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Thread: Data Tier help

  1. #1

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    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Data Tier help

    Hello all i am in need of some help with a datatier layout.

    I understand the gui, bussinessRules, but i am really not making any progress on the data tier. i have been tring to get a grip on the this one for over a week. I completely understand the concept, i am confused when it comes to what implemetion i should use.. Some say a dataset,, some say a datareader,,

    Can someone please send me a url (and i have read alot of googles ones already) or of a way to implement this and different options that i can use..

    Here is the 'Duwamish7 example from the sdks,,,, i am just lost when i think of how i should do this without the dataset.. What other kind of store can i use and how can i implement this..

    sos here

    Please here,


    Option Strict On
    Option Explicit On

    Imports System
    Imports System.Data
    Imports System.Runtime.Serialization

    ' Namespace: Duwamish7.Common.Data
    ' Class: BookData
    ' Description:
    ' A custom serializable dataset containing book information.
    <System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategory("Code"), SerializableAttribute()> Public Class BookData
    Inherits DataSet
    ' Books table constants
    Public Const BOOKS_TABLE As String = "Books"
    Public Const PKID_FIELD As String = "PKId"
    Public Const TYPE_ID_FIELD As String = "TypeId"
    Public Const PUBLISHER_ID_FIELD As String = "PublisherId"
    Public Const PUBLICATION_YEAR_FIELD As String = "PublicationYear"
    Public Const ISBN_FIELD As String = "ISBN"
    Public Const IMAGE_FILE_SPEC_FIELD As String = "ImageFileSpec"
    Public Const TITLE_FIELD As String = "Title"
    Public Const DESCRIPTION_FIELD As String = "Description"
    Public Const UNIT_PRICE_FIELD As String = "UnitPrice"
    Public Const UNIT_COST_FIELD As String = "UnitCost"
    Public Const ITEM_TYPE_FIELD As String = "ItemType"
    Public Const PUBLISHER_NAME_FIELD As String = "PublisherName"
    Public Const AUTHORS_FIELD As String = "Authors"

    ' Search Type Enum
    ' Each item is currently ordered and valued to match the layout in
    ' advsrch.cls changing these values will cause problems with
    ' functionality in the advsrch class.

    <SerializableAttribute()> Public Enum SearchTypeEnum
    Title = 0
    ISBN = 1
    Author = 2
    Subject = 3
    ID = 4
    IdList = 5
    End Enum

    ' Sub New:
    ' Constructor to support serialization.

    Private Sub New(ByVal info As SerializationInfo, ByVal context As StreamingContext)
    MyBase.New(info, context)
    End Sub

    ' Sub New:
    ' Initialize a BookData instance by building the table schema.
    Public Sub New()
    ' Create the tables in the dataset
    End Sub

    ' Sub BuildDataTables:
    ' Creates the following datatables: Books
    Private Sub BuildDataTables()
    ' Create the Books table
    Dim table As DataTable = New DataTable(BOOKS_TABLE)

    With table.Columns
    .Add(PKID_FIELD, GetType(System.Int32))
    .Add(TYPE_ID_FIELD, GetType(System.Int32))
    .Add(PUBLISHER_ID_FIELD, GetType(System.Int32))
    .Add(PUBLICATION_YEAR_FIELD, GetType(System.Int16))
    .Add(ISBN_FIELD, GetType(System.String))
    .Add(IMAGE_FILE_SPEC_FIELD, GetType(System.String))
    .Add(TITLE_FIELD, GetType(System.String))
    .Add(DESCRIPTION_FIELD, GetType(System.String))
    .Add(UNIT_PRICE_FIELD, GetType(System.Decimal))
    .Add(UNIT_COST_FIELD, GetType(System.Decimal))
    .Add(ITEM_TYPE_FIELD, GetType(System.String))
    .Add(PUBLISHER_NAME_FIELD, GetType(System.String))
    ' [Authors] is an optional column that will get added dynamically to the table schema
    ' when the stored proc. GetBookById is used to fill the 'Books' table
    End With

    End Sub

    End Class 'BookData

    End Namespace 'Duwamish7.Common.Data

  2. #2
    Addicted Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: Data Tier help

    i suggest the dataset as the general method of communication between layers and in particular a strongly-typed one. Perhaps a datatable when the contents being returned isn't to complex or has no meaningful relationships i.e. GUI widgets like combo boxes etc.

    there are tools out there that will go a fair way in creating a datalayer for you (Object/Relational mappers) - - have a tinker with that


    also you might want to check out the Microsoft Data Access Application Block -
    Last edited by powdir; Sep 22nd, 2005 at 06:31 AM.

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