I needed to do some cmd stuff today and found this thread useful. I ended up embedding the example in this post into a class which makes it easy to use. At least I think so...

Class CMDThread
    Public Param As String
    Public isFinished As Boolean = False
    Private tr As Thread = Nothing
    Private results As String = ""
    Private myprocess As New Process
    Private StartInfo As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
    Public Function Start() As Thread
        StartInfo.FileName = "cmd" 'starts cmd window
        StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True
        StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
        StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False 'required to redirect
        StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True 'creates no cmd window
        myprocess.StartInfo = StartInfo
        tr = New Thread(AddressOf Me.work)
        Return tr
    End Function
    Public Sub Join()
    End Sub
    Public Function GetOutput() As String
        GetOutput = results
        results = "" 'Not sure if this is safe while thread is executing... seem to work
    End Function
    Private Sub work()
        myprocess.StandardInput.WriteLine(Param & vbCrLf & "exit") 'the command you wish to run, with an exit at the end to terminate process after run
        While myprocess.StandardOutput.EndOfStream = False
            results += myprocess.StandardOutput.ReadLine() & vbCrLf
        End While
        isFinished = True
    End Sub
End Class
To launch a couple of threads and use join to wait for the last one:

        Dim threadA, threadB As New CMDThread
        Dim res As String = ""
        threadA.Param = "ping -n 2"
        threadB.Param = "tracert -h 10 -d -w 30 vbforums.com"

        While Not threadA.isFinished
            res = threadA.GetOutput
        ...do stuff...
        End While
'A is finished
        If Not threadB.isFinished Then
            threadB.Join() 'wait until B is finished
        End If
        res = threadB.GetOutput