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Thread: [VB6/VBA] SipHash cryptographically secure keyed hash function

  1. #1

    Thread Starter
    PowerPoster wqweto's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Sofia, Bulgaria

    [VB6/VBA] SipHash cryptographically secure keyed hash function

    These mdSiphash.bas and mdHalfSiphash.bas modules implement SipHash and HalfSipHash high-speed secure pseudorandom function for short messages in pure VB6.

    Output size and number of iterations for update and finalize can be set with calls to CryptoSiphashInit and CryptoHalfSiphashInit respectively while procedures containing SipHash24 in the name are using 2 rounds on updates and 4 rounds on finalize with 8-byte output, while SipHash13 named procedures use 1 round on updates and 3 rounds on finalize with 8-byte output again (can be 16 bytes). For HalfSipHash the output is 4 bytes long by default (can be 8 bytes).

    The speed of compiled VB6 code is not very great when using Variants for LongLongs for SipHash but HalfSipHash is specifically designed for 32-bit operations and this results in better performance in VB6:

    SipHash-2-4 - 3.2MB/s, SipHash-1-3 - 6.4MB/s, HalfSipHash-2-4 - 110MB/s, HalfSipHash-1-3 - 240MB/s

    In TwinBASIC the same SipHash imlementation outperforms HalfSipHash in both x86 and x64 configurations, here are x64 compiled results:

    SipHash-2-4 - 156MB/s, SipHash-1-3 - 215MB/s, HalfSipHash-2-4 - 102MB/s, HalfSipHash-1-3 - 147MB/s

