
Type: Posts; User: Mudcake

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  1. MsOf10 Re: [EXCEL] Compare two sheets and delete unique entrees.


    I tested your code out and it works perfectly. Thank you so much! :thumb:
  2. MsOf10 Re: [EXCEL] Compare two sheets and delete unique entrees.

    Awesome! Thank you so much, Zvoni! I'll give it a test once I get to work on Monday morning. It definitely looks a lot cleaner than my code. :)
  3. MsOf10 Re: [EXCEL] Compare two sheets and delete unique entrees.

    Oooh! Clever!!! =D
  4. MsOf10 Re: [EXCEL] Compare two sheets and delete unique entrees.

    Thanks, Zvoni. I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious here, but I don't get why the outer loop has to run backwards. >_<
  5. MsOf10 Re: [EXCEL] Compare two sheets and delete unique entrees.

    Ack! You're right, Zvoni! I am confuzzling myself... @_@

    I should have said "S001-ABCD-00003". It exists in FE1, but not in CH2. So it would need to be deleted from FE1. CH2 is the master list....
  6. MsOf10 Re: [EXCEL] Compare two sheets and delete unique entrees.

    Thank you looking into my problem, vbfbryce. It is the whole string.

    As an example, "S001-ABCD-00004" appears in CH2, but not in FE1. Therefore, the entire row in FE1 that has "S001-ABCD-00004" in...
  7. MsOf10 [RESOLVED] [EXCEL] Compare two sheets and delete unique entrees.

    Hi guys,

    I'm writing a VBA script and have run into an issue that has me stumped.

    I have two sheets of data. One called "CH2" has a list of names in the first column in the following format:...
  8. Replies

    VS 2010 Re: TabControl Focus issue


    Perhaps I'll just leave it alone then. I was just thinking if there was an easy way to solve it, I would, so I don't get calls from users saying "I can't enter stuff into the textbox!"
  9. Replies

    VS 2010 TabControl Focus issue

    Hi guys,

    I currently have a subroutine that switches focus to a textbox when TabPage2 is selected. This works fine.

    Private Sub TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal...
  10. Replies

    VS 2010 Re: Code for Exit Button

    Thank you, ikdekker, ident, and ForumAccount for your replies.

    I attempted all three solutions but ForumAccount, your solution was the most elegant of the lot, and it works perfectly! I feel so...
  11. Replies

    VS 2010 [RESOLVED] Code for Exit Button

    Hi guys,

    I have an exit script working for the [X] button on the top right corner of the screen:

    Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As...
  12. VS 2010 Re: Writing multiline richtextbox to text file

    jmcilhinney, I just implemented your suggested filestream method and it works great! Thank you! :)

    Thank you too for the quick lesson on formatting RichTextBoxes. Much appreciated! I've decide to...
  13. VS 2010 Re: Writing multiline richtextbox to text file

    Hi, jmcilhinney. I originally used a RichTextBox box because I wanted to do some formatting in the textbox (bold and underline). However, I couldn't figure out how to bold/underline certain words in...
  14. VS 2010 Re: Writing multiline richtextbox to text file

    HI MattP,

    That works, but overwrites everything else in the file. I would like to append to file, not overwrite.
  15. VS 2010 Re: Writing multiline richtextbox to text file

    Thank you, Paul. However, the text then gets saved looking like this:

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}}
  16. VS 2010 [RESOLVED] Writing multiline richtextbox to text file

    Hi guys.

    I have a richtextbox with multiple lines of data that I'd like to write to a text file.

    I tried HdrFile.WriteLine(TextBox1.Text) but that simply writes everything in the box into the...
  17. VS 2010 Re: Getting only Time from datetimepicker

    Thank you for the reply, make me rain. That is definitely way neater than my method, but it still doesn't display am/pm.

    Edit: I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but I just tried...
  18. VS 2010 [RESOLVED] Getting only Time from datetimepicker

    Hi guys,

    I'm having a little problem trying to figure out how to get only the time from a datetimepicker.

    I've set up a datetimepicker to only allow user selection of time by setting Format to...
  19. VS 2010 Re: Creating Patient Event Logger for a Hospital NICU

    I am posting here the complete code for my program (though I cut out most of the huge list of different event types to reduce clutter), in hopes that it might be useful in some way to other newbies...
  20. VS 2010 Re: Creating Patient Event Logger for a Hospital NICU

    Wild Bill, for accuracy reasons, I would prefer to use the keydown rather than keyup, but thank you for that suggestion.

    OhGreen, I ultimately went with a variation of your method. Your code was...
  21. Replies

    VS 2010 Re: How to Ask user for new filename?

    Ok, I figured out a way to read and use a user-defined filename.

    If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists("C:\Eventuality\") = False Then
  22. VS 2010 Re: Creating Patient Event Logger for a Hospital NICU

    Thanks for the explanation and the sample code, OhGreen!
  23. Replies

    VS 2010 Re: How to Ask user for new filename?

    Hi Sitten Spynne. Thank you for the assistance. After reading through your very helpful reply, I agree that SaveFileDialog is the way to go. The reason I had originally thought of using a static...
  24. VS 2010 Re: Creating Patient Event Logger for a Hospital NICU

    Thank you, Wild Bill. That's perfect!
  25. VS 2010 Re: Creating Patient Event Logger for a Hospital NICU

    OhGreen, the trigger for the event should be on keydown. I tried changing KeyDown to KeyPress (I'm not sure if that is the right approach), but I got errors.
  26. VS 2010 Re: Creating Patient Event Logger for a Hospital NICU

    Thank you, Wild Bill. However, using that causes seconds to be displayed to 7 decimal places. Is there any way to prevent that? I just want seconds displayed as whole numbers.
  27. Replies

    VS 2010 [RESOLVED] How to Ask user for new filename?

    Hi guys,

    I am currenrtly using the following two lines to create a blank text file.

    Dim EventFile As System.IO.StreamWriter
    EventFile =...
  28. VS 2010 Re: Creating Patient Event Logger for a Hospital NICU

    Thanks, OhGreen. Thing is, I am looking to display elapsed time, rather than time of day. But I managed to figure out how to do that thanks to online tutorials. The last time I coded a program from...
  29. VS 2010 Re: Creating Patient Event Logger for a Hospital NICU

    Grimfort, we will be using an external keyboard connected to a laptop. Each key on the keyboard will be labelled with the appropriate event type. For timing accuracy reasons (and timing is important...
  30. VS 2010 Re: Creating Patient Event Logger for a Hospital NICU

    Hi, Yo Mismo. I am not looking for someone to create the program for me. I am looking for info on where I can obtain resources to learn how to code this. I think it's important that I code it myself...
  31. VS 2010 [RESOLVED] Creating Patient Event Logger for a Hospital NICU

    Hi guys! I'm new here and this is my first post. :o

    I am currently working on a way to create a keystroke logger program of sorts, to be used in a hospital neonatal intensive care unit. It will be...
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