I started this thread in the C++ section, because any help would be more relevant in the context of C++.
(Keep in mind I am only moderately comfortable in GDI Api calls and that is what I will be using despite your opinions positively or negatively)

The Idea (and yes I realize there is nothing new about it and its been done, but nonetheless)
A Game that when started captures your screen, then opens a window with a smaller version of your screen. You are a shotgun on the screen, you can move your gun wherever you want in the confines of the window and fire the gun which will dispense a round from the ejection port (or whatever you call it) and then a black hole with a bunch of little holes will appear on the screen where you fired.

The Build
Program Load
Captures screen as bitmap in memory
Main window loaded
Screen capture drawn to reduced size on main window(unsure how to do this yet)
Draw the initial image of the shotgun on the center of the main window.
When the shotgun moves, redraw screen capture, then redraw shotgun in new xy position.
When shotgun fires draw blast image over screen capture relevant to the shotguns xy.
When shotgun fires display gun recoil, draw a timed series of images showing gun in various stage of recoil (is this how it should be done?)

Basically I am looking help on the items I put notes in (), and ideas on how people would do it. Remember I am using GDI, not DirectX or OpenGL.

Thanks thanks thanks!!!