    '--- mdSiphash.bas
    Option Explicit
    DefObj A-Z
    #Const HasPtrSafe = (VBA7 <> 0)
    #Const HasOperators = (TWINBASIC <> 0)
    #If HasPtrSafe Then
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As LongPtr)
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function VariantChangeType Lib "oleaut32" (Dest As Variant, Src As Variant, ByVal wFlags As Integer, ByVal vt As VbVarType) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function WideCharToMultiByte Lib "kernel32" (ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpWideCharStr As LongPtr, ByVal cchWideChar As Long, lpMultiByteStr As Any, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, ByVal lpDefaultChar As Long, ByVal lpUsedDefaultChar As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
    Private Declare Function VariantChangeType Lib "oleaut32" (Dest As Variant, Src As Variant, ByVal wFlags As Integer, ByVal vt As VbVarType) As Long
    Private Declare Function WideCharToMultiByte Lib "kernel32" (ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long, ByVal cchWideChar As Long, lpMultiByteStr As Any, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, ByVal lpDefaultChar As Long, ByVal lpUsedDefaultChar As Long) As Long
    #End If
    Private Const LNG_BLOCKSZ       As Long = 8
    Private Const LNG_KEYSZ         As Long = 16
    Public Type CryptoSiphashContext
    #If HasPtrSafe Then
        V0                  As LongLong
        V1                  As LongLong
        V2                  As LongLong
        V3                  As LongLong
        V0                  As Variant
        V1                  As Variant
        V2                  As Variant
        V3                  As Variant
    #End If
        Partial(0 To LNG_BLOCKSZ - 1) As Byte
        NPartial            As Long
        NInput              As Currency
        UpdateIters         As Long
        FinalizeIters       As Long
        OutSize             As Long
    End Type
    #If HasPtrSafe Then
    #If Not HasOperators Then
        Private LNG_POW2(0 To 63)       As LongLong
        Private LNG_SIGN_BIT            As LongLong ' 2 ^ 63
    #End If
        Private LNG_ZERO                As LongLong
        Private LNG_IV(0 To 3)          As LongLong
        Private LNG_POW2(0 To 63)       As Variant
        Private LNG_SIGN_BIT            As Variant
        Private LNG_ZERO                As Variant
        Private LNG_IV(0 To 3)          As Variant
    #End If
    #If Not HasOperators Then
    #If HasPtrSafe Then
    Private Function RotL64(ByVal lX As LongLong, ByVal lN As Long) As LongLong
    Private Function RotL64(lX As Variant, ByVal lN As Long) As Variant
    #End If
        '--- RotL64 = LShift(X, n) Or RShift(X, 64 - n)
        Debug.Assert lN <> 0
        RotL64 = ((lX And (LNG_POW2(63 - lN) - 1)) * LNG_POW2(lN) Or -((lX And LNG_POW2(63 - lN)) <> 0) * LNG_SIGN_BIT) Or _
            ((lX And (LNG_SIGN_BIT Xor -1)) \ LNG_POW2(64 - lN) Or -(lX < 0) * LNG_POW2(lN - 1))
    End Function
    #If HasPtrSafe Then
    Private Function UAdd64(ByVal lX As LongLong, ByVal lY As LongLong) As LongLong
    Private Function UAdd64(lX As Variant, lY As Variant) As Variant
    #End If
        If (lX Xor lY) >= 0 Then
            UAdd64 = ((lX Xor LNG_SIGN_BIT) + lY) Xor LNG_SIGN_BIT
            UAdd64 = lX + lY
        End If
    End Function
    Private Sub pvCompress(uCtx As CryptoSiphashContext, ByVal lRounds As Long)
        With uCtx
            Do While lRounds > 0
                .V0 = UAdd64(.V0, .V1)
                .V2 = UAdd64(.V2, .V3)
                .V1 = RotL64(.V1, 13)
                .V3 = RotL64(.V3, 16)
                .V1 = .V1 Xor .V0
                .V3 = .V3 Xor .V2
                .V0 = RotL64(.V0, 32)
                .V2 = UAdd64(.V2, .V1)
                .V0 = UAdd64(.V0, .V3)
                .V1 = RotL64(.V1, 17)
                .V3 = RotL64(.V3, 21)
                .V1 = .V1 Xor .V2
                .V3 = .V3 Xor .V0
                .V2 = RotL64(.V2, 32)
                lRounds = lRounds - 1
        End With
    End Sub
    [ IntegerOverflowChecks (False) ]
    Private Sub pvCompress(uCtx As CryptoSiphashContext, ByVal lRounds As Long)
        With uCtx
            Do While lRounds > 0
                .V0 += .V1
                .V2 += .V3
                .V1 = (.V1 << 13) Or (.V1 >> 51)
                .V3 = (.V3 << 16) Or (.V3 >> 48)
                .V1 = .V1 Xor .V0
                .V3 = .V3 Xor .V2
                .V0 = (.V0 << 32) Or (.V0 >> 32)
                .V2 += .V1
                .V0 += .V3
                .V1 = (.V1 << 17) Or (.V1 >> 47)
                .V3 = (.V3 << 21) Or (.V3 >> 43)
                .V1 = .V1 Xor .V2
                .V3 = .V3 Xor .V0
                .V2 = (.V2 << 32) Or (.V2 >> 32)
                lRounds -= 1
        End With
    End Sub
    #End If
    #If Not HasPtrSafe Then
    Private Function CLngLng(vValue As Variant) As Variant
        Const VT_I8 As Long = &H14
        Call VariantChangeType(CLngLng, vValue, 0, VT_I8)
    End Function
    #End If
    Public Sub CryptoSiphashInit(uCtx As CryptoSiphashContext, baKey() As Byte, _
                Optional ByVal UpdateIters As Long = 2, _
                Optional ByVal FinalizeIters As Long = 4, _
                Optional ByVal OutSize As Long = 8)
    #If HasPtrSafe Then
        Static K(0 To 1)    As LongLong
        Static K(0 To 1)    As Variant
    #End If
        Dim lIdx            As Long
        If LNG_IV(0) = 0 Then
            LNG_IV(0) = CLngLng("&H736f6d6570736575")
            LNG_IV(1) = CLngLng("&H646f72616e646f6d")
            LNG_IV(2) = CLngLng("&H6c7967656e657261")
            LNG_IV(3) = CLngLng("&H7465646279746573")
            LNG_ZERO = CLngLng(0)
            #If Not HasOperators Then
                LNG_POW2(0) = CLngLng(1)
                For lIdx = 1 To 63
                    LNG_POW2(lIdx) = CVar(LNG_POW2(lIdx - 1)) * 2
                LNG_SIGN_BIT = LNG_POW2(63)
            #End If
        End If
        If UBound(baKey) + 1 < LNG_KEYSZ Then
            K(0) = LNG_ZERO: K(1) = LNG_ZERO
            #If HasPtrSafe Then
                If UBound(baKey) >= 0 Then
                    Call CopyMemory(K(0), baKey(0), UBound(baKey) + 1)
                End If
                lIdx = UBound(baKey) + 1
                If lIdx > 0 Then
                    Call CopyMemory(ByVal VarPtr(K(0)) + 8, baKey(0), IIf(lIdx > 8, 8, lIdx))
                End If
                lIdx = UBound(baKey) - 7
                If lIdx > 0 Then
                    Call CopyMemory(ByVal VarPtr(K(1)) + 8, baKey(8), lIdx)
                End If
            #End If
            #If HasPtrSafe Then
                Call CopyMemory(K(0), baKey(0), LNG_KEYSZ)
                K(0) = LNG_ZERO: K(1) = LNG_ZERO
                Call CopyMemory(ByVal VarPtr(K(0)) + 8, baKey(0), 8)
                Call CopyMemory(ByVal VarPtr(K(1)) + 8, baKey(8), 8)
            #End If
        End If
        With uCtx
            If OutSize > 8 Then
                lIdx = &HEE
                lIdx = 0
            End If
            .V0 = LNG_IV(0) Xor K(0)
            .V1 = LNG_IV(1) Xor K(1) Xor lIdx
            .V2 = LNG_IV(2) Xor K(0)
            .V3 = LNG_IV(3) Xor K(1)
            .NPartial = 0
            .NInput = 0
            .UpdateIters = UpdateIters
            .FinalizeIters = FinalizeIters
            .OutSize = OutSize
        End With
    End Sub
    Public Sub CryptoSiphashUpdate(uCtx As CryptoSiphashContext, baInput() As Byte, Optional ByVal Pos As Long, Optional ByVal Size As Long = -1)
    #If HasPtrSafe Then
        Static B            As LongLong
        Static B            As Variant
    #End If
        Dim lIdx            As Long
        With uCtx
            If Size < 0 Then
                Size = UBound(baInput) + 1 - Pos
            End If
            .NInput = .NInput + Size
            If .NPartial > 0 And Size > 0 Then
                lIdx = LNG_BLOCKSZ - .NPartial
                If lIdx > Size Then
                    lIdx = Size
                End If
                Call CopyMemory(.Partial(.NPartial), baInput(Pos), lIdx)
                .NPartial = .NPartial + lIdx
                Pos = Pos + lIdx
                Size = Size - lIdx
            End If
            Do While Size > 0 Or .NPartial = LNG_BLOCKSZ
                If .NPartial <> 0 Then
                    #If HasPtrSafe Then
                        Call CopyMemory(B, .Partial(0), LNG_BLOCKSZ)
                        B = LNG_ZERO
                        Call CopyMemory(ByVal VarPtr(B) + 8, .Partial(0), LNG_BLOCKSZ)
                    #End If
                    .NPartial = 0
                ElseIf Size >= LNG_BLOCKSZ Then
                    #If HasPtrSafe Then
                        Call CopyMemory(B, baInput(Pos), LNG_BLOCKSZ)
                        B = LNG_ZERO
                        Call CopyMemory(ByVal VarPtr(B) + 8, baInput(Pos), LNG_BLOCKSZ)
                    #End If
                    Pos = Pos + LNG_BLOCKSZ
                    Size = Size - LNG_BLOCKSZ
                    Call CopyMemory(.Partial(0), baInput(Pos), Size)
                    .NPartial = Size
                    Exit Do
                End If
                .V3 = .V3 Xor B
                pvCompress uCtx, .UpdateIters
                .V0 = .V0 Xor B
        End With
    End Sub
    Public Sub CryptoSiphashFinalize(uCtx As CryptoSiphashContext, baOutput() As Byte)
    #If HasPtrSafe Then
        Static B            As LongLong
        Static B            As Variant
    #End If
        Dim lIdx            As Long
        With uCtx
            ReDim baOutput(0 To .OutSize - 1) As Byte
            #If HasOperators Then
                B = CLngLng(.NInput) << 56
                B = RotL64(CLngLng(.NInput) And &HFF, 56)
            #End If
            #If HasPtrSafe Then
                Call CopyMemory(B, .Partial(0), .NPartial)
                Call CopyMemory(ByVal VarPtr(B) + 8, .Partial(0), .NPartial)
            #End If
            .V3 = .V3 Xor B
            pvCompress uCtx, .UpdateIters
            .V0 = .V0 Xor B
            If .OutSize > 8 Then
                lIdx = &HEE
                lIdx = &HFF
            End If
            .V2 = .V2 Xor lIdx
            pvCompress uCtx, .FinalizeIters
            B = .V0 Xor .V1 Xor .V2 Xor .V3
            If .OutSize < 8 Then
                lIdx = .OutSize
                lIdx = 8
            End If
            #If HasPtrSafe Then
                Call CopyMemory(baOutput(0), B, lIdx)
                Call CopyMemory(baOutput(0), ByVal VarPtr(B) + 8, lIdx)
            #End If
            If .OutSize > 8 Then
                .V1 = .V1 Xor &HDD
                pvCompress uCtx, .FinalizeIters
                B = .V0 Xor .V1 Xor .V2 Xor .V3
                If .OutSize < 16 Then
                    lIdx = .OutSize - 8
                    lIdx = 8
                End If
                #If HasPtrSafe Then
                    Call CopyMemory(baOutput(8), B, lIdx)
                    Call CopyMemory(baOutput(8), ByVal VarPtr(B) + 8, lIdx)
                #End If
            End If
        End With
    End Sub
    Public Function CryptoSiphash24ByteArray(baKey() As Byte, baInput() As Byte, Optional ByVal Pos As Long, Optional ByVal Size As Long = -1) As Byte()
        Dim uCtx            As CryptoSiphashContext
        CryptoSiphashInit uCtx, baKey, UpdateIters:=2, FinalizeIters:=4
        CryptoSiphashUpdate uCtx, baInput, Pos, Size
        CryptoSiphashFinalize uCtx, CryptoSiphash24ByteArray
    End Function
    Private Function ToUtf8Array(sText As String) As Byte()
        Const CP_UTF8       As Long = 65001
        Dim baRetVal()      As Byte
        Dim lSize           As Long
        lSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, StrPtr(sText), Len(sText), ByVal 0, 0, 0, 0)
        If lSize > 0 Then
            ReDim baRetVal(0 To lSize - 1) As Byte
            Call WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, StrPtr(sText), Len(sText), baRetVal(0), lSize, 0, 0)
            baRetVal = vbNullString
        End If
        ToUtf8Array = baRetVal
    End Function
    Private Function ToHex(baData() As Byte) As String
        Dim lIdx            As Long
        Dim sByte           As String
        ToHex = String$(UBound(baData) * 2 + 2, 48)
        For lIdx = 0 To UBound(baData)
            sByte = LCase$(Hex$(baData(lIdx)))
            If Len(sByte) = 1 Then
                Mid$(ToHex, lIdx * 2 + 2, 1) = sByte
                Mid$(ToHex, lIdx * 2 + 1, 2) = sByte
            End If
    End Function
    Public Function CryptoSiphash24Text(sKey As String, sText As String) As String
        CryptoSiphash24Text = ToHex(CryptoSiphash24ByteArray(ToUtf8Array(sKey), ToUtf8Array(sText)))
    End Function
    Public Function CryptoSiphash13ByteArray(baKey() As Byte, baInput() As Byte, Optional ByVal Pos As Long, Optional ByVal Size As Long = -1) As Byte()
        Dim uCtx            As CryptoSiphashContext
        CryptoSiphashInit uCtx, baKey, UpdateIters:=1, FinalizeIters:=3
        CryptoSiphashUpdate uCtx, baInput, Pos, Size
        CryptoSiphashFinalize uCtx, CryptoSiphash13ByteArray
    End Function
    Public Function CryptoSiphash13Text(sKey As String, sText As String) As String
        CryptoSiphash13Text = ToHex(CryptoSiphash13ByteArray(ToUtf8Array(sKey), ToUtf8Array(sText)))
    End Function

  2. #2

    Thread Starter
    PowerPoster wqweto's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Sofia, Bulgaria

    Re: [VB6/VBA] SipHash cryptographically secure keyed hash function


    '--- mdHalfSiphash.bas
    Option Explicit
    DefObj A-Z
    #Const HasPtrSafe = (VBA7 <> 0)
    #Const HasOperators = (TWINBASIC <> 0)
    #If HasPtrSafe Then
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As LongPtr)
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function WideCharToMultiByte Lib "kernel32" (ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpWideCharStr As LongPtr, ByVal cchWideChar As Long, lpMultiByteStr As Any, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, ByVal lpDefaultChar As Long, ByVal lpUsedDefaultChar As Long) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcW" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As LongPtr, ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As LongPtr, ByVal lParam As LongPtr) As LongPtr
    Private Enum LongPtr
    End Enum
    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
    Private Declare Function WideCharToMultiByte Lib "kernel32" (ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long, ByVal cchWideChar As Long, lpMultiByteStr As Any, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, ByVal lpDefaultChar As Long, ByVal lpUsedDefaultChar As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcW" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
    #End If
    Private Const LNG_BLOCKSZ       As Long = 4
    Private Const LNG_KEYSZ         As Long = 8
    Private Const LNG_POW2_4        As Long = 2 ^ 4
    Private Const LNG_POW2_5        As Long = 2 ^ 5
    Private Const LNG_POW2_6        As Long = 2 ^ 6
    Private Const LNG_POW2_7        As Long = 2 ^ 7
    Private Const LNG_POW2_8        As Long = 2 ^ 8
    Private Const LNG_POW2_12       As Long = 2 ^ 12
    Private Const LNG_POW2_13       As Long = 2 ^ 13
    Private Const LNG_POW2_15       As Long = 2 ^ 15
    Private Const LNG_POW2_16       As Long = 2 ^ 16
    Private Const LNG_POW2_18       As Long = 2 ^ 18
    Private Const LNG_POW2_19       As Long = 2 ^ 19
    Private Const LNG_POW2_23       As Long = 2 ^ 23
    Private Const LNG_POW2_24       As Long = 2 ^ 24
    Private Const LNG_POW2_25       As Long = 2 ^ 25
    Private Const LNG_POW2_26       As Long = 2 ^ 26
    Private Const LNG_POW2_27       As Long = 2 ^ 27
    Private Const LNG_POW2_31       As Long = &H80000000
    Private Type ArrayLong128
        Item(0 To 127)      As Long
    End Type
    Public Type CryptoHalfSiphashContext
        V0                  As Long
        V1                  As Long
        V2                  As Long
        V3                  As Long
        Partial(0 To LNG_BLOCKSZ - 1) As Byte
        NPartial            As Long
        NInput              As Currency
        UpdateIters         As Long
        FinalizeIters       As Long
        OutSize             As Long
    End Type
    #If Not HasOperators Then
    Private Sub pvCompress(uCtx As CryptoHalfSiphashContext, ByVal lRounds As Long)
        With uCtx
            Do While lRounds > 0
    '            .V0 = UAdd32(.V0, .V1)
    '            .V1 = RotL32(.V1, 5) Xor .V0
    '            .V2 = UAdd32(.V2, .V3)
    '            .V3 = RotL32(.V3, 8) Xor .V2
    '            .V0 = RotL32(.V0, 16)
                If (.V0 Xor .V1) >= 0 Then
                    .V0 = ((.V0 Xor &H80000000) + .V1) Xor &H80000000
                    .V0 = .V0 + .V1
                End If
                .V1 = ((.V1 And (LNG_POW2_26 - 1)) * LNG_POW2_5 Or -((.V1 And LNG_POW2_26) <> 0) * LNG_POW2_31) Or _
                    ((.V1 And (LNG_POW2_31 Xor -1)) \ LNG_POW2_27 Or -(.V1 < 0) * LNG_POW2_4) Xor .V0
                If (.V2 Xor .V3) >= 0 Then
                    .V2 = ((.V2 Xor &H80000000) + .V3) Xor &H80000000
                    .V2 = .V2 + .V3
                End If
                .V3 = ((.V3 And (LNG_POW2_23 - 1)) * LNG_POW2_8 Or -((.V3 And LNG_POW2_23) <> 0) * LNG_POW2_31) Or _
                    ((.V3 And (LNG_POW2_31 Xor -1)) \ LNG_POW2_24 Or -(.V3 < 0) * LNG_POW2_7) Xor .V2
                .V0 = ((.V0 And (LNG_POW2_15 - 1)) * LNG_POW2_16 Or -((.V0 And LNG_POW2_15) <> 0) * LNG_POW2_31) Or _
                    ((.V0 And (LNG_POW2_31 Xor -1)) \ LNG_POW2_16 Or -(.V0 < 0) * LNG_POW2_15)
    '            .V2 = UAdd32(.V2, .V1)
    '            .V1 = RotL32(.V1, 13) Xor .V2
    '            .V0 = UAdd32(.V0, .V3)
    '            .V3 = RotL32(.V3, 7) Xor .V0
    '            .V2 = RotL32(.V2, 16)
                If (.V2 Xor .V1) >= 0 Then
                    .V2 = ((.V2 Xor &H80000000) + .V1) Xor &H80000000
                    .V2 = .V2 + .V1
                End If
                .V1 = ((.V1 And (LNG_POW2_18 - 1)) * LNG_POW2_13 Or -((.V1 And LNG_POW2_18) <> 0) * LNG_POW2_31) Or _
                    ((.V1 And (LNG_POW2_31 Xor -1)) \ LNG_POW2_19 Or -(.V1 < 0) * LNG_POW2_12) Xor .V2
                If (.V0 Xor .V3) >= 0 Then
                    .V0 = ((.V0 Xor &H80000000) + .V3) Xor &H80000000
                    .V0 = .V0 + .V3
                End If
                .V3 = ((.V3 And (LNG_POW2_24 - 1)) * LNG_POW2_7 Or -((.V3 And LNG_POW2_24) <> 0) * LNG_POW2_31) Or _
                    ((.V3 And (LNG_POW2_31 Xor -1)) \ LNG_POW2_25 Or -(.V3 < 0) * LNG_POW2_6) Xor .V0
                .V2 = ((.V2 And (LNG_POW2_15 - 1)) * LNG_POW2_16 Or -((.V2 And LNG_POW2_15) <> 0) * LNG_POW2_31) Or _
                    ((.V2 And (LNG_POW2_31 Xor -1)) \ LNG_POW2_16 Or -(.V2 < 0) * LNG_POW2_15)
                lRounds = lRounds - 1
        End With
    End Sub
    [ IntegerOverflowChecks (False) ]
    Private Sub pvCompress(uCtx As CryptoHalfSiphashContext, ByVal lRounds As Long)
        With uCtx
            Do While lRounds > 0
                .V0 += .V1
                .V1 = ((.V1 << 5) Or (.V1 >> 27)) Xor .V0
                .V2 += .V3
                .V3 = ((.V3 << 8) Or (.V3 >> 24)) Xor .V2
                .V0 = (.V0 << 16) Or (.V0 >> 16)
                .V2 += .V1
                .V1 = ((.V1 << 13) Or (.V1 >> 19)) Xor .V2
                .V0 += .V3
                .V3 = ((.V3 << 7) Or (.V3 >> 25)) Xor .V0
                .V2 = (.V2 << 16) Or (.V2 >> 16)
                lRounds -= 1
        End With
    End Sub
    #End If
    Private Function pvCompressArray(uCtx As CryptoHalfSiphashContext, ByVal lSize As Long, uBlock As ArrayLong128, NotUsed As Long) As Long
        Dim lIdx            As Long
        With uCtx
            For lIdx = 0 To lSize - 1
                .V3 = .V3 Xor uBlock.Item(lIdx)
                pvCompress uCtx, .UpdateIters
                .V0 = .V0 Xor uBlock.Item(lIdx)
        End With
    End Function
    Public Sub CryptoHalfSiphashInit(uCtx As CryptoHalfSiphashContext, baKey() As Byte, _
                Optional ByVal UpdateIters As Long = 2, _
                Optional ByVal FinalizeIters As Long = 4, _
                Optional ByVal OutSize As Long = 4)
        Static K(0 To 1)    As Long
        Dim lIdx            As Long
        If UBound(baKey) + 1 < LNG_KEYSZ Then
            K(0) = 0: K(1) = 0
            If UBound(baKey) >= 0 Then
                Call CopyMemory(K(0), baKey(0), UBound(baKey) + 1)
            End If
            Call CopyMemory(K(0), baKey(0), LNG_KEYSZ)
        End If
        With uCtx
            If OutSize > 4 Then
                lIdx = &HEE
                lIdx = 0
            End If
            .V0 = K(0)
            .V1 = K(1) Xor lIdx
            .V2 = &H6C796765 Xor K(0)
            .V3 = &H74656462 Xor K(1)
            .NPartial = 0
            .NInput = 0
            .UpdateIters = UpdateIters
            .FinalizeIters = FinalizeIters
            .OutSize = OutSize
        End With
    End Sub
    Public Sub CryptoHalfSiphashUpdate(uCtx As CryptoHalfSiphashContext, baInput() As Byte, Optional ByVal Pos As Long, Optional ByVal Size As Long = -1)
        Dim B               As Long
        Dim lIdx            As Long
        Dim lBlocks         As Long
        With uCtx
            If Size < 0 Then
                Size = UBound(baInput) + 1 - Pos
            End If
            .NInput = .NInput + Size
            If .NPartial > 0 And Size > 0 Then
                lIdx = LNG_BLOCKSZ - .NPartial
                If lIdx > Size Then
                    lIdx = Size
                End If
                Call CopyMemory(.Partial(.NPartial), baInput(Pos), lIdx)
                .NPartial = .NPartial + lIdx
                Pos = Pos + lIdx
                Size = Size - lIdx
            End If
            Do While Size > 0 Or .NPartial = LNG_BLOCKSZ
                If .NPartial <> 0 Then
                    Call CopyMemory(B, .Partial(0), LNG_BLOCKSZ)
                    .NPartial = 0
                    .V3 = .V3 Xor B
                    pvCompress uCtx, .UpdateIters
                    .V0 = .V0 Xor B
                ElseIf Size >= 128 * LNG_BLOCKSZ Then
                    lBlocks = Size \ (128 * LNG_BLOCKSZ)
                    For lIdx = 0 To lBlocks - 1
                        Call CallWindowProc(AddressOf pvCompressArray, VarPtr(uCtx), 128, VarPtr(baInput(Pos)), VarPtr(0))
                        Pos = Pos + 128 * LNG_BLOCKSZ
                        Size = Size - 128 * LNG_BLOCKSZ
                ElseIf Size >= LNG_BLOCKSZ Then
                    lIdx = Size \ LNG_BLOCKSZ
                    Call CallWindowProc(AddressOf pvCompressArray, VarPtr(uCtx), lIdx, VarPtr(baInput(Pos)), VarPtr(0))
                    Pos = Pos + lIdx * LNG_BLOCKSZ
                    Size = Size - lIdx * LNG_BLOCKSZ
                    Call CopyMemory(.Partial(0), baInput(Pos), Size)
                    .NPartial = Size
                    Exit Do
                End If
        End With
    End Sub
    Public Sub CryptoHalfSiphashFinalize(uCtx As CryptoHalfSiphashContext, baOutput() As Byte)
        Dim B               As Long
        Dim lIdx            As Long
        With uCtx
            ReDim baOutput(0 To .OutSize - 1) As Byte
            #If HasOperators Then
                B = CLng(.NInput) << 24
                B = .NInput And &HFF
    '            B = RotL32(B, 24)
                B = ((B And (LNG_POW2_7 - 1)) * LNG_POW2_24 Or -((B And LNG_POW2_7) <> 0) * LNG_POW2_31) Or _
                    ((B And (LNG_POW2_31 Xor -1)) \ LNG_POW2_8 Or -(B < 0) * LNG_POW2_23)
            #End If
            Call CopyMemory(B, .Partial(0), .NPartial)
            .V3 = .V3 Xor B
            pvCompress uCtx, .UpdateIters
            .V0 = .V0 Xor B
            If .OutSize > 4 Then
                lIdx = &HEE
                lIdx = &HFF
            End If
            .V2 = .V2 Xor lIdx
            pvCompress uCtx, .FinalizeIters
            B = .V1 Xor .V3
            If .OutSize < 4 Then
                lIdx = .OutSize
                lIdx = 4
            End If
            Call CopyMemory(baOutput(0), B, lIdx)
            If .OutSize > 4 Then
                .V1 = .V1 Xor &HDD
                pvCompress uCtx, .FinalizeIters
                B = .V1 Xor .V3
                If .OutSize < 8 Then
                    lIdx = .OutSize - 4
                    lIdx = 4
                End If
                Call CopyMemory(baOutput(4), B, lIdx)
            End If
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Function ToUtf8Array(sText As String) As Byte()
        Const CP_UTF8       As Long = 65001
        Dim baRetVal()      As Byte
        Dim lSize           As Long
        lSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, StrPtr(sText), Len(sText), ByVal 0, 0, 0, 0)
        If lSize > 0 Then
            ReDim baRetVal(0 To lSize - 1) As Byte
            Call WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, StrPtr(sText), Len(sText), baRetVal(0), lSize, 0, 0)
            baRetVal = vbNullString
        End If
        ToUtf8Array = baRetVal
    End Function
    Private Function ToHex(baData() As Byte) As String
        Dim lIdx            As Long
        Dim sByte           As String
        ToHex = String$(UBound(baData) * 2 + 2, 48)
        For lIdx = 0 To UBound(baData)
            sByte = LCase$(Hex$(baData(lIdx)))
            If Len(sByte) = 1 Then
                Mid$(ToHex, lIdx * 2 + 2, 1) = sByte
                Mid$(ToHex, lIdx * 2 + 1, 2) = sByte
            End If
    End Function
    Public Function CryptoHalfSiphash24ByteArray(baKey() As Byte, baInput() As Byte, Optional ByVal Pos As Long, Optional ByVal Size As Long = -1) As Byte()
        Dim uCtx            As CryptoHalfSiphashContext
        CryptoHalfSiphashInit uCtx, baKey, UpdateIters:=2, FinalizeIters:=4
        CryptoHalfSiphashUpdate uCtx, baInput, Pos, Size
        CryptoHalfSiphashFinalize uCtx, CryptoHalfSiphash24ByteArray
    End Function
    Public Function CryptoHalfSiphash24Long(baKey() As Byte, baInput() As Byte, Optional ByVal Pos As Long, Optional ByVal Size As Long = -1) As Long
        Dim baOuput()       As Byte
        baOuput = CryptoHalfSiphash24ByteArray(baKey, baInput, Pos, Size)
        Call CopyMemory(CryptoHalfSiphash24Long, baOuput(0), 4)
    End Function
    Public Function CryptoHalfSiphash24Text(sKey As String, sText As String) As String
        CryptoHalfSiphash24Text = ToHex(CryptoHalfSiphash24ByteArray(ToUtf8Array(sKey), ToUtf8Array(sText)))
    End Function
    Public Function CryptoHalfSiphash13ByteArray(baKey() As Byte, baInput() As Byte, Optional ByVal Pos As Long, Optional ByVal Size As Long = -1) As Byte()
        Dim uCtx            As CryptoHalfSiphashContext
        CryptoHalfSiphashInit uCtx, baKey, UpdateIters:=1, FinalizeIters:=3
        CryptoHalfSiphashUpdate uCtx, baInput, Pos, Size
        CryptoHalfSiphashFinalize uCtx, CryptoHalfSiphash13ByteArray
    End Function
    Public Function CryptoHalfSiphash13Long(baKey() As Byte, baInput() As Byte, Optional ByVal Pos As Long, Optional ByVal Size As Long = -1) As Long
        Dim baOuput()       As Byte
        baOuput = CryptoHalfSiphash13ByteArray(baKey, baInput, Pos, Size)
        Call CopyMemory(CryptoHalfSiphash13Long, baOuput(0), 4)
    End Function
    Public Function CryptoHalfSiphash13Text(sKey As String, sText As String) As String
        CryptoHalfSiphash13Text = ToHex(CryptoHalfSiphash13ByteArray(ToUtf8Array(sKey), ToUtf8Array(sText)))
    End Function

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