Procedure Multiple Parameter Passing Function (VB6)

    (For VB6)

    Here is an old piece of code i have used for a while. I find this very useful when calling SQL Stored Procedures, which have any number of parameters being to be passed to them.

    ' *********************************************************************************************
    ' Function ExecStoredProc
    ' Description:      Executes a SQL stored procedure within the specified database,
    '                   using parameters passed by the user. Uses a parameter array
    '                   to accept and store any possible number of supplied parameters
    ' Inputs:           Stored procedure name, connection string, name of returned recordset,
    '                   stored procedure parameters (any number allowed)
    ' Outputs:          Returns an integer value representing the SQL stored procedure
    '                   return code. 0 = success, -1 indicates VB error,
    ' Author:           Kevin Chadwick
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Ammendments
    ' *********************************************************************************************
    Public Function ExecStoredProc(ByVal vstrSpName As String, ByRef robjRecordSet As ADODB.Recordset, _
        ParamArray vntArray()) As Integer
        ' On error
        On Error GoTo ExecStoredProcError
        ' Declare the variables
        Dim objCommand As ADODB.Command
        Dim intCurrentParameter As Integer
        ' Create the objects
        Set objCommand = New ADODB.Command
        ' Make it an active connection
        objCommand.ActiveConnection = gconYourConnection
        'Declare the command object as a stored procedure
        objCommand.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
        objCommand.CommandText = vstrSpName 'supplied by calling program
        'Get the supplied parameters from the ParamArray and assign them to the command object
        objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter("RetValue", _
            adInteger, adParamReturnValue) 'delcares the SQL return value
        For intCurrentParameter = 1 To (UBound(vntArray) + 1)
            If vntArray(intCurrentParameter - 1) <> "" Then
                objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter("Parameter" _
                & intCurrentParameter, adVarChar, adParamInput, Len(vntArray(intCurrentParameter - 1)), vntArray(intCurrentParameter - 1))
                objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter("Parameter" _
                & intCurrentParameter, adVarChar, adParamInput, 1)
            End If
        Next intCurrentParameter
        'Get the recordset back
        Set robjRecordSet = New ADODB.Recordset
        robjRecordSet.CursorLocation = adUseClient
        Set robjRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
        'Clean up, send the SQL return code back to the calling program, and exit
        ExecStoredProc = objCommand.Parameters(0).Value 'send return code back
        Set objCommand = Nothing
        '--Error Handling--
        ' Add your error handling here
    End Function
    You would use this as follows

    ExecStoredProc("sp_storedprocname", lrsYourRecordSet, param1, param2, etc...)

    Note: With the list of parameters, you must make sure they are passed in the same order as whats in your SQL Stored Procedure
    Last edited by kevchadders; Jan 2nd, 2008 at 10:35 AM.

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