I have used the Package & Deployment Wizard to put my Visual Basic Program on CD, I then copied over my database 'calculations.mdb' onto the cd also so that the VB program can access the database when installed on another PC. However, the program still searches the same path as it does on my computer when trying to open the database whereas i would obviously like it to search for it wherever the user installs it. Is it possible to hardset this in my VB code? This is what it is set to at the moment:

conconnection.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _
App.Path & "\" & "calculations.mdb;Mode=Read|Write"

Does anyone know how I can adapt it? If not, is it possible to set it to search on the CD in the disk drive?(although this would be awkward as the user would have to keep the cd in there but better than nothing!)

Thanks a lot